Ed · @arcticEdge
188 followers · 182 posts · Server dice.camp

This last Saturday was a painting day at the local Crusade meet. In between painting Warp Talons with their obnoxiously ornate Chaos armor trim, I decided to knock out a quick template piece for my Cultists. (Since I have so many and will need to start on them sooner than later!)

#paintingminiatures #paintingWarhammer #warhammer #warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #warhamFam #hereticAstartes #WordBearers #letTheGalaxyBurn

Last updated 2 years ago

Ed · @arcticEdge
188 followers · 182 posts · Server dice.camp

Mago Corvus, master of the "13th Hour" warband of Word Bearers.

The Master of Possession model has been one of my favorites across the entire 40k line since his release, and painting him was an absolute blast. With my Word Bearers being heavily focused on the daemonic nature of chaos, it seemed only fitting that he be the ringleader of my warband!

#warhammer #warhammer40k #warhamFam #paintingminiatures #miniatures #warhammercommunity #WordBearers #hereticAstartes #letTheGalaxyBurn

Last updated 2 years ago