@Pineywoozle @AbandonedAmerica Oh I agree, and #LettersToVoters sounds brilliant. We had civil/human/equality campaigns here (in Ireland) for #MarRef #Repeal etc. Activists really used Tw well in getting the vote out, it was crucial I believe.
Also, I have 60+ hens, so gimme a break with the sweaters awright!
(Ahm, do you *Have a pattern*?)
#letterstovoters #marref #repeal
@Annela @AbandonedAmerica I don’t want to feed that wolf in me but I feel a great obligation to protect #ChickensInSweaterVests & of course other humans from the raging wolves in other people. Encouraging #lettersToVoters etc was not why I originally joined Twitter, but it became a focus.
#chickensinsweatervests #letterstovoters