Letter Writing, 9-3-23 @ Firestorm 3-5pm
Join Blue Ridge ABC for our monthly political prisoner letter writing event at Firestorm's new spot at 1022 Haywood Road in West Asheville from 3-5pm!
We’ll be writing prisoners with birthdays this month or who could use a kind word from outside. We appreciate folks bringing their own mask as this event is indoors, but Firestorm also has ma
Letter Writing, 9-3-23 @ Firestorm 3-5pm
Join Blue Ridge ABC for our monthly political prisoner letter writing event at Firestorm's new spot at 1022 Haywood Road in West Asheville from 3-5pm!
We’ll be writing prisoners with birthdays this month or who could use a kind word from outside. We appreciate folks bringing their own mask as this event is indoors, but Firestorm also has ma
A game of Writers in the Darkness that I have going with a friend had stalled for a few months as they bought a new house and moved. They are settled and ready to resume so I sent a letter from my character to restart the game. I’m excited to get this going again! Written using a Karas Vertex with a cutlass nib, inked with Sailor Manyo Kakitsubata. #RPG #LetterWriting #FountainPen
#rpg #letterwriting #fountainpen
I updated the letter writing RPGs on my website, something I’ve been negligent in posting for various reasons. If you’re following the mysterious happenings in Pensive Pines you’ve got some new material! #RPG #LetterWriting
I have a box full of vintage book pages and illustrationsi picked up awhile back, they are so fun to use for creating stationary. More letters! I’ve gotten 3 new pen pals this week 😁 #FountainPen #LetterWriting
I do love sending off a letter to a new pen pal 🥰 #FountainPen #LetterWriting
Rodrigo Lanza comprende español y un inglés muy básico. Escríbele:
Rodrigo Lanza
PO Box 33044
Ronda Universitat 23
Barcelona, Spain
#j25antifa #freeallantifas #politicalprisoners #massincarceration #torture #letterwriting #fascism #falange #carceles #prisionerospoliticos #espana #Fascismo #inmigrantes #migracion
From a handwritten letter:
“A friend of mine one suggested that writing letters in the present time was akin to performance art. I think what he meant was not the activity itself but my frequent references and advocacy for giving it a try, though I am not monstrous enough to presume it is for everybody…”
#letters #letterwriting #handwriting #correspondence #conversation
#letters #letterwriting #handwriting #correspondence #conversation
I love the idea, but I'm not particularly organised or good at sending things.
#penpals #snailmail #letterwriting #stationery #stamps
One of my favorite subreddits was the #penpals one. Is there such a discussion here in the Fediverse? Does anyone else want to try more #snailMail #letterWriting and slow communication? I have a growing collection of #stationery and #stamps and want to share it with people!
If you need encouragement, try this (which encouraged me to write this post): https://youtu.be/2Tzq23Ux4Ds
#penpals #snailmail #letterwriting #stationery #stamps
I haven't been here for a long time and I think you need a break sometimes. Instead of social media I enjoy writing letters (even more so lately) and being in direct exchange that way. If the regular mail were cheaper and more reliable, I would like to meet many more people this way, but there have to be limits, of course, so I can focus on my friends... It is so important to take time for each other and to respect everyone.
My #SnailMail #LetterWriting resumes. Look what came to me in the mail today!
I got these beyond magnificent art cards from @inherentlee in the mail this weekend and am sooo ready now to get back into #SnailMail (I even brought out the family snail 🐌). Thank you for the gift of your art in the world! Excited to share with the people I love who are far from me. #LetterWriting #Birds
#snailmail #letterwriting #birds
My #letterwriting extends beyond my pen pals. If someone does some work worth acknowledgement, I look for an address and write a letter showing appreciation for what they did. Today, I wrote to a comedian who recently released an album that stands out in quality.
And a certain podcast signaled a need for anecdotes to talk about, so I wrote to them today as well. (#Sunday is a good day for letters.) 1/2
@JoBlakely @hannu_ikonen @BootyLasher @LizEllisPhD @ahimsa_pdx @DestinieA @TracyTThomas
See the link above. Here is a short video where he explains how his mask advocacy AI letter generator works - it's very fast & easy. We can use it to quickly generate a lot of letters to medical facilities.
Medical facilities need to hear from us. We can make a difference.
Short video:
#MaskUp #sarscov2 #LongCovid #AI #LetterWriting #Advocacy #MasksInHealthcare
#maskup #sarscov2 #LongCOVID #ai #letterwriting #advocacy #MasksInHealthcare
Shared with Public
Content Warning: Suicide (historical). Excerpt from Season 2, episode 19 of My Love Letter Time Machine. Proprietors of public houses would be called upon to be the custodian on bodies and host inquests until the advent of mortuaries and coroners offices. Which is exactly what happened to my 3x Great Aunt Staniforth at the Wellington Inn, Darnall Sheffield in 1882. Amazing the details that have come up in Janie and Fred's letters.
(all images Public Domain)
#Darnall #Sheffield #victorian #letterwriting #history #womenshistory #familyhistory #TrueStory
#darnall #sheffield #victorian #letterwriting #history #womenshistory #familyhistory #truestory
Absolute scenes from Aug 1882! Fred goes for a ramble to Roseberry Topping + nearly falls into a gorge! "We had quite an adventure going from Roseberry Topping to Capt. Cook’s [monument] We had to go down the side of one steep hill + up another + there is no road, but + you can generally get easy enough, but yesterday with the heavy rains the brook at the bottom of the hills was very much swollen + it was quite impossible to get across, so we had to cross higher up by means of a fir tree that had been blown down + which had fallen across the stream. This fir tree was very slippery, + in going across I slipped + fell + should have gone to the bottom but I caught hold of a branch + held myself up. If I had not done so I should have fallen about 30 ft through the brambles + twiggs [sic] into the water below, but fortunately I escaped. Imagine me hanging over the “dangerous” + “deadly” gulf."
#Yorkshire #loveletters #victorian #letterwriting #history #Middlesbrough
#yorkshire #loveletters #victorian #letterwriting #history #middlesbrough
“I see letters as a sign of sanity, in which we help each other widen our understanding of this world and make sense of it; or, failing that, simply say hello, it’s good that you are in the world.”
— Me, writing in 2018. #letterwriting
I was in tears doing this wks #podcast. CW #Victorian alcohol abuse. Janie sounds absolutely desperate + pours out her heart to Fred who's a 100 miles away in #Middlesbrough. Fred later speculates that the reason Emma is being so cruel to Janie is because she is 'a little envious'. I'd go so far to say she's absolutely green w envy. It seems so very unfair.
#Handsworth #Sheffield #SheffieldHistory #Yorkshire #YorkshireHistory #loveletters #1870s #1880s #19thcentury #1800s #victorianera #victorianhistory #letterwriting #history #womenshistory #familyhistory #TrueStory
#podcast #victorian #middlesbrough #handsworth #sheffield #sheffieldhistory #yorkshire #yorkshirehistory #loveletters #1870s #1880s #19thcentury #1800s #Victorianera #victorianhistory #letterwriting #history #womenshistory #familyhistory #truestory
From Willamette Valley Abolition Project:
Letter writing to Atlanta forest defenders and political prisoners this Sunday, 4/9!
Hey! WVAP is going to start hosting weekly letter writing to Atlanta forest defenders and political prisoners. Sunday, growers market, 3-5. Beginning this Sunday, Apr 9th.
All materials are provided and please wear a mask. Growers market is near the Eugene Amtrak station between black wolf supper club and morning glory cafe.
#atlantaforestdefenders @defendatlantaforest #abolition #abolishpolice #abolishprisons #wvap #willamettevalleyabolitionproject #letterwriting #prisonersupport
#atlantaforestdefenders #Abolition #abolishpolice #abolishprisons #wvap #willamettevalleyabolitionproject #letterwriting #prisonersupport