Knee is still shite.
On top of that, 2 weeks ago, under doc supervision, I began reducing my Cipralex dosage. I want to see if it is still necessary since starting ADHD meds. (Anxiety can be caused by undiagnosed/untreated ADHD.)
I feel...crappy. Low energy, sleepy, low mood. Instead of panicking and going back up, I'm holding steady and waiting for my body to adjust to see how I *really* am. Two more weeks at this dosage and then I'll decide if I'm ready to go down again. #cipralex #lexapro
CPTSD 2023
Patient maintains after thirty-two years, he has seen no benefit whatsoever from antidepressants. When pressed as to why he continues to take daily Lexapro, he said the last time he tried to withdraw from it, he stripped down to his underpants and threw a window A/C unit onto a police cruiser. Court records confirm his account.
#CPTSD #Lexapro #BVDs
I'm currently tapering off my #lexapro / #escitalopram and I'm at a funny stage where I'm starting to get side-effects again, because the gaps between pills are long enough for my brain to dry out somewhat.