#JohnToland, pamphleteer, controversialist, bogeyman of the Irish establishment was born in #Inishowen, #Donegal 30 Nov 1670 #OTD.
Wrote #ChristianityNotMysterious, had to flee Dublin when the book was ordered to be burned and the author sought. Wrote political tracts, inveigled himself into the Hanoverian Court (Sophia was wary, Toland wrote #LettersToSerena for her daughter). Lost his money in #SouthSeaBubble, died in Putney.
Why no biopic? https://dib.ie/biography/toland-john-a8584
#johntoland #Inishowen #Donegal #otd #christianitynotmysterious #letterstoserena #southseabubble #IrishPhilosophyOTD