#LewisCarrol is popular on the birdsite. Not so in the fediverse, where @snarkology (at zirk.us) and @snark (at mastodon.art) seem to be the first Carroll related accounts. Is the Dodgson pedophilia debate one of the reasons for hesitations to discuss his writings?
My interest in Carroll grew when I had to dig deeper into his writings in order get a better understanding of #HenryHoliday's illustrations to Carroll's #tragicomedy "#TheHuntingOfTheSnark".
(Image info: https://snrk.de/page_lewis-carroll/)
#lewiscarrol #HenryHoliday #tragicomedy #TheHuntingOfTheSnark
#LewisCarrol is popular on the birdsite. Not so in the fediverse, where @snarkology (at zirk.us) and @snark (at mastodon.art) seem to be the first Carroll related accounts. Is the Dodgson pedophilia debate one of the reasons for hesitations to discuss his writings?
My interest in Carroll grew when I had to dig deeper into his writings in order get a better understanding of #HenryHoliday's illustrations to Carroll's tragicomedy "#TheHuntingOfTheSnark".
(Image info: https://snrk.de/page_lewis-carroll/)
#lewiscarrol #HenryHoliday #TheHuntingOfTheSnark