tamaramilessc · @LitTam
344 followers · 2192 posts · Server mstdn.social

So... I've resisted intermittent fasting for a long time because here are my thoughts:

I hate fasting. I feel weak. My blood sugar bottoms out. I have no energy. I'm miserable.

Etc. Etc.

However, I've seen the science, and I've talked to a doctor. It's time to try it. I'm going to reframe my thoughts as, "During the fasting period, I'm going to take extra good care of my body and mind." May journal here.

#or20 #15pounds #letsgetthatcholesteroldown #BetterHealth #HereWeGo #intermittentfasting

Last updated 2 years ago

tamaramilessc · @LitTam
459 followers · 3408 posts · Server mstdn.social

So... I've resisted intermittent fasting for a long time because here are my thoughts:

I hate fasting. I feel weak. My blood sugar bottoms out. I have no energy. I'm miserable.

Etc. Etc.

However, I've seen the science, and I've talked to a doctor. It's time to try it. I'm going to reframe my thoughts as, "During the fasting period, I'm going to take extra good care of my body and mind." May journal here.

#or20 #15pounds #letsgetthatcholesteroldown #BetterHealth #HereWeGo #intermittentfasting

Last updated 2 years ago