Gonna try and add to the #AnimalCrossing noise here as I'm back at it after a 2 year break for #ALevels. My island is called Flambingo and has a fairytale theme. No dream address yet as I'm still building but essentially I've tried to squash as many fairytale/nursery rhyme references into my island as possible. I believe I am close to 50 so far.
Anyway that's my #acnh introduction- I actually first got into #ac with #LetsGoToTheCity and thoroughly enjoyed #NewLeaf. I hope you enjoy my island!
#animalcrossing #alevels #acnh #ac #letsgotothecity #newleaf
A bit late, sorry!
#YouTube #AnimalCrossing #AC #ACWW #ACLGTTC #ACCF #CityFolk #WildWorld #ACNL #ACNH #LetsGoToTheCity #AnimalCrossingCityFolk #AnimalCrossingWildWorld #AnimalCrossingLetsGoToTheCity #AnimalForest #どうぶつの森
#どうぶつの森 #animalforest #animalcrossingletsgotothecity #AnimalCrossingWildWorld #animalcrossingcityfolk #letsgotothecity #ACNH #acnl #wildworld #cityfolk #accf #aclgttc #acww #ac #AnimalCrossing #YouTube
Necesito los tomos 8 a 12 en castellano YA
Cuando tengo un día, una semana o un mes de mierda, este manga siempre consigue que me evada de todo durante un ratito :ablobcatheartsqueeze:
#animalcrossing #manga #wildworld #letsgotothecity #pocketcamp
#animalcrossing #manga #wildworld #letsgotothecity #pocketcamp