C.L. Irwin :verified: · @authorclirwin
207 followers · 1249 posts · Server mstdn.social
C.L. Irwin :verified: · @authorclirwin
203 followers · 1223 posts · Server mstdn.social
rob · @stokes
390 followers · 1441 posts · Server mstdn.social

Those bloody Renaissance scholars, showing off what they'd learned...

youtu.be/j07f-cKWRtk (3-min watch)

#lexicology #language #english

Last updated 2 years ago

CrossAsia · @CrossAsia
18 followers · 13 posts · Server openbiblio.social

In our next on March 2 from 6pm @stabi_berlin Oliver Corff will present his research on and and what the β€œedit distance” between two dictionaries can tell about Manju knowledge and thought. All info here: sbb.berlin/9qmtgz

#crossasiatalk #manchu #lexicology #lexicography #Qing

Last updated 2 years ago

Rob Vincent πŸŽ™οΈ · @Rob_T_Firefly
967 followers · 3048 posts · Server hackers.town

If an enthusiastic car mechanic uses their mechanic's knowledge and mechanic's toolkit to steal a car, the news will just call that person a "car thief." The other mechanics out there are still probably cool.

If a trained carpenter uses their skills and tools to break into a house and steal stuff, they're just a burglar in the police blotter. Nobody gets suspicious of carpenters in general as a result.

If a professional plumber bashes someone to death with their pipe wrench, they're just a killer in the headlines. No journalist would imply head-bashings as a thing plumbers as a community are known for.

But the instant anyone uses hacker skills or tools in a criminal activity, the news still has such a boner for writing it up as "HACKER DOES HACKER THING THAT HACKERS DO."

#lexicology #hackers

Last updated 2 years ago

Philip Sheppard · @philipsheppard
268 followers · 111 posts · Server mastodon.social

Love this list of words for those elusive feelings we all have once in a while

#lexicology #etymology #words #emotions

Last updated 2 years ago

Tech news from Canada · @TechNews
98 followers · 1999 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca

General usage - "They are such dismaths - instead of accepting the incontrovertible truth of the premise, they attacked me."
"Many settler farmers are dismathic, they can't work out that when they chop all the trees down on their ill-gotten properties, it stops the rain coming, then they complain about drought. Then when floods come, there's nothing to stop the topsoil from washing downstream and they complain about the floods."

#poetry #writing #lexicology

Last updated 2 years ago

General usage - "They are such dismaths - instead of accepting the incontrovertible truth of the premise, they attacked me."
"Many settler farmers are dismathic, they can't work out that when they chop all the trees down on their ill-gotten properties, it stops the rain coming, then they complain about drought. Then when floods come, there's nothing to stop the topsoil from washing downstream and they complain about the floods."

#poetry #writing #lexicology

Last updated 2 years ago

Here's the word you need to describe people who disrespect maths and contravene basic logic - "dismaths".

This new word I have birthed encompasses the onomatopoeia of "dismal" and is a more direct way of labelling those who exhibit the behaviour than the more sophisticated "obtuse" with its allusion to wide angles.

#poetry #writing #lexicology

Last updated 2 years ago

Here's the word you need to describe people who disrespect maths and contravene basic logic - "dismaths".

This new word I have birthed encompasses the onomatopoeia of "dismal" and is a more direct way of labelling those who exhibit the behaviour than the more sophisticated "obtuse" with its allusion to wide angles.

#poetry #writing #lexicology

Last updated 2 years ago

Tony McEnery · @tonymcenery
2 followers · 163 posts · Server toot.community

RT @TanjaSaily
HEL-LEX 7: the second CFP is now out! Join us in Jamaica next summer for English historical and : blogs.helsinki.fi/hellex-socie

#lexicography #lexicology #hellexsoc

Last updated 2 years ago

Edith Podhovnik · @meow_factor
209 followers · 59 posts · Server fediscience.org

In case you were wondering, about me and cats: well, I have combined my love of cats and linguistics in my upcoming publication: "Purrieties of Language: How We Talk about Cats Online", which is due out at the end of February. It's available for preorder here: cambridge.org/at/academic/subj 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈

#lexicology #dialectology #book #purrieties #digitalspaces #sociolinguistics #linguistics #cats

Last updated 2 years ago

Josh Davis · @GuerillaOntologist
440 followers · 5746 posts · Server social.coop

Found this yesterday in Laura Cornelius Kellogg's "Our Democracy and the American Indian" (1920):

"Leaving out the question of deserts, for the sake of argument, what other way of promoting Indian property is there outside of combination?"

A rare case of "deserts" having a positive connotation.


Last updated 5 years ago