is a #Mastodon #community focused on #tech (any vintage!). We #welcome #technologists, #coders, #engineers, #gadget lovers, self professed “#geeks” & anyone with an interest and love of tech.
#home #welcome #spreadtheword #tellyourfriends #nicepeople #introduction #pleaseboost #spreadtheword #builders #community #happy to #have #you #letsdothis #safespace
Also our #greatdanes - because #dogtax and #cattax is a something I also believe in!
#friday #boost #mastodon #community #tech #welcome #technologists #coders #engineers #gadget #geeks #home #spreadtheword #tellyourfriends #nicepeople #introduction #pleaseboost #builders #happy #have #you #letsdothis #safespace #greatdanes #dogtax #cattax
@techsinger ok, sounds doable - I’m currently UTC+10. I’ve done a lot of phone support in the past where I’m saying what is or should be on screen. I’ve done a lot of remote screen control work. I’m tech savvy. I’m used to talking to all levels of tech ability and describing screen elements. I reckon we’ll be a good match. I’m baching it this weekend. I’ll DM suggested times. #LetsDoThis
I said you wanna be starting something
You got to be starting something 🎵
#saturdaymorningtunes #essjaxmusicshares #letsdothis
Breakfast of champions (aka how I bribed myself out of bed today) is: yogurt with rolled oats, blueberries, and honey, a cafecito, and a toasted marshmallow mocha. #LetsDoThis #food #coffee
Amazing day in Stockholm today. And very productive. Couldn't be more excited 😊.
Nothing bests helping great people develop products and businesses that help people be better of.
#startup #impact #helpingentrepreneurssucceed #letsdothis
Happy Dienstag, Leute! 😃💪 Zeit, die Woche in Gang zu bringen und alles zu rocken, was kommt! 🚀💥 #DienstagMotivation #LetsDoThis #Positivity #Smile #WeekdayVibes
#dienstagmotivation #letsdothis #positivity #smile #weekdayvibes
Wake up and Shine! It's already Wednesday - what have you accomplished so far this week? Time is getting away from me, but I've been very productive so far! #LetsDoThis #Create #Produce #WomenInBiz #SmallBusiness #FediGiftShop
Check us out:
#letsdothis #create #produce #womeninbiz #smallbusiness #fedigiftshop
There's a long day of watching, shouting, nail biting, even some praying, and maybe, just maybe mind, a bit of drinking to settle the nerves ahead...time to get the #gameface on.
#Gameface #letsdothis #ireveng #guinnesssixnations #ShoulderToShoulder
It’s #workout number 2 for me today and I’m dying. 😅 Deadlifts and other lower body things. This morning was squats and accessory stuff. So far, so good, though. I have the tunes to keep me at it! 😎💪🏼
#weightlifting #deadlift #StrengthTraining #LetsDoThis
#workout #weightlifting #deadlift #strengthtraining #letsdothis
RT @bethtabler
I just want to give a huge congrats to the team of BWGB! We had 50,000 visits to the site for February!
Thank you for sharing your love of reading with us! #kickass #Reading #books #letsdothis
#letsdothis #books #reading #kickass
I just want to give a huge congrats to the team of BWGB! We had 50,000 visits to the site for February!
Thank you for sharing your love of reading with us! #kickass #Reading #books #letsdothis
#letsdothis #books #reading #kickass
31 days until I return to the world of contacting - the 'employee life' isn't for me apparently. Challenge Accepted..! #career #newstart #letsdothis
It’s #workout time, internet friends! 💪🏼 Any other peeps sweating today want to share your set list? 🤗
#workout #letsdothis #weightlifting #strengthtraining #upperbody
Can your restaurant become even more sustainable? 🌱 Put #sustainability on the menu and you can visibly demonstrate your engagement for a #food future that respects the #planet! We provide you with some tips to start your sustainable journey 👇 #METROsustainable #LetsDoThis /vd
All tips here ➡
#sustainability #food #planet #metrosustainable #letsdothis
METRO grows by 5% in Q1 2022/23 and continues growth trend despite cyber attack through consistent implementation of its #sCore growth strategy 💪 Find all figures in detail here #METROinFigures #WholesaleToTheMax #LetsDoThis /vd
#score #metroinfigures #wholesaletothemax #letsdothis
I have just finished the 3rd draft of #DiscordsNightmare and I added 12,490 words to it this time around. 😱 Now, I just have to read it aloud to my manager over the next week, before I send it off to my editor. #Goals #AuthorLife #ThankYouNext #Letsdothis
#discordsnightmare #goals #authorlife #thankyounext #letsdothis
Throw me to the wolves, and I’ll return covered in cum. #MondayMusings #WalmartLife #LindaPosting #Monday #work #MyBodyIsReady #MyMindIsFullOfAmbien #LetsDoThis
#Mondaymusings #walmartlife #lindaposting #Monday #work #mybodyisready #mymindisfullofambien #letsdothis
@ivory I’ve gone Premium without hesitation. I know @paul will do us well! 🐘💨👍 #letsdothis