I'd love to start my own adventuring hesit club, but I just don't have access to grappling hooks or rope ...
#silentflickersunday #lesvampyres
Will H. Hays is not amused by mass-druggings, and provocative, form-fitting catsuits ...
#silentflickersunday #lesvampyres
@analgesicsleep Really spectacular proto-noir! Wish the inspiration didn't come about the way it did, but really glad you selected them in any case! 😁👍📼
#silentflickersunday #lesvampyres
Violent shenanigans by a rogue's gallery of shady folks after a heist taking place a warehouse / garage ... now I see where Tarantino gets it ...
#silentflickersunday #lesvampyres #reservoirdogs
Know they played it rather recently, but crossing my fingers that the TCM Imports and Silent Sunday Nights folks can collaborate on a Les Vampyres / Irma Vep double-feature feature one of these days ...
#silentflickersunday #lesvampyres #irmavep #TCMParty
Starting to get quite the Musidora inventory from these Silent Flicker Sunday screenings! Here's the previously-drawn art pieces I’ve drawn inspired by Les Vampyres!
#silentflickersunday #lesvampyres #art
Here's some new Musidora fan art in celebration of this Silent Flicker Sunday presentation of episode 5 of Les Vampyres!
#silentflickersunday #lesvampyres #art
@analgesicsleep These 20s adventure thriller films really know how to deliver with a secret room too!
#silentflickersunday #lesvampyres
The Les Vampyres group are definitely my preferred archetype for a cinematic crimanal crew! I mean the Rat Pack folks listening to jazz and swirling martinis and talking breaking into vaults is great and all, but they're so polished. Nice to see some scrappers in page boy caps and catsuits pulling themselves up by their bootstraps!
#silentflickersunday #lesvampyres
While there are some obvious Film Noir thematic overlaps and archetypes in the Les Vampyes series, all of these gentlemen are wearing bowler caps and not fedoras; not a noir!
#silentflickersunday #lesvampyres
When one types "Les Vampyres" into Google, one of the first "People Also Aked" questions is "Is Irma Vep based on a true story?", which I find mild depressing, but not as depressing as typing in Oppenheimer and seeing "Is 'Oppenheimer' a sequel to 'Tenet'?"
#silentflickersunday #lesvampyres
Drew another new portrait of the spectacular Musidora for Silent Flicker Sunday's presentation of Episode 4 of Les Vampyres!
#silentflickersunday #lesvampyres
@analgesicsleep YES!!! It's like the Warriors gang I always wanted to exist!
#silentflickersunday #lesvampyres
Look folks, I've seen The Ring, and going down a well is never the answer ,..
#silentflickersunday #lesvampyres #thering
@analgesicsleep 🤣 The existence of French Keystone Cops now has me wondering if there was a French Little Tramp running around Paris in the 20s!
#silentflickersunday #lesvampyres #charliechaplin
Irma Vep was into the Paris Parkour scene long before it was cool ...
#silentflickersunday #lesvampyres
I was going to say, "I wonder how Mike Hammer would handle this mystery?" but we all know the answer is punch people in the face and continue doing so until the mystery is somehow solved ...
#silentflickersunday #lesvampyres
@analgesicsleep 🤣 The stapler must be avenged!
#silentflickersunday #lesvampyres #officespace
They should really get Inspector Clouseau on this case, imho ...
#silentflickersunday #lesvampyres
Shots of newspaper articles has to be my favorite for of silent film exposition. Now days, you have to get fictional expositionsry news broadcasts from actual journalists from whatever cable news company is owned by the parent company, and it's a huge hassle ...
#silentflickersunday #lesvampyres