Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
466 followers · 2219 posts · Server universeodon.com

I think Claire Denis has been hanging out with Hong Sang-soo a little too much because I never expected her to do a wordy romantic comedy. And the result is delightful! concerns middle aged divorcée painter Isabelle. Our disheveled heroine cries a lot, out of loneliness, in bed at night alone. Frustrated with her current relationship arrangement, Isabelle takes a trip to the countryside w/ her art circle acquaintances. While taking a walk w/the group, their pomposity & forced social niceties become too much for her. Yet she finds herself in the arms of a soulful country bumpkin on the dance floor. Would that fling last? Loneliness is a terrible thing. In a rom-com setting, Isabelle embodies a middle aged woman in the city dealing with these issues perfectly. After a couple of very dark films (White Material, Bastards), Denis is trying something different. Let the Sun Shine In feels much looser and lighter than her other films.

#letthesunshinein #clairedenis #juliettebinoche

Last updated 1 year ago

John Girouard · @johnnieg
47 followers · 554 posts · Server ohai.social
sarahwasme · @sarahwasme
33 followers · 125 posts · Server romancelandia.club

47 degrees but sunny so I’m sitting out on the patio in capris and a tank top like it’s May instead of January ☀️😎

#letthesunshinein #californiadreaming

Last updated 2 years ago

Since 2018, important legal changes altered Switzerland’s grid surcharge, its reimbursement of the grid surcharge and promoted renewable electricity production in Switzerland. You can read more about that here: bfe.admin.ch/bfe/de/home/polit

#legislate #innovate #letthesunshinein #solarpower

Last updated 2 years ago

Using a FIT is a triple-win for those investing in solar energy. First, by reducing your reliance on oil and gas you are contributing to the global energy transformation we need in order to adapt to climate change. Second, you are no longer subject to the price volatility of the fossil fuel market. And third, you get money back for your investment in the the sunshine!

#renewable #energy #letthesunshinein #solar #ClimateAction #renewableenergy

Last updated 2 years ago

🇪🇺 Yet Another Owl · @61ennepi
246 followers · 5585 posts · Server mastodon.social
🇪🇺 Yet Another Owl · @61ennepi
246 followers · 5585 posts · Server mastodon.social