Two Lawyers Fined $5,000 for Lies Written by #ChatGPT
#Case_citation #English_language #Avianca #Legal_English #American_Airline #China_Southern Airlines Co Ltd #Steven_A. Schwartz #Legal_professions #Oberman #LexisNexis #Westlaw #Law #Levidow #Lawyer #P._Kevin Castel #Legal_research #Law #Crime #Peter_LoDuca #Gizmodo
#chatgpt #case_citation #english_language #avianca #legal_english #american_airline #china_southern #steven_a #legal_professions #oberman #lexisnexis #westlaw #law #levidow #lawyer #p #legal_research #crime #peter_loduca #gizmodo
Minority Report is here - if you are a migrant. "THE LEGAL RESEARCH and public records data broker #LexisNexis is providing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement #ICE with tools to target people who may potentially commit a crime — before any actual crime takes place".
#LexisNexis Helps ICE #Spy, Track Cars, and Try to Predict Crime
ICE uses LexisNexis to track people's cars, gather information on people, and make arrests for its #deportation machine, according to a contract.
#privacy #surveillance #alpr
#alpr #surveillance #privacy #deportation #spy #lexisnexis
#LexisNexis helps #ICE spy, track cars, and try to predict crime
#lexisnexis #ice #surveillance #surveillancecapitalism #precrime
#USA #Surveillance #DataProtection #LexisNexis #ICE #Databrokers: "The legal research and public records data broker LexisNexis is providing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement with tools to target people who may potentially commit a crime — before any actual crime takes place, according to a contract document obtained by The Intercept. LexisNexis then allows ICE to track the purported pre-criminals’ movements.
The unredacted contract overview provides a rare look at the controversial $16.8 million agreement between LexisNexis and ICE, a federal law enforcement agency whose surveillance of and raids against migrant communities are widely criticized as brutal, unconstitutional, and inhumane."
#usa #surveillance #dataprotection #lexisnexis #ice #databrokers
#LexisNexis Is Selling Your Personal Data to #ICE So It Can Try to Predict #Crime
#Immigration and Customs Enforcement uses LexisNexis to track #cars, gather information on people, and make #arrests for its #deportation machine. The unredacted contract overview provides a rare look at controversial $16.8 million agreement between LexisNexis and ICE. “The purpose of this program is mass surveillance at its core,” said Julie Mao, attorney and co-founder of Just Futures Law
#lexisnexis #ice #crime #immigration #cars #arrests #deportation
#LexisNexis Helps #ICE #Spy, #Track #Cars, and Try to Predict #Crime
#crime #cars #track #spy #ice #lexisnexis
🧐🧐 “LexisNexis has been leveraging artificial intelligence technology, including natural language processing and large language models, in its legal solutions for years, and we’ve been using generative AI in our research and development labs for more than a year,” said Jeff Reihl, Chief Technology Officer, #LexisNexis Legal & Professional.” #GenerativeAI
Slave cases are still cited as good law across the U.S. This team aims to change that.
#NPR #Law #LawFedi #citation #BlueBook #slavery #courts #AppellateFedi #Westlaw #LexisNexis #LegalAuthority #CaseLaw
#caselaw #legalauthority #lexisnexis #westlaw #appellatefedi #courts #slavery #bluebook #citation #lawfedi #law #npr
Slave cases are still cited as good law across the U.S. This team aims to change that.
#NPR #Law #LawFedi #citation #BlueBook #slavery #courts #AppellateFedi #Westlaw #LexisNexis #LegalAuthority #CaseLaw
#caselaw #legalauthority #lexisnexis #westlaw #appellatefedi #courts #slavery #bluebook #citation #lawfedi #law #npr
ICE has queried LexisNexis' data more than a million times, and leadership encouraged officials to use the tool for finding non-citizens.
#CYBER #data #dataselling #lawenforcement #lexisnexis #DataBrokers #ImmigrationsandCustomsEnforcement
#cyber #data #dataselling #lawenforcement #lexisnexis #databrokers #immigrationsandcustomsenforcement
Oh, to buy a #DRM book and be deprived of the content on your own web browser.
#drm #lexisnexisindia #lexisnexis #digitalrestrictionsmanagement
Procurement records and documents obtained through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests highlight LexisNexis' often overlooked business of selling data to the government.
#CYBER #dataselling #lexisnexis #ice #secretservice #data #personaldata
#cyber #dataselling #lexisnexis #ice #secretservice #data #personaldata
@jimdonegan @malkz #GREP is indispensible but it hasn’t evolved much. #LexisNexis had a powerful search syntax in the 90s. E.g. if you want to find text where “foo” occurs within 13 words of “bar”, you would query something like: “foo W/15 bar”, the match of which can span many lines. Or “foo pre/7 bar” if foo must preceed bar by no more than 7 words.
CAVEAT #ORACLE: An ELEPHANT NEVER FORGETS | MEMORY LANE | Oracles #CIA Origins?? (No, I'm not joking).
#DataBrokers Quietly Buying and Selling YOUR #Personal #Information.
#Oracle, #Spokeo, #ZoomInfo, #WhitePages, #PeopleSmart, #Intelius, #PeopleFinders, credit reporting, like #Equifax, #Experian, and #TransUnion; like #Acxiom, #LexisNexis, #Innovis, and #KBM
What they know...
#KBM #Innovis #lexisnexis #acxiom #transunion #experian #equifax #PeopleFinders #Intelius #PeopleSmart #WhitePages #Zoominfo #Spokeo #information #personal #databrokers #cia #oracle #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
CAVEAT #ORACLE: An ELEPHANT NEVER FORGETS | MEMORY LANE | Oracles #CIA Origins?? (No, I'm not joking).
#DataBrokers Quietly Buying and Selling YOUR #Personal #Information.
#Oracle, #Spokeo, #ZoomInfo, #WhitePages, #PeopleSmart, #Intelius, #PeopleFinders, credit reporting, like #Equifax, #Experian, and #TransUnion; like #Acxiom, #LexisNexis, #Innovis, and #KBM
What they know...
#KBM #Innovis #lexisnexis #acxiom #transunion #experian #equifax #PeopleFinders #Intelius #PeopleSmart #WhitePages #Zoominfo #Spokeo #information #personal #databrokers #cia #oracle #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
CAVEAT #ORACLE: An ELEPHANT NEVER FORGETS | MEMORY LANE | Oracles #CIA Origins?? (No, I'm not joking).
#DataBrokers Quietly Buying and Selling YOUR #Personal #Information.
#Oracle, #Spokeo, #ZoomInfo, #WhitePages, #PeopleSmart, #Intelius, #PeopleFinders, credit reporting, like #Equifax, #Experian, and #TransUnion; like #Acxiom, #LexisNexis, #Innovis, and #KBM
What they know...
#KBM #Innovis #lexisnexis #acxiom #transunion #experian #equifax #PeopleFinders #Intelius #PeopleSmart #WhitePages #Zoominfo #Spokeo #information #personal #databrokers #cia #oracle #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
CAVEAT #ORACLE: An ELEPHANT NEVER FORGETS | MEMORY LANE | Oracles #CIA Origins?? (No, I'm not joking).
#DataBrokers Quietly Buying and Selling YOUR #Personal #Information.
#Oracle, #Spokeo, #ZoomInfo, #WhitePages, #PeopleSmart, #Intelius, #PeopleFinders, credit reporting, like #Equifax, #Experian, and #TransUnion; like #Acxiom, #LexisNexis, #Innovis, and #KBM
What they know...
#KBM #Innovis #lexisnexis #acxiom #transunion #experian #equifax #PeopleFinders #Intelius #PeopleSmart #WhitePages #Zoominfo #Spokeo #information #personal #databrokers #cia #oracle #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
CAVEAT #ORACLE: An ELEPHANT NEVER FORGETS | MEMORY LANE | Oracles #CIA Origins?? (No, I'm not joking).
#DataBrokers Quietly Buying and Selling YOUR #Personal #Information.
#Oracle, #Spokeo, #ZoomInfo, #WhitePages, #PeopleSmart, #Intelius, #PeopleFinders, credit reporting, like #Equifax, #Experian, and #TransUnion; like #Acxiom, #LexisNexis, #Innovis, and #KBM
What they know...
#KBM #Innovis #lexisnexis #acxiom #transunion #experian #equifax #PeopleFinders #Intelius #PeopleSmart #WhitePages #Zoominfo #Spokeo #information #personal #databrokers #cia #oracle #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
CAVEAT #ORACLE: An ELEPHANT NEVER FORGETS | MEMORY LANE | Oracles #CIA Origins?? (No, I'm not joking).
#DataBrokers Quietly Buying and Selling YOUR #Personal #Information.
#Oracle, #Spokeo, #ZoomInfo, #WhitePages, #PeopleSmart, #Intelius, #PeopleFinders, credit reporting, like #Equifax, #Experian, and #TransUnion; like #Acxiom, #LexisNexis, #Innovis, and #KBM
What they know...
#KBM #Innovis #lexisnexis #acxiom #transunion #experian #equifax #PeopleFinders #Intelius #PeopleSmart #WhitePages #Zoominfo #Spokeo #information #personal #databrokers #cia #oracle #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS