goleveldb: LevelDB key/value database in Go.
Has anyone successfully parsed meaningful data from the `Sync Data` folder within a Google #Chrome Profile? It's a #LevelDB directory.
I can see the data I'm interested using `strings`, but haven't coaxed the same strings to appear using `plyvel` or `leveldb-cli`, which means I'm holding it wrong.
#ir #forensics #leveldb #chrome
#notestoself if you want to store a JSON object as value into #leveldb make sure to set the valueEncoding: ‘json’ option otherwise it will be handled as utf-8 string and you get surprising side effects when reading the value later...
Feeling a bit dump right now... want to iterate over the keys in a #leveldb database in #nodejs... found this api description: https://github.com/Level/level#iterator, but it won't work... anyone a quick tip or link to a source sample? <3