After a game of #MagetheAscension20thAnniversary set in the #GlastonburyFestival, I'll run #wraiththeoblivion20thanniversary set in the #EdinburghFestivalFringe. That will be my very 1st time running (and for that matter, "playing") #WraiththeOblivion after discovering this game way back in 1994. Needless to say I'm excited! #ttrpg #rpg @TheOnyxPath @roll20app #WhiteWolf #LETOGames #WorldofDarkness #jdr
#jdr #WorldofDarkness #letogames #Whitewolf #rpg #ttrpg #wraiththeoblivion #edinburghfestivalfringe #wraiththeoblivion20thanniversary #glastonburyfestival #magetheascension20thanniversary
After a game of #MagetheAscension20thAnniversary set in the #GlastonburyFestival, I'll run #wraiththeoblivion20thanniversary set in the #EdinburghFestivalFringe. That will be my very 1st time running (and for that matter, "playing") #WraiththeOblivion after discovering this game way back in 1994. Needless to say I'm excited! #ttrpg #rpg @TheOnyxPath @roll20app #WhiteWolf #LETOGames #WorldofDarkness #jdr
#magetheascension20thanniversary #glastonburyfestival #wraiththeoblivion20thanniversary #edinburghfestivalfringe #wraiththeoblivion #ttrpg #rpg #whitewolf #letogames #worldofdarkness #jdr