@sj5 @Kosch Interesting perspective & comments. Yeah, #Robertson's legacy is complex. I agree, there need be no favorites & #LevonHelm was a force of nature.
Thinking of Robbie Robertson... Do yourself a favor and watch The Last Waltz for free (you just have to put up with ads) on Pluto TV. Amazing tunes and guests!
#RobbieRobertson #LevonHelm #RickDanko #RichardManuel #GarthHudson #TheBand
#TheBand #garthhudson #richardmanuel #RickDanko #levonhelm #RobbieRobertson
The Band - "Yazoo Street Scandal." Written by Robbie Robertson. Featuring Robertson on guitar, Levon Helm on vocals and mandolin, Garth Hudson on organ, Rick Danko on bass, and Richard Manuel on drums. From The Basement Tapes by Bob Dylan and The Band. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aN9nlzF1kTk&ab_channel=BobDylanVEVO #RobbieRobertson #TheBand #LevonHelm #GarthHudson #RickDanko #RichardManuel #BobDylan #TheBasementTapes #music
#richardmanuel #RickDanko #garthhudson #levonhelm #Music #thebasementtapes #bobdylan #TheBand #RobbieRobertson
The Levon Helm Band -
'Deep Elem Blues'
Ain't in It for My Health: A Film About #LevonHelm
In 1976 brengt #TheBand live registratie #TheLastWaltz op album uit, en nemen afscheid van hun publiek.
Vanaf nu concentreert Helm zich op solowerk en vormt in 1977 Levon Helm & the RCO All-Stars met vele sterren oa #BookerTJones enz. en brengt een live album uit van het éénmalige concert.
Dit gevolgd door solo album #LevonHelm in 1978.
In 1980 werkt hij mee aan het album #TheLegendOfJesseJames met oa #JohnnyCash.
Vanaf 1980 begint hij te acteren, oa #CoalMinersDaughter met #LorettaLynn
#theband #thelastwaltz #bookertjones #levonhelm #thelegendofjessejames #johnnycash #coalminersdaughter #lorettalynn
26 mei 1940 - 19 april 2012
Drummer en acteur die aangemoedigd te spelen en te zingen en letterlijk meegesleurd werd door zijn ouders naar concerten, en zo Bill Monroe and His Blue Grass Boys zag toen hij zes was, geraakt in de ban van elk instrument. Zo leert hij al snel drums, gitaar, bassgitaar en piano. Hij wordt helemaal ondergedompeld in de blues wonend in Arkansas.
Zijn grote voorbeeld werd #JamesPecCurtis, hij zal zijn R&B drumstijl later
last night's frow show on @WFMU featured a very rare guest for the entire evening, a full 3 hours with viper trumpet hero steven bernstein in full #jazz storytime firehose mode. previews of the new album, rare recordings, & tales of #SexMob, #HalWillner, #LouReed, #LaurieAnderson (who sex mob is backing in europe this spring?!), #LevonHelm, '70s/'80s/'90s #nyc #underground lore, & way beyond. https://bit.ly/447l9NV
#jazz #sexmob #halwillner #loureed #laurieanderson #levonhelm #nyc #underground
Another burning I did years ago of Levon Helm.
Brought me joy to be able to gift this to him as I was a long time fan.
8”x5” wood box
#Art #woodburning #Portrait #Drawing #Painting #sketch #gallery #fediart #MastoArt #LevonHelm #TheBand #Music
#Music #TheBand #levonhelm #MastoArt #fediart #gallery #Sketch #Painting #Drawing #Portrait #woodburning #Art
Highly recommend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYTpMZjZxwI #theband #documentary #robbierobertson #levonhelm
#theband #Documentary #robbierobertson #levonhelm
Deep Elem Blues by the Levon Helm Band
Article name-drops:
#MelissaAufDerMaur / #Hole #SmashingPumpkins
#NatalieMerchant / #10000Maniacs
#TonyLevin / #KingCrimson / #PeterGabriel
#EricGoulden / #WrecklessEric
#DarylHall / #HallAndOates
#KatePierson / #B52s
#JesseParisSmith / #PattiSmith
#AmandaPalmer / #DresdenDolls
#DebParker / #BeautyBar #RealEstateBroker
#RichardButler / #PsychedelicFurs
#BruceJayMilner / #EveryMothersSon
#AmyHelm / #LevonHelm #TheBand
#amandapalmer #genx #relationships #TheBand #levonhelm #amyhelm #everymothersson #brucejaymilner #PsychedelicFurs #richardbutler #tracybonham #realestatebroker #beautybar #debparker #rebeccafoon #dresdendolls #pattismith #jesseparissmith #b52s #katepierson #hallandoates #darylhall #wrecklesseric #ericgoulden #amyrigby #petergabriel #kingcrimson #tonylevin #10000Maniacs #NatalieMerchant #tonystone #smashingpumpkins #hole #melissaaufdermaur