I have added the #LexFridman #Transcripts for the #JoschaBach episodes. For the current one there is meanwhile an official transcription, but also again in the format from #whisper like the others.
Ich habe mal die #LexFridman #Transkripte fuer die #JoschaBach Folgen hinzugefuegt. Fuer die aktuelle gibt es ja inzwischen eine offizielle Transkription, aber auch noch mal im Format aus #whisper wie die anderen.
#lexfridman #transcripts #joschabach #whisper #transkripte
Bin nun fast durch mit Teil 5 durch und habe gesehen, dass es eben der fuenfte Teil ist und nicht der Erste ... und wollte es einfach empfehlen, wenn jemand keine Ahnung hat von was Joscha Bach da konkret spricht ...
#JoschaBach bei #LexFridman | #morf erklärt so gut es geht | Teil 1 | August 2023
Gizmodo: Elon Says Cage Match With Zuck Will Stream Live on Twitter—If They Go Through With It https://gizmodo.com/cage-match-elon-musk-mark-zuckerberg-stream-twitter-1850712625 #ultimatefightingchampionship #elonmuskvsmarkzuckerberg #timepersonoftheyear #georgestpierre #markzuckerberg #lexfridman #danawhite #elonmusk #threads #meta #musk
#ultimatefightingchampionship #elonmuskvsmarkzuckerberg #timepersonoftheyear #georgestpierre #markzuckerberg #lexfridman #danawhite #elonmusk #threads #meta #musk
Gizmodo: Zuck Says the Cage Match With Elon Isn't Happening https://gizmodo.com/mark-zuckerberg-elon-musk-cage-match-not-happening-1850686038 #elonmuskvsmarkzuckerberg #alexandervolkanovski #alexvolkanovski #georgesstpierre #markzuckerberg #metaplatforms #lexfridman #alexheath #danawhite #elonmusk #twitter #threads #xcorp #zuck #musk
#elonmuskvsmarkzuckerberg #alexandervolkanovski #alexvolkanovski #georgesstpierre #markzuckerberg #metaplatforms #lexfridman #alexheath #danawhite #elonmusk #twitter #threads #xcorp #zuck #musk
#LexFridman recently came out as an #emacs apostate and what's worse is he's using #vscode
😞 me too. It seems like a flippening happened.
What's up with that? I feel so sad. Like a breakaway rebel province with laudable ideals has conceded defeat in the uprising against, well, #microsoft.
The recent "good guy" act has done the trick.
I guess with regard to vscode we have the Source, even if The Source sucks.
Ugh. Yay, The Dark Side has won! 😕
cynic.exe is not responding
#lexfridman #emacs #vscode #microsoft
My own takeaway from #andreessen on #lexfridman :
HTML is a human language. It is composed directly by humans to be consumed directly by other humans. As it is a new language to literally everyone, mispronunciations and grammatical errors are tolerated.
In fact, it is so targeted to manual composition that WYSIWYG tools are hopeless.
Or maybe: humans are so inept that you just cannot reject their imperfect creations or you will over-filter your content.
I was recently introduced to the Lex Fridman podcast. He does long interviews with a wide range of super interesting people. I heartily recommend listening to the recent interview with Jimmy Wales. It has restored my faith in humanity a little. https://lexfridman.com/jimmy-wales/
#wikipedia #jimmywales #lexfridman
#NeilGershenfeld and #LexFridman - Where do #Ideas come from?
#Research #Failure #Science #Physics #Invention #Innovation #Luck #Serendipity #Collaboration
#collaboration #serendipity #luck #innovation #invention #physics #science #failure #research #ideas #lexfridman #neilgershenfeld
#NeilGershenfeld and #LexFridman - The #Physics of #MusicalInstruments explained
#computing #instruments #sound #science #music #musicalinstruments #physics #lexfridman #neilgershenfeld
#BrianMuraresku and #LexFridman - Is #Consciousness An #Illusion?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfConsciousness #QM #QuantumMechanics #QuantumPhysics #Mind #TheMind #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Engineering
#engineering #artificialintelligence #ai #themind #mind #quantumphysics #quantummechanics #qm #philosophyofconsciousness #philosophy #illusion #consciousness #lexfridman #brianmuraresku
#LeeCronin and #LexFridman - The Greatest #Invention In The History Of The #Universe
#CellularAutomata #Life #Evolution #Computation #DataStorage #Replication #StateMachine #TuringMachine #VonNeuman #Replicator #Replicators #Constructor #Constructors #PhaseTransition #PhaseTransitions #Mutation
#mutation #phasetransitions #phasetransition #constructors #constructor #replicators #replicator #vonneuman #turingmachine #statemachine #replication #datastorage #computation #evolution #life #cellularautomata #universe #invention #lexfridman #leecronin
#LeeCronin and #LexFridman - Are #UFOs proof of #Alien #Life?
#alienlife #aliens #sightings #UAPs #uap #ufo #life #alien #ufos #lexfridman #leecronin
#BrianMuraresku and #LexFridman - Who Is #God?
#Philosophy #Religion #Metaphysics #Mystery #Mysticism #Transcendence #Divinity #Mortality #Humanity
#humanity #mortality #divinity #transcendence #mysticism #mystery #metaphysics #religion #philosophy #god #lexfridman #brianmuraresku
#MaxTegmark and #LexFridman - On #Life Beyond #Death
#Science #Philosophy #Biology #OriginsOfLife #Singularity #Intelligence #Consciousness #Life3 #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Humanity #HumanSpecies #Evolution #Death #Mortality #Immortality
#immortality #mortality #evolution #humanspecies #humanity #artificialintelligence #ai #life3 #consciousness #intelligence #singularity #originsoflife #biology #philosophy #science #death #life #lexfridman #maxtegmark
#StephenWolfram and #LexFridman - #QuantumMechanics emerges from the #MultiwayCausalGraph
#Physics #Math #Maths #Mathematics #CausalGraph #Entanglement #GR #GeneralRelativity #HilbertSpace #MeasureProblem #GUT #GrandUnification
#grandunification #gut #measureproblem #hilbertspace #generalrelativity #gr #entanglement #causalgraph #mathematics #maths #math #physics #multiwaycausalgraph #quantummechanics #lexfridman #stephenwolfram
Kotaku: Everything We Know About Starfield, Bethesda's Ambitious New RPG https://kotaku.com/starfield-bethesda-xbox-ps5-pc-release-date-1850320059 #gaming #tech #kotaku #theelderscrollsiv3aoblivion #theelderscrollsv3askyrim #singleplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #openworldvideogames #bethesdagamestudios #starfieldstarfield #videogamesequels #gamepassservice #ursulakleguin #robertjsawyer #windowsgames #zenimaxmedia #videogaming #lexfridman #videogames #toddhoward #starfield #microsoft
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #theelderscrollsiv3aoblivion #theelderscrollsv3askyrim #singleplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #openworldvideogames #bethesdagamestudios #starfieldstarfield #videogamesequels #gamepassservice #ursulakleguin #robertjsawyer #windowsgames #zenimaxmedia #videogaming #lexfridman #videogames #toddhoward #starfield #microsoft
Who is #LexFridman? Every now and then you come across his podcast (he's already interviewed several chess celebrities and played chess online against RZA). A strange guy, I thought, because I found it hard to classify him somehow. But that's probably less an achievement than perhaps an expression of his worrying development, which is traced in this article. 🫤
➡️ https://www.businessinsider.com/lex-fridman-podcast-anti-woke-elon-musk-ai
"Peace, love, and Hitler: How #LexFridman's podcast became a safe space for the anti-woke #tech elite"
#wokebashing #ChasseAuxWokes #techwashing #Musk #Tesla #AccessJournalism #TechBros #TechOligarchs #AI
#ai #techoligarchs #techbros #accessjournalism #tesla #musk #techwashing #chasseauxwokes #wokebashing #tech #lexfridman
Peace, love, and Hitler: How #LexFridman's podcast became a safe space for the anti-woke #tech elite
#wokebashing #ChasseAuxWokes #techwashing #Musk #Tesla #AccessJournalism #TechBros #TechOligarchs #AI
#ai #techoligarchs #techbros #accessjournalism #tesla #musk #techwashing #chasseauxwokes #wokebashing #tech #lexfridman