Το κερασάκι στην τούρτα των υποψηφιοτήτων Μουτζούρη, ο φιλοναζί (πλεονασμός) μπάτσος Παναγιώτης Φίκιας (σχετικά, από το αρχείο https://twitter.com/_Wiesenthal_S_/status/1265922088914817025)
#lesvos #Antifa #AntinaziGr
Isola di Lesbo, Grecia. Intervista all’ong Europe Cares https://www.meltingpot.org/2023/07/isola-di-lesbo-grecia-intervista-allong-europe-cares/ #Solidarietàeattivismo #Confiniefrontiere #SpecialeHotspot #IsoladiLesvos #Accoglienza #Interviste #IsoleEgee #MarEgeo #Grecia #Lesvos
#Solidarietàeattivismo #Confiniefrontiere #specialehotspot #isoladilesvos #accoglienza #interviste #isoleegee #maregeo #grecia #lesvos
#Refugeesgr #lesvos #heatwave
This deliberate abuse is part of the EUs plan to eliminate the "pull" factor.
What it actually amounts to is torture.
#Lesvos #Antifa #AntinaziGr
Γενοκτονικό μίσος για τους Ρομά, σε κάθε ευκαιρία
#Lesvos #Antifa #AntinaziGr
Η Περιφερ. Παράταξη Μουτζούρη "ΑΛΜΑ ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗΣ ΣΤΟ Β. ΑΙΓΑΙΟ" ανακοίνωσε τους πρώτους 20 υποψηφίους της στην Π.Ε Λέσβου για τις Περιφερ. Εκλογές του Οκτ. 2023.
Ακολουθεί thread
* Μελετήστε καλά τα σκρίνσοτ, λένε πολύ περισσότερα από όσα μπορώ να γράψω.
#antireport #Lesvos #refugeesgr #Πυλος_εγκλημα
Αντιφασιστικός Συντονισμός Λέσβου:
Παρασκευή στις 19:00 στο Πάρκο Χατζηδήμου
Συζήτηση σχετικά με το ναυάγιο στη Πύλο
Ανοιχτή Συνέλευση Ενάντια στη Συνοριακή Βία
Friday at 19:00 at Chatzidimou Park
Discussion about the Pylos shipwreck
Open Assembly against border violence
#πυλος_εγκλημα #refugeesgr #lesvos #antireport
The Kara Tepe #Camp on #Lesvos in May 2023
This #video was made by the #anarchofeminist #women’s #collective #WISH on Lesvos about the situation and women’s struggles in the #KaraTepe #refugee camp.
#camp #lesvos #Video #anarchofeminist #women #collective #wish #KaraTepe #refugee
dringende Hörempfehlung:
Who profits from brutal and murderous #pushbacks ?
podcast in english. a cooperation of radio helsinki in Graz and Radio Mytilini in #Lesvos
#pushbacks #lesvos #frontex #europe #noborders
This system isn't new by the way. Even before the so called fast border procedures on #Greek #islands, which left us with those well known terrible pictures from #Moria on #Lesvos, the #EU was experimenting with handling migration externally.
During the war in #Libya, #UNHCR and others built a #camp in the #Tunisian dessert called #Choucha, where people fleeing #Libya were intercepted.
#choucha #tunisian #camp #unhcr #libya #eu #lesvos #moria #islands #greek
Übernommen von Facebook: @DoroBlacke https://www.facebook.com/100003626732818/videos/1250226079132170/
Humanitäre Notsituation
Asylberechtigte, mit u. ohne Dokumente, alle negativ Beschieden - kein Essen.
Jetzt müssen wir handeln, wir kaufen bereits ein - Lebensmittelverteilung
Bitte dringend um Unterstützung
Refugee assistance
AT93 3842 0000 0002 7516
Plz. share ♥️
humanitarian emergency
Those entitled to asylum, with and without documents, all negatively decided - no food.
Now we have to act, we are already shopping - food distribution
Please urgently for support
refugee assistance
AT93 3842 0000 0002 7516
Plz share ♥️
Franziska Grillmeier "Die Insel", ein Bericht vom Ausnahmezustand an den Rändern Europas.
Eine #rezension
@chbeckliteratur #franziskagrillmeier #flucht #vertreibung #lesbos #lesvos #europa #menschenrechte
#menschenrechte #europa #lesvos #lesbos #vertreibung #flucht #franziskagrillmeier #rezension
Übernommen von FB
#Lesbos - Menschenrecht ade
3 Tage vor der Wahl
nochmal weiter nach Rechts. #Griechenland
Ein weiterer Schritt nach unten - man dachte es geht nicht mehr tiefer
Keine Essensausgabe im RIC Camp Mavrovouni/Lesbos an alle mit Asyl und Pass, an alle mit Asyl aber noch ohne Dokumente und an alle mit negativem Bescheid. Familien, Alleinreisende, Singlemütter, alle betroffen.
Man weiß zwar nicht was mit all ihnen machen.
Also wieder ein ein Beitrag zur Sekundärmigration, denn was sollen die Leute denn tun, ohne Unterkunft, ohne Essen, ohne Hilfe.
Intetessant dabei - zuständiger griechischer Minister und das Campmanagent setzen dann auf NGOs. Man behandelt hier NGOs wie den letzten Dreck und setzt dann doch darauf, dass wir alle die Leute vom verhungern bewahren.
Asylsuchende bekommen kein Geld und kein Essen! ein Skandal!
und man setzt auf Sekundärmigration, sprich, dass alle die Asyl haben schnell das Land verlassen.
was mit den Negativ Beschiedenen passiert ist unklar, sie können ja nicht weg von der Insel.
#Lesvos - Human Rights good by
Hilfe -> Flüchtlingshilfe-Doro Blancke
Kontonummer: AT93 3842 0000 0002 7516
Kontoinhaberin: Flüchtlingshilfe/refugee assistance - Doro Blancke
Mit Paypal
Paypal: paypal.me/helfedorohelfen
#Lesvos #Antifa #AntinaziGr
Γίνομαι κουραστικός, αλλά ΕΠΑΜ=φασίστες.
Εδώ υποψήφια με το ΕΠΑΜ σε φωτογραφίες με παρέα από τις ίδιες γνωστές μαζορέτες του Κλασιδιάρη στο σταυρό του Απελλή, σε αντιεμβολιαστική μάζωξη κτλ.
This is pretty serious stuff
The repression of the Greek Government and lacking support by EU-Governments leave us no choice. Human rights are systematically violated at the EU-borders. It cannot go on like this.
After five years of operation in the #Aegean, we have decided with a heavy heart to withdraw from #lesvos end our human rights monitoring as Mare Liberum, and dissolve the association.
#aegean #lesvos #eu #refugees #greece #farright
What is happening today in the refugee structures on the #Aegean islands
These are #EU funded "structures"
#Lesvos #Samos #Chios #Kos #Leros
all along the #border
#refugeeswelcome #politics #EU #europe #refugees #migration #sociology #humanrights
#aegean #eu #lesvos #samos #chios #kos #leros #border #refugeeswelcome #politics #europe #refugees #migration #sociology #humanrights
(@rspaegean) RT by @ProAsyl: #Thread on the situation in the Closed Controlled Access Centres (CCAC) on the five Eastern Aegean islands #Lesvos #Chios #Samos #Kos #Leros
1/17 “One day spends like a year”
Sabira* from Afghanistan, living with her husband and two children in Lesvos CCAC
#RefugeesGr http://bird.trom.tf/rspaegean/status/1653713402999582720#m
#thread #lesvos #chios #samos #kos #leros #refugeesgr
The hope project is very happy to welcome back hope project Poland for the weekend.
Philippa went with Adam and Zuzanna to buy the items we were desperately short of.
3 hours of shopping, 7 trollies packed with underwear, sun hats, sanitary towels, flip-flops, socks, t-shirts, and so much more!!!!
We would like to thank the people who made this possible, hope project Poland and Kjesti Ebbing and her fund raiser.
This support is sooooo needed at the moment.
With the world's media focus elsewhere, we are struggling to keep going. Without your support, we can not continue our work.
With so few groups left here and increasing arrivals, we are under more pressure than ever before.
Together, we are stronger!
#hope #hopeproject #thehopeproject #hopeprojectpoland #hopeprojectgreece #refugees #refugee #notjusthope #refugeeslesvos #refugeesgreece #greece #lesvos #jumbo #donations #aid #refugeeaid #refugeedonations #refugeeclothes #refugeecharity #refugee
#hope #hopeproject #thehopeproject #hopeprojectpoland #hopeprojectgreece #refugees #refugee #notjusthope #refugeeslesvos #refugeesgreece #greece #lesvos #jumbo #donations #aid #RefugeeAid #refugeedonations #refugeeclothes #refugeecharity
Saturday Eric and Philippa took some of our lovely artists for a day out to celebrate Eid Ul-Fitr.
The girls went shopping to buy eid gifts for all the members of the hope project.
We then went to the beach where the girls collected shells and got to see the beauty of Lesvos. It was the first time they had been out for a trip and seen the island
Later a small boat trip and lunch at a local restaurant.
It was such a fun day and a pleasure for the hope project to be able to do what it's best at.
Bring hope ❤️
Thank you for everyone who has made this possible.
Donation Information:
Bank account:
GB03 LOYD 3096 2677 7094 60
Sort code. 30-96-26
Account no: 77709460
Donation page: https://hope-project.raisely.com
Amazon wish list: https://www.amazon.de/hz/wishlist/ls/10V1IUQVRNJQ2?ref_=wl_share)
#notjusthope #eid #eidelfitr #hopeproject #greece #thehopeproject #lesvos #refugee #refugees #refugeecharity #refugeecharities #shopping #dayout #daysout #hope
#notjusthope #eid #eidelfitr #hopeproject #greece #thehopeproject #lesvos #refugee #refugees #refugeecharity #refugeecharities #shopping #DayOut #daysout #hope
RT @lnob2020
"Closed Controlled Structure" so lautet die offizielle Bezeichnung des neuen Camps auf #lesvos. Ein Ort, der dafür geschaffen wird, Menschen verschwinden zu lassen: