@BryanLastRedDrop LOLOL Highly overrated... I think I've acclimated to MA a little too well. I used to HATE the cold! And now... #LetItSnow ☃️
Frozen 2 binge night, Olaf on repeat! #WinterVibes #LetItSnow #BitBook
#wintervibes #letitsnow #bitbook
Sori vaan, mutta mää kyllä vähän tykkään tästä lumipyrystä. 😜 Ehkä viimeinen valkoinen puuterimonsteri piiitkään aikaan.
Takatalvihan tää ei oo, kun kevät ei ole edes alkanut vielä, joten niihinkin tunnelmiin päästään kyllä.
Siis takatalvitunnelmiin. Siihen kun kevätkukkien ja silmujen päälle tupsuttaa kunnon lumikerroksen.
Well that was fun. We had 12-15" (depending where you measure) of very wet, heavy snow today. Thank goodness my snowblower held up. Thankful for a generous neighbor who did a first pass down the length of the driveway with his plow, Annoyed to find that a town plow took out my mailbox; calls to be made tomorrow. A least the dog had fun prancing around. Glad that most of the snow melted off the trees before winds pick up later tonight. I'm ready for spring. #LetItSnow #Gratitude
This was maybe an hour after the snowplow had completely cleared my driveway.
Yippee-kay-yay, motherfucker.
#letitsnow #letitsnow #letitsnow
Yippee Ki Yay, motherfucker.
@darren and now we're looking at yet another major #winter storm later this week. Bring it on! #snow #Minnesota #Minneapolis #MNastodon #StPaul #TwinCities #letitsnow I guess our drought is over?
#winter #snow #minnesota #minneapolis #mnastodon #stpaul #twincities #letitsnow
I'm in that cross-country skiier limbo where the snow is amazing but I don't know if any of the ski places have plowed the parking lot or groomed the trail yet. #letitsnow
I'm in that cross-country skiier limbo where the snow is amazing but I don't know if any of the ski places have plowed the parking lot or groomed the trail yet. #letitsnow
Made this the other day, after seeing a friend post a “Hello March” meme featuring a sunny field full of daffodils. Photo taken out my living room window last week. 😆
#alaska #springtime #letitsnow #springmemes
It's very windy too. The kind of blowing snow, that hits you right in the glasses and sticks..
I expect closures.. Plow hasn't returned since midnight.. It's as far behind as I am.
If you've no place to go? ♪
#LetItSnow Let it snow, let it snow ♪ (somewhere else)
I'm giving this storm bad reviews.
#NSStorm #NovaScotia #WX
#letitsnow #nsstorm #novascotia #wx
#winter is about to return to #Minnesota. After a magnificent weekend of sunny skies and temps 35-40, above normal for us, we're anticipating #snowmaggedon of 12+ inches this week. Up to 2 feet in some places. #letitsnow
#winter #minnesota #snowmaggedon #letitsnow
RT @Ventana_WS
Condors Traveler (171) and untagged mystery chick enjoy a rare snow day up at the Big Sur Sanctuary in central California!
#letitsnow #endangeredspecies #BigSur #California
#california #bigsur #endangeredspecies #letitsnow
The ORIGINAL Fireplace Video Loop?
The Weather Outside Is Frightful
But This FIRESCREEN Is So Delightful
#LetItSnow #LetItSnow #LetItSnow
#NewberryLibrary (Wing folio ZP 647 .K91) #meta #brazier
#WhenInDoubt #MoreMonkeys
#sincewevenoplacetogo #letitsnow #NewberryLibrary #meta #brazier #whenindoubt #moremonkeys
Thousands of students are heading back to Oxford today. What better time for snow? #miamioh #loveandhonor #letitsnow
#miamioh #loveandhonor #letitsnow
Winter is coming
#letitsnow #schnee #snow #mannheim #schönau #68307 #winteriscoming
#letitsnow #Schnee #snow #mannheim #schonau #winteriscoming
Mit dem Schäferhund durch die Schneelandschaft zu laufen und dabei #StarWars-Musik zu hören, gibt einem schon Hoth-Feelings.
#starwars #hoth #eisplanet #letitsnow #winterwunderland
Excited to be here! Just getting everything set up but, in the mean time, please check out https://mountains.social/@BreckenridgePowderAlerts! #LetItSnow
RT @FolkFrontUA
🎵Андрій Галин – Зима в Україні (Українська версія #Letitsnow) #піснівійни
Koud maar fijn! #photography #letitsnow #humannature
#humannature #letitsnow #Photography