This #Leverage #LeverageOT3 #fanvid was so good!!
("Mastermind" by Taylor Swift, no subtitles (but it's just the song), 3 minutes 5 seconds)
#leverage #leverageot3 #fanvid
Today I read this lovely 2k word #leverage #LeverageOT3 fic & loved it so much I had to share. Features neurodivergent Parker, sensory issues, & loving partners
Christmas Cheer (Or, Parker and the hunt for the perfect ugly Christmas sweater) by meils121
Me, a #leverageOT3 shipper: I absolutely love this detail (which I missed first time through) but I also can’t help wondering what Eliot has?
*gently prods any ot3 fic writers*
The way their lock and key necklaces are basically their wedding rings 🥲❤️ #LeverageRedemption
#leverageot3 #leverageredemption
As an #introduction I guess I shall give a list of my current #ships:
Beyond fandom, I’m an overeducated & unemployed ex-academic, late-diagnosed #ActuallyAutistic with #ADHD
#introduction #ships #steddyhands #leverageot3 #hannigram #stucky #symbrock #destiel #nandermo #actuallyautistic #adhd
My top 5 ships at the moment
#steddyhands #symbrock #hannigram #leverageot3 #stucky
Ooo ok let's do this: slightly more than #top5ships
Pre-pandemic and still love: #leverageOT3 Eliot/Parker/Hardison from #leverage
#stucky from #captainamerica
#kuramahiei from #yuyuhakusho
#gojyohakkai from #saiyuki
#Symbrock from #Venom
#BazeChirrut from #rogueone
Last 3 years: #kevandreil from #AFTG
#chengqing & #bigsibsOT4 & #songxiao from #theuntamed / #mdzs
#jayvik in a V with #meljay from #arcane
#top5ships #leverageot3 #leverage #stucky #captainamerica #kuramahiei #yuyuhakusho #gojyohakkai #saiyuki #Symbrock #Venom #bazechirrut #rogueone #kevandreil #aftg #chengqing #bigsibsot4 #songxiao #theuntamed #mdzs #jayvik #meljay #arcane