hesgen · @hesgen
526 followers · 2262 posts · Server mstdn.media

"Kathleen Stock says she is a ‘moderate’ as protests planned over Oxford debate"

Stock has a right to upset anyone she pleases. As for being "moderate", Stock has shown herself to be anything but.

This is not a free-speech issue. The idea that Stock and others like her are martyrs is laughable.


#kathleenstock #trans #lgba #freespeech

Last updated 1 year ago

daisE · @daisE
6 followers · 208 posts · Server sfba.social

may I ask you if you would mind including the "I" in the +?
it's so sad to see how even the queer community in the US doesn't seem to know about intersex people.
The existence of intersex people as a biological fact is probably the most ignored human fact in the USA which leads to hundreds of unnecessary surgeries on babies(!). All just because the parents and doctors never heard of the normality of intersexual existence...
Would you help a little bit by including the I ?
Thank you very much for your consideration and best wishes! :propride:
=> => => => => + =>

#lgbtqia #lgb #lgba #lgbt #lgbati #lgbtq #lgbtiqa #queer #intersex #biology

Last updated 1 year ago

daisE · @daisE
6 followers · 208 posts · Server sfba.social

may I ask you if you would mind including the "I" in the +?
it's so sad to see how even the queer community in the US doesn't seem to know about intersex people.
The existence of intersex people as a biological fact is probably the most ignored human fact in the USA which leads to hundreds of unnecessary surgeries on babies(!). All just because the parents and doctors never heard of the normality of intersexual existence...
Would you help a little bit by including the I ?
Thank you very much for your consideration and best wishes! :propride:
=> => => => => + =>

#lgbtqia #lgb #lgba #lgbt #lgbati #lgbtq #lgbtiqa #queer #intersex #biology

Last updated 1 year ago

daisE · @daisE
6 followers · 208 posts · Server sfba.social

may I ask you if you would mind including the "I" in the +?
it's so sad to see how even the queer community in the US doesn't seem to know about intersex people.
The existence of intersex people as a biological fact is probably the most ignored human fact in the USA which leads to hundreds of unnecessary surgeries on babies(!). All just because the parents and doctors never heard of the normality of intersexual existence...
Would you help a little bit by including the I ?
Thank you very much for your consideration and best wishes! :propride:
=> => => => => + =>

#lgbtqia #lgb #lgba #lgbt #lgbati #lgbtq #lgbtiqa #queer #intersex #biology

Last updated 1 year ago

daisE · @daisE
6 followers · 208 posts · Server sfba.social

@bun @mutualaid

may I ask you if you would mind including the "I" in the +?
it's so sad to see how even the queer community in the US doesn't seem to know about intersex people.
The existence of intersex people as a biological fact is probably the most ignored human fact in the USA which leads to hundreds of unnecessary surgeries on babies(!). All just because the parents and doctors never heard of the normality of intersexual existence...
Would you help a little bit by including the I ?
Thank you very much for your consideration and best wishes! :propride:
=> => => => => + =>

#lgbtqia #lgb #lgba #lgbt #lgbati #lgbtq #lgbtiqa #queer #intersex #biology

Last updated 1 year ago

daisE · @daisE
6 followers · 208 posts · Server sfba.social

@JamesFinn @prismnpen
may I ask you if you would mind including the "I" in the +?
it's so sad to see how even the queer community in the US doesn't seem to know about intersex people.
The existence of intersex people as a biological fact is probably the most ignored human fact in the USA which leads to hundreds of unnecessary surgeries on babies(!). All just because the parents and doctors never heard of the normality of intersexual existence...
Would you help a little bit by including the I ?
Thank you very much for your consideration and best wishes! :propride:
=> => => => => + =>

#lgbtqia #lgb #lgba #lgbt #lgbati #lgbtq #lgbtiqa #queer #intersex #biology

Last updated 1 year ago

daisE · @daisE
6 followers · 208 posts · Server sfba.social

may I ask you if you would mind including the "I" in the LGBTQIA+?
it's so sad to see how even the queer community in the US doesn't seem to know about intersex people.
The existence of intersex people as a biological fact is probably the most ignored human fact in the USA which leads to hundreds of unnecessary surgeries on babies(!). All just because the parents and doctors never heard of the normality of intersexual existence...
Would you help a little bit by including the I ?
Thank you very much for your consideration and best wishes! :propride:
=> => => => => + =>

#lgb #lgba #lgbt #lgbati #lgbtq #lgbtiqa #queer #intersex #biology

Last updated 1 year ago

daisE · @daisE
6 followers · 208 posts · Server sfba.social

may I ask you if you would mind including the "I" in the LGBTQIA+?
it's so sad to see how even the queer community in the US doesn't seem to know about intersex people.
The existence of intersex people as a biological fact is probably the most ignored human fact in the USA which leads to hundreds of unnecessary surgeries on babies(!). All just because the parents and doctors never heard of the normality of intersexual existence...
Would you help a little bit by including the I ?
Thank you very much for your consideration and best wishes! :propride:
=> => => => => + =>

#lgb #lgba #lgbt #lgbati #lgbtq #lgbtiqa #queer #intersex #biology

Last updated 1 year ago

daisE · @daisE
6 followers · 208 posts · Server sfba.social

may I ask you if you would mind including the "I" in the LGBTQIA+?
it's so sad to see how even the queer community in the US doesn't seem to know about intersex people.
The existence of intersex people as a biological fact is probably the most ignored human fact in the USA which leads to hundreds of unnecessary surgeries on babies(!). All just because the parents and doctors never heard of the normality of intersexual existence...
Would you help a little bit by including the I ?
Thank you very much for your consideration and best wishes for you! :propride:
=> => => => => + =>

#lgb #lgba #lgbt #lgbati #lgbtq #lgbtiqa #queer #intersex #biology

Last updated 1 year ago

daisE · @daisE
6 followers · 208 posts · Server sfba.social

@queerscifi @youseeatortoise
may I ask you if you would mind including the "I" in the LGBTQIA+?
it's so sad to see how even the queer community in the US doesn't seem to know about intersex people.
The existence of intersex people as a biological fact is probably the most ignored human fact in the USA which leads to hundreds of unnecessary surgeries on babies(!). All just because the parents and doctors never heard of the normality of intersexual existence...
Would you help a little bit by including the I ?
Thank you very much for your consideration and best wishes for you! :propride:
=> => => => => + =>

#lgb #lgba #lgbt #lgbati #lgbtq #lgbtiqa #queer #intersex #biology

Last updated 1 year ago

daisE · @daisE
6 followers · 208 posts · Server sfba.social

may I ask you if you would mind including the "I" in the LGBTQIA+?
it's so sad to see how even the queer community in the US doesn't seem to know about intersex people.
The existence of intersex people as a biological fact is probably the most ignored human fact in the USA which leads to hundreds of unnecessary surgeries on babies(!). All just because the parents and doctors never heard of the normality of intersexual existence...
Would you help a little bit by including the I ?
Thank you very much for your consideration and best wishes for you! :propride:
=> => => => => + =>

#lgb #lgba #lgbt #lgbati #lgbtq #lgbtiqa #queer #intersex #biology

Last updated 1 year ago

daisE · @daisE
6 followers · 208 posts · Server sfba.social

@skybunnystanton may I ask you if you would mind including the "I" in the LGBTQIA+?
it's so sad to see how even the queer community in the US doesn't seem to know about intersex people.
The existence of intersex people as a biological fact is probably the most ignored human fact in the USA which leads to hundreds of unnecessary surgeries on babies(!). All just because the parents and doctors never heard of the normality of intersexual existence...
Would you help a little bit by including the I ?
Thank you very much for your consideration and best wishes for you! :propride:
=> => => => => + =>

#lgb #lgba #lgbt #lgbati #lgbtq #lgbtiqa #queer #intersex #biology

Last updated 1 year ago

daisE · @daisE
6 followers · 208 posts · Server sfba.social

it's so sad to see how even the queer community in the US blanks out intersex people and leaves the I out of the LGBTIQA+
The existence of intersex people as a biological fact is probably the most ignored human fact in the USA.
It's so weird to see this lack of solidarity within the "left" and queer community. Especially with knowing how many babies(!) got unnecessary surgeries just because the parents and doctors never heard of the normality of intersexual existence...
Are intersex people not welcome?
=> => => => => + =>

#lgb #lgba #lgbt #lgbati #lgbtq #lgbtiqa #queer #intersex #biology

Last updated 1 year ago

Lulu · @omglulu
54 followers · 382 posts · Server neurodifferent.me

LGB Alliance have an office at 55 Tufton Street, the home of so many right wing lobby groups from climate change deniers to tax slashing NHS privatisers.

They claim it's for convenience but as they have other offices in London it makes you wonder exactly what convenience they get being in the same building as some Britain's most infamous right wing orgs.


#lgba #55tuftonst #TransRights

Last updated 2 years ago

The LGB Alliance's official address is at the Far-Right Think Tank HQ, 55 Tufton Street. Well, well, what a surprise.

Originally posted on the bird site but now confirmed by themselves.

Imagine trying to seriously claim 55 Tufton Street was just an available and handy address.

#terfs #lgba

Last updated 2 years ago

LGBWithTheT · @LGBWithTheT
349 followers · 298 posts · Server mastodon.social

"imaginary grievances"


RT @DrJoeyMusic@twitter.com

Dumb take from a twitter account the sole purpose of which is to fraudulently criticize the with imaginary grievances that don't pass the sniff test. twitter.com/LGBwiththeT/status

🐦🔗: twitter.com/DrJoeyMusic/status


Last updated 2 years ago

Helen (She/Her) · @mimmymum
905 followers · 465 posts · Server mastodon.online

RT @coccinellanovem@twitter.com

A reminder that even used to admit that most trans identifying kids will just grow up to be LGB adults. Something they conveniently ‘forgot’ when they found a more profitable product - Gender Identity Ideology - to sell.


🐦🔗: twitter.com/coccinellanovem/st

#lgba #LGBAlliance #istandwithlgballiance #mermaids

Last updated 2 years ago