Let's not fool ourselves. Johnson, the lying, incompetent ass, will get away with it. Westminster will close ranks to protect their establishment.
The “defence” presented by #johnson appears to boil down to
1/ yes I did mislead Parliament
2/ a man told me that some of the parties were within the rules
3/ lying to Parliament is serious so there’s no way I would have done that
4/ I object to being investigated like this
Did I miss anything?
#partygate #MisleadingParliament #dishonesty #letthebodiespilehigh #doYouKnowWhoIAm #oneRuleForThem
#johnson #partygate #misleadingparliament #dishonesty #letthebodiespilehigh #doyouknowwhoiam #oneRuleForThem
RT @pipp100@twitter.com
@JohnWest_JAWS@twitter.com The sight of #MattHancock former Secretary of State for Health and Social Care like #BorisJohnson both make me feel physically sick. Yet already still MPs allowed to line their pockets with 🪙#LetTheBodiesPileHigh #ToriesPartiedWhilstPeopleDied
#bothliedandbroketheircovidrules #toriespartiedwhilstpeopledied #letthebodiespilehigh #borisjohnson #matthancock