Les trouvailles du lundi 07 août 2023 (2) :
#Microsoft #Xbox360 #50CentBloodOnTheSand #SwordfishStudios #THQ #XboxOne #RedDeadRedemption #RockstarSanDiego #RockstarGames #OutlastTrinity #RedBarrels #WarnerBrosGames #SonicForces #SonicForcesEditionBonus #SonicTeam #Sega #TalesOfVesperia #NamcoTalesStudio #BandaiNamcoEntertainment #Trine4TheNightmarePrince #Frozenbyte #ModusGames #Saturn #Grandia #GameArts #EntertainmentSoftwarePublishing #NintendoDS #ProfesseurLaytonEtLAppelDuSpectre #Level5
#microsoft #xbox360 #50centbloodonthesand #swordfishstudios #thq #xboxone #RedDeadRedemption #rockstarsandiego #rockstargames #outlasttrinity #redbarrels #warnerbrosgames #sonicforces #sonicforceseditionbonus #sonicteam #sega #talesofvesperia #namcotalesstudio #bandainamcoentertainment #trine4thenightmareprince #frozenbyte #modusgames #saturn #grandia #gamearts #entertainmentsoftwarepublishing #NintendoDS #professeurlaytonetlappelduspectre #level5
Mine de rien avec la mort de #E3 c'est le #TGS2023 qui devient de plus en plus gros et important. Cette année on aura quand même #BandaiNamco, #Capcom, #KoeiTecmo, #LEVEL5, #Xbox, #SEGA, #Atlus et #SquareEnixFR tinyurl.com/5dh7bh83
#squareenixfr #atlus #sega #xbox #level5 #koeitecmo #capcom #bandainamco #tgs2023 #e3
El CEO de #Level5 reveló que el nuevo juego de #DECAPOLICE alguna vez se manejó como el sucesor de #ProfessorLayton :3. https://bit.ly/3yXph4I
#level5 #decapolice #professorlayton
🕵️ ⚽ Level-5 japoniarrak indar betean jarraitzen duela erakusteko aurkezpen berezia burutu du. Bertan aurten kaleratuko dituzten hainbat titulu ezagutzera eman dituzte.
Horien artean daude, nola ez, Professor Layton eta Inazuma Eleven ezagunen jarraipenak.
#Level5 compartió un nuevo tráiler y detalles de #ProfessorLayton and The New World of Steam, el nuevo juego de la serie para #NintendoSwitch :3. https://bit.ly/3FffpqR
#level5 #professorlayton #nintendoswitch
#Level5 comparte nuevos tráileres de #DECAPOLICE para #NintendoSwitch e igual revela más detalles acerca de sus personajes y jugabilidad :3. https://bit.ly/3ymFQHf
#level5 #decapolice #nintendoswitch
Kotaku: After 13 Years, Professor Layton Is Getting A Steampunk Sequel And It Looks Great https://kotaku.com/professor-layton-new-world-of-steam-nintendo-switch-1850207920 #gaming #tech #kotaku #professorlaytonandthemiraclemask #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #professorhershellayton #puzzlevideogames #professorlayton #adventuregames #creativeworks #videogaming #thenewworld #videogames #steampunk #nintendo #layton #level5 #luke
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #professorlaytonandthemiraclemask #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #professorhershellayton #puzzlevideogames #professorlayton #adventuregames #creativeworks #videogaming #thenewworld #videogames #steampunk #nintendo #layton #level5 #luke
Akihiro Hino acaba de subir el link del Direct. Guarden el link de YouTube:
#Level5 #Level5Vision2023 #InazumaEleven #FantasyLife #DecaPolice #MegatonMusashi #ProfessorLayton
#level5 #level5vision2023 #inazumaeleven #fantasylife #decapolice #megatonmusashi #professorlayton
#Top5games on #PS3:
1. Demon’s Souls
2. Metal Gear Solid 4
3. Batman Arkham City
4. No No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
5. Dark Souls
#Sony #FromSoftware #Rocksteady #Level5 #Konami #VideoGames #Gaming #Games
#top5games #ps3 #shareyourgames #sony #fromsoftware #rocksteady #level5 #konami #videogames #gaming #games
Après l'annonce de la pause de l'anime #YokaiWatch, #Level5 tease la prochaine étape de la franchise.
Le PDG de la société, Akihiro Hino, a récemment donné un aperçu de ce que les fans peuvent attendre dans le futur...
#Level5 a annoncé une présentation de ses prochains titres, qui comprendra des informations sur des jeux très attendus tels que Professeur #Layton et #Decapolice
Découvrez les dernières nouvelles sur cet événement : https://www.p-nintendo.com/news/shocase-level-5-le-9-mars-2023-une-presentation-des-prochains-titres-level-5-annoncee-259903
#level5 #layton #decapolice #nintendoswitch #xp
Level-5 will be holding its own "Direct" in March. They will provide more information on some of their upcoming games, including the new Professor Layton game. They will also unveil their newest IP. 👀 #ProfessorLayton #Level5 #VideoGames #Gaming
#professorlayton #level5 #videogames #gaming
Scheduled announcement from Level 5 about their upcoming projects, including Professor Layton and the New World of Steam! 🎩
It goes live March 9 at 20:00 JPT (so 11:00 AM GMT), and there should be English subtitles.
#Level5 #ProfessorLayton #ProfessorLaytonAndTheNewWorldOfSteam
#level5 #professorlayton #professorlaytonandthenewworldofsteam