Here we go, folks. I’m at #lexingtonma town meeting where we’ll hopefully be voting on and passing our #MBTA Communities zoning bylaw, AKA Article 34.
Ahah! I see there is some interest in #lexingtonma town meeting, specifically our #MBTA communities zoning proposal scheduled for a vote this coming Monday!
Minuteman Bikeway Rail Trail, MA • 4-star trail • 10.0 miles each way • Easy difficulty • Easy-moderate elevation • Bedford to Arlington • Northeast Massachusetts | Map & review: | #RailsToTrails #RailTrail #Boston #Massachusetts #NewEngland #Trail #Outdoors #Cycling #RevolutionaryWar #LexingtonMA #ArlingtonMA #BedfordMA
#railtrail #BedfordMA #arlingtonma #lexingtonma #revolutionarywar #cycling #outdoors #trail #newengland #massachusetts #boston #railstotrails
Update from #LexingtonMA town meeting: we’re voting on spending relatively paltry sums of CPA money on restoring the clocks on two historic church steeples. This will likely be the most hotly debated item tonight.
@nathanlovestrees I love that quote. ❤️ Really resonates with me.
(Man, I really need to read Walden. Stupid that I haven't yet. I also lived near his stomping grounds for decades.) (My ex and I used to stop by #waldenPond to go swimming after work.)
#waldenpond #Thoreau #concordma #lexingtonma
Looks like 64% of 5% of precinct 1 eligible voters have given me a mandate. Get ready to upzone the battle green, #LexingtonMA!
Love to choose between roasting at the town pool because there's no shade vs basic pedestrian and bike safety improvements. Jesus. #lexingtonma
Our new $36m police station is at least going have some very attractive solar panel parking canopies #lexingtonma
I don't see enough from folks in the following towns, so, tapping in the following tags to help with discovery:
#MedfordMA #EverettMA #MelroseMA #WinchesterMA #MaldenMA #CharlestownMA #ChelseaMA #RevereMA #Revere #Winthrop #WinthropMA #StonehamMA #ArlingtonMA #Watertown #WatertownMA #LexingtonMA #Woburn #WoburnMA #BelmontMA #WalthamMA #BrooklineMA #NewtonMA
#medfordma #everettma #melrosema #winchesterma #maldenma #charlestownma #chelseama #reverema #revere #winthrop #winthropma #stonehamma #arlingtonma #watertown #watertownma #lexingtonma #woburn #woburnma #belmontma #walthamma #brooklinema #newtonma
CO2 readings for #LexingtonMA high school, part 2. All classrooms today, except for lunch outside. Most of the classrooms were quite good, showing the results of the attention the school system is paying to #IAQ in some areas. The spike is an English classroom, with a peak reading of over 2260 PPM, which not only creates an environment for spread of airborne virus but is bad enough to give kids a headache. No grading on a curve, this is an F. #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #maskup
#lexingtonma #iaq #covidisairborne #covidisnotover #maskup
The Hayden skating rink in #LexingtonMA (aka the John P Chace skating facility) had very fresh indoor air today, in the rink, the lobby and one of the "warming" rooms. Barely over 700 PPM anywhere. It was early in the day though. #IAQ #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp
#lexingtonma #iaq #covidisairborne #covidisnotover #maskup
CO2 readings for #LexingtonMA high school. The first spike is in the field house (gym class). The smaller following spike is a brief visit to a classroom. Then between 10:00 and around 12:00 classrooms with better air, including one with a window open. The low point is lunch outside, followed by two classrooms with poor air quality, and finishing after 2:00 in the auditorium (band class). Note that the daily high is from a vehicle with windows closed.
CO2 readings for #LexingtonMA high school. The first spike is in the field house (gym class). The smaller following spike is a brief visit to a classroom. Then between 10:00 and around 12:00 classrooms with better air, including one with a window open. The low point is lunch outside, followed by two classrooms with poor air quality, and finishing after 2:00 in the auditorium (band class).
#LexingtonMA center looking nice at night lately. It’s because of these lights along the north (right) side, but not for the reason you might think. They’re pretty and all, but they also serve to fix the street width to building height ratio to some degree. Come back during the day and the view from this spot is dominated by the wide street + setbacks. Increase the building height limit!
In this season of giving, we'd like to remember the donors who supported the East Lexington Branch Library at the Stone Building: Caira Robbins, Benjamin Wellington, Paulina Burbank Pierce, and Nelson W. Jenney.
Caira Robbins was Ellen Stone's great aunt. Read more about Caira - who had strong opinions - in "The Robbins Family of East Lexington, Massachusetts: Furriers and Their Clothing, 1775-1825"
#lexlyceum #lexingtonma #emersoncollective #StoneBuilding @megmuck
#lexlyceum #lexingtonma #emersoncollective #stonebuilding
Good Morning to everyone who opposes the monarchy.
#DownWithTheKing #AntiColonialism #Massachusetts #Boston #LexingtonMA #ConcordMA
#DownWiththeKing #anticolonialism #massachusetts #boston #lexingtonma #concordma