
>being in the UK isn't fun right now at all

Ah, so you're in the North*. I know mentioning can be unwise, but here i am, a paragon of unwisdom, so... would Reunification be a good thing for you, not only overall, but also specifically wrt & especially rights? 🤷‍♀️

* fosstodon.org/@SamanthaDevlin@
>Sending love from Ireland

#politics #lgbqi #trans

Last updated 2 years ago


> ’s residents are notoriously friendly and will welcome you at every stop.

Does that apply equally to who are visibly:
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- pregnant & needing a / abortion ?

I note this article is by @TravelOklahoma , so the cynic in me instantly doubts its universal veracity, unless others independently verify it.

#oklahoma #tourists #nonwhite #lgbqi #trans #disabled #termination

Last updated 2 years ago