It's pretty wild to see the #OaklandRoots match airing on ESPN2 tonight. 2-1 in #Oakland's favor late in the first half. #Oakland also had a very early goal disallowed for a dubious offside call. :roots: ⚽
#oaklandroots #oakland #letsgooakland #mbvoak #mboak #usl #mastodonfc
Superb pitching, timely hitting, a raucous crowd, and another A’s win to extend their streak.
1989? 2002?
For one amazing evening, it certainly seemed to be. Thank you to the nearly 28,000 who made your voices heard. And, regardless of what happens, thank you OAKLAND A’s.
#letsgooakland #OaklandAs #Athletics #selltheteam
I am so sorry I couldn’t make the #ReverseBoycott last night but so, so proud of the 28,000 A’s fans who showed up on a Tuesday night to remind John Fisher that he’s an asshole with no soul. And also to let the rookies know what it’s like when the Coliseum is rocking. It’s incomparable. I’m so sad to have missed this… but I’m glad it happened. Sell the fucking team you shitbags. #SellTheTeam #FisherOut #FuckVegas #FuckBillionaires #LetsGoOakland #OaklandAs #MLB
#reverseboycott #selltheteam #fisherout #fuckvegas #fuckbillionaires #letsgooakland #OaklandAs #mlb
Hey #SFBA you can stream the #SFGlens #OaklandSoul match on Kron4's website right now, or on the KronOn app on Roku and similar service:
#LetsGoOakland #Oakland #MastodonFC ⚽ :soul:
#sfba #sfglens #oaklandsoul #letsgooakland #oakland #mastodonfc
Cal Storm pulled one back, so it's 3-2 #Oakland with half an hour left. You can see the great sellout crowds at Merritt College that #OaklandSoul have been attracting. I haven't checked the numbers, but I'd bet more people are attending Soul games than A's games these days.
#LetsGoOakland! :soul: ⚽ #MastodonFC
#oakland #oaklandsoul #letsgooakland #mastodonfc
Been here a small while as I slowly pull away from #Birdsite. I used it for various interests, like #FantasyFootball, #F1, following my favorite teams (#LetsGoOakland), some celebs, frequent chuckles, (@effinbirds), industry leaders like @mipsytipsy. And then due to my work (SRE) and following the amazing @sherrod_im and her Threat Research team started following all sorts of infosec folks. The tech people I follow has been invaluable and really hope to find the same here. Have really appreciated the real-time findings of various CVEs and security issues and being able to take those back to work. I coach softball, and craft with Miss 8 going on 16. Thanks for reading!
#birdsite #fantasyfootball #f1 #letsgooakland
Hoping to find more Oakland A's fans least this transition is happening in the offseason. #LetsGoOakland #DrumTogether #RootedInOakland #Oakland68s
#letsgooakland #drumtogether #rootedinoakland #oakland68s
A's still have Sean Murphy ... for now. He's way better than Contreras (he's only played in two actual full seasons is excellent on defense & will end up being a 20hr a yr guy who also has speed (for a catcher) & #hits are doubles! Maybe until the #mlbtradedeadline . I'm happy they're asking for the return they deserve for Murph.
#mlb #oakland #oaklandathletics #OaklandAsSocksGrl #baseball #baseballjen #mlb #hotstove #letsgooakland #seanmurphy #catcher
#hits #mlbtradedeadline #MLB #oakland #oaklandathletics #oaklandassocksgrl #baseball #baseballjen #hotstove #letsgooakland #seanmurphy #catcher
@alamedapeep @k0an A’s fan here! Recently joined Mastodon. Good to find others here! #OaklandAs #letsgooakland
@k0an And to think Joe Lacob is just sitting there waving big stacks of cash at him. Still, some damn fun baseball, (for a while,) and really nice stadium staff. #letsgooakland
Prepping for another night in the coldest place in the east bay.
Dog. Beer. Baseball.
#letsgooakland @ Alameda, California
Been a looooong time since I’ve seen the benches clear at a game. #letsgooakland
Oh right, I forgot to mention that I bought partial season tickets for the Oakland A’s, after an incredibly long absence from baseball.
I blame,, and for this.