Working on a tutorial in #MoFEM for upwind #Discontinuous #Galerkin (#DG) for advection of #LevelSet. Cool progress, but a bit of work still to do.
In the tutorial, I show how to build infrastructure for code and method testing, checking constituency between skeleton and volume integral and consistency between the right-hand side and tangent matrix.
#MoFEM #discontinuous #galerkin #dg #levelset #fem #science
Sorry for decreasing the signal/noise ratio, but I just realized the obligatory tag cloud is obligatory.
#science #mechanics #fluidmechanics #simulation #numerical #numericalmethods #data #datavisualization #multiphase #twophase #flow #maths #mathematics #physics #engineering #CORIA #Sorbonne #turbulence #fragmentation #emulsions #levelset #VOF #volumeoffluid #largeeddysimulation #fsi #fluidstructure #droplets #bubbles #surface #surfacetension #geometry #topology
#topology #geometry #surfacetension #surface #bubbles #droplets #fluidstructure #fsi #largeeddysimulation #volumeoffluid #VOF #levelset #emulsions #fragmentation #turbulence #sorbonne #CORIA #engineering #physics #mathematics #maths #flow #twophase #multiphase #datavisualization #data #numericalmethods #numerical #simulation #FluidMechanics #mechanics #science