A better drawing of the inmon for my bro @SoggyGoat suitable to give to a tattoo artist!
For those who don't know Arabic duyuth
means "cuckold", and kis mejana
كس مجانا
means "pussy free".
#nsfw #inmon #lewdcrest #chastity #cuck #cuckold
#nsfw #inmon #lewdcrest #chastity #cuck #cuckold
A gift for my brother @SoggyGoat
I found out a turtle, especially a sea turtle, is a symbol for pussy-free cucks, so I designed this lewd Crest for our Levantine Caprid, combining the Baphomet with a turtle in the form of a locked inmon.
#NSFW #inmon #wombtattoo #lewdcrest #cuckold #pussyfree #gift
#nsfw #inmon #wombtattoo #lewdcrest #cuckold #pussyfree #gift
Zafe's 淫紋, or cursed seal. While the seal is locked, the bearer accumulates exponential ruach over days through soaking orgone. The seal deactivates every 28 days at the full moon, to allow participation in the sacred orgies of Shub Niggurath. It can also be "unlocked" temporarily through oneiromancy, but the ruach accumulation resets as if it's the full moon.
#淫紋 #wombtattoo #inmon #lewdcrest #cursedseal #chastity #antlers #Dreaming #magick
#淫紋 #wombtattoo #inmon #lewdcrest #cursedseal #chastity #antlers #dreaming #magick