Geek Alabama Gaming: I Made The World Better By Ruining Everyone’s Lives Over And Over – WorldBox
Welcome to the Geek Alabama Gaming segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Geek Alabama Gamin
#GamingTalkStuff #Games #gaming #GeekAlabamaGaming #IMadeTheWorldBetterByRuiningEveryonesLivesOverAndOver #LetsGameItOut #PlayingGames #VideoGames #WorldBox #YouTube
#gamingtalkstuff #games #gaming #geekalabamagaming #imadetheworldbetterbyruiningeveryoneslivesoverandover #letsgameitout #playinggames #videogames #worldbox #youtube
It's wrong of me to want a #LetsGameItOut of #ArkNova, right? Like, it's not even a video game. But it's a zoo. How wrong can things go in a cardboard zoo, Josh? I need to know.
Reminder that #LetsGameItOut is great for testing your game's frame rates but is a terrible metric for assuming how patient the average player is.
Since #youtube is my daily distraction method I am always looking for more creators to watch, especially non-white creators, as I've noticed YouTube silos you *a lot*.
Any #reccommendations are appreciated - boost so as many as possible can see?
I prefer funny, not-meanspirited stuff that doesn't require too much brain power (I do watch essays too, it just doesn't work as bg noise) - Ppl playing games wrong,
Unusual stuff reviews,
Obscure games,
Game challenges, etc,
even been watching die-cast racing
examples of some of the youtubers I will watch immediately when they upload:
(and many more)
#youtube #reccommendations #supergreatfriend #letsgameitout #callmekevin #nerdecrafter #macdoesit #safianygaard