“THE POWER OF JOE ALLEN” LET’S GO!!!! #2026FIFAWorldCup #2026WorldCup #2030FIFAWorldCup #2030WorldCup #FanReactions #fc #FIFA2026 #FIFA2030 #FIFAWorldCup #FifaWorldCup2026 #FIFAWorldCup2030 #JoeAllen #LFC #LFT #Liverpool #LiverpoolFootballTalk #Wales #WorldCup #WorldCup2026 #WorldCup2030
#2026fifaworldcup #2026worldcup #2030fifaworldcup #2030worldcup #fanreactions #fc #fifa2026 #fifa2030 #fifaworldcup #fifaworldcup2026 #fifaworldcup2030 #joeallen #lfc #lft #liverpool #liverpoolfootballtalk #wales #worldcup #worldcup2026 #worldcup2030
A new Lady Freethinker (#LFT) investigation into the Sumatran #DogMeatTrade has documented apparently sick and emaciated #dogs with scars being transported 17 hours for #slaughter, getting yanked off a truck with a long snare pole, and then being shoved into burlap sacks that were tied shut.
The terrified dogs – who had been reportedly hauled from #WestSumatra to #NorthSumatra –
#NorthSumatra #westsumatra #slaughter #dogs #DogMeatTrade #lft
Our venture through Korean War (LFT Fight for Seoul) continues! #advancedsquadleader #aar #koreanwar #fightforseoul #lft
#advancedsquadleader #aar #koreanwar #fightforseoul #lft
#LFT in wild rift (EU)
• Big champion pool
• Competitive experience in League of Legends
• Willing to be a sub for top teams
Can provide more information in dms
🔁OMG un p'tit partage les Mastouilleurs ? 👉👈
ICAO: #A7C080
Flt: #N599TA #LFT-#TEB
First seen: 2023/06/06 18:38:21
Min Alt: 4925 ft MSL
Min Dist: 1.88 nm
Peak Audio: -62 dBFS
Loudness: 0 dB
#planefence #adsb -
#a7c080 #n599ta #lft #teb #planefence #adsb
Never to be seen alive again.
The investigator also reported there was no evidence of the required quarantine paperwork for any of the #dogs, so there was no way of knowing if the dogs could be carrying rabies or another deadly virus.
Other dogs observed by #LFT languished in rusted metal cages at live markets or were stuffed in sacks with their mouths strapped shut.
Aujourd'hui, au bureau c'est Last Friday Talks
Diffusés en direct :
Seront dispo en "replay" bien sûr #lft #bedrockStreaming
Et je recale le lien de mon propre LFT "Docteur Qui ?" qui est "Doctor Who Pour les Nuls"
#whovian #doctorwho #bedrock #autopromo #lft
He did it again .. realtime snow, flickering really nice candle + music
254 byte for the music
9 kByte for the whole thing
Wir suchen für unser zweites NYXIA Team weitere Spieler und einen Coach in CS:GO.
Das Team befindet sich aktuell im Aufbau und möchte zur nächsten ESLM durchstarten!
Meldet euch bei uns👀
So pissed off. Husband has been coughing, sniffing. He took a covid test this morning. Negative. An hour later it was showing positive. WTF? I made him test every hour on the hour, using tests from different kits. Every one showed negative after 20 minutes, 1 hour. Do I trust them? I’m sick to death of this fucking shit.
#clinicallyvulnerable #Immunecompromised #lft #COVID
Feeling sorry for myself, watching 'Allo 'Allo on the sofa, while wondering if my next #LFT will be positive (negative so far, but feeling shit).
Everything has finally come together. Well done! 👏👏👏 #LFT #C64 #DeviceOrchestra #Demoscene
#lft #c64 #deviceorchestra #demoscene
#OTD in 2002 Dr David Charlton published a patent describing a lateral flow assay.
The #patent ran out in November 2019, just a few months before we all became all so familiar with the technology.
#LFT #COVID #chemistry #PatentOfTheWeek #biochem #RealTimeChem
#otd #patent #lft #covid #chemistry #patentoftheweek #biochem #realtimechem
ரவி சாஸ்திரி : பக்க ஓட்ட சோதனை மூலம் கொரோனா உறுதி… பக்க ஓட்ட சோதனை என்றால் என்ன ? via
#RaviShastri #LateralFlowTest #LFT #IndianCricketTeam
#IndianCricketTeam #lft #LateralFlowTest #RaviShastri
#lft, aka #lftkryo, aka #LinusÅkesson has created another wonderful mix of #8bit #homecomputer hardware and #classicalMusic #instruments.
After the construction of the #Chipophone in 2010, he had a #springReverb tank lying around:
Time will tell if I ever get around to doing this, but it bugs me that I have a perfectly good spring reverb tank just laying around.
Now, a bit more than a decade later, he's created the #sixtyforgan (sixty-four-organ) in which he uses the spring reverb tank to turn the basic waveforms of the #Commodore64 into realtime church organ like music.
More background info on Linus Åkesson's sixtyforgan website, as well as an introductory video to the sixtyforgan on YouTube and a video performance of Johann Sebastian Bach's "Ich Ruf' zu dir" Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis 639 by Linus Åkesson on his SixtyForgan on YouTube.
#C64 #chiptunes #demoscene #organ #churchOrgan #reverb #Åkesson #Commodore #churchMusic #Bach #JohannSebastianBach
#lft #lftkryo #LinusÅkesson #8bit #homecomputer #classicalmusic #instruments #chipophone #springreverb #sixtyforgan #commodore64 #c64 #chiptunes #demoscene #organ #churchOrgan #reverb #Åkesson #commodore #churchmusic #bach #JohannSebastianBach