#OTD 1974, Maureen Colquhoun, the first openly lesbian MP, was elected to Parliament for Northampton North. Colquhoun campaigned fiercely for women's rights, human rights and environmental issues and was often at odds with other MPs. Read more 👇 #LGBTHM http://ow.ly/4Ulg50HVBQF
#LGBTplusHM #LGBTQIA #LGBTHistory #20thCentury #Northampton #Campaign @histodon
#campaign #northampton #20thcentury #lgbthistory #lgbtqia #lgbtplushm #lgbtHM #otd
As we come to the end of #LGBTHM, why not click play on the video below to hear about the life and career of Maureen Colquhoun, the first openly lesbian and first openly LGBTQ+ MP to sit in Parliament? #WatchWednesday http://ow.ly/XV2050HConE
#20thcentury #lgbtplushm #watchwednesday #lgbtHM
Archbishop William Laud was a principal advisor to Charles I and an advocate of a more Catholic-style Church of England.
This blog explores Laud's private diary and its suggestions of a hidden sexual identity. @LGBTHM #LGBTHM
Exploring LGBTQ+ history at National Trust places
#nationaltrust #history #lgbtq #lgbtHM
One blog has been our most-read blog for the past 3 years... James I and the duke of Buckingham: love, power and betrayal! Dr Paul Hunneyball explores the duke of Buckingham’s position at court and his relationship with James I. Have you read it yet? #LGBTHM http://ow.ly/Ccfl50MyIkZ
Born #OTD 1894, Harold MacMillan, PM 1957-1963. In his first year the Wolfenden Report was published, which recommended that homosexual acts between 2 consenting adults should no longer be a criminal offence, but debates soon stalled progress. #LGBTHM http://ow.ly/RDLH50DpZ8V
#wolfendenreport #20thcentury #macmillan #lgbtHM #otd
In this blog, Dr Justin Bengry discusses the issues of pardoning historical homosexual offences and how it can 'erase history rather than atone for the damage it has wrought on the lives of queer men'. Find out more👇 http://ow.ly/xW6r50MxN48
For #LGBTHM, Professor Charles Upchurch explains how he used the History of Parliament's project to research and platform #LGBTQ+ histories of Parliament. Find out more about his research on the penalties for sex between men in the early 19thc.👇http://ow.ly/LXiR50MKnS1
#19thcentury #lgbtplushm #lgbtq #lgbtHM
Find out more about Gower's life, both in and outside of Westminster, by listening to our podcast, featuring Dr Spychal in conversation with Sammy Sturgess. Click 👇 http://ow.ly/7YHM50HKj73
@histodon #LGBTHM #LGBTplusHM #LGBTQ #MPMonday #Wesminster #Podcast
#podcast #wesminster #mpmonday #lgbtq #lgbtplushm #lgbtHM
#HistParl's Dr Martin Spychal studied Gower's diaries and reflected on how Gower utilised his position of privilege to navigate life as a queer man in late nineteenth-century Britain. You can find Dr Spychal's blog series on Gower👇 @VictorianCommons http://ow.ly/j8Jk50MxM13
#19thcentury #lgbtq #lgbtplushm #lgbtHM #mpmonday #histparl
#MPMonday is Lord Ronald Gower. MP for the Scottish county of Sutherland from 1867-74, he entered Parliament aged just 21. During much of his career, he kept a diary, in which he described his life in 19thc. LGBTQ+ society. Find out more👇
#LGBTHM #LGBTplusHM #LGBTQ #19thCentury #Parliament @histodon
#parliament #19thcentury #lgbtq #lgbtplushm #lgbtHM #mpmonday
I walked into the local (Sainsbury) supermarket this morning, and all the #SmartShop scanners were displaying the #ProgressivePride colours for LGBT History Month. It's great when you get a surprise that's actually nice!
#LGBTHM #LGBTHistoryMonth #Pride #ProgressivePride #Sainsbury
#smartshop #progressivepride #lgbtHM #LGBTHistoryMonth #pride #sainsbury
In 2019, Sammy Sturgess explored the legacy of 19thC. colonial legislation relating to homosexual offences. The legacy of British rule and its correlation to discrimination against LGBT+ people in former British colonies is strong. Read more👇 http://ow.ly/Xkk750MrLI1
#colonialism #lgbtplushm #lgbtHM
February is LGBT+ History Month! #DYK we have a whole section of #LGBTQ+ history blogs on our site? Click to find out more👇 http://ow.ly/szmA50DhuJH
#lgbthistory #lgbtHM #lgbtq #dyk
Before the Feb 1974 election, the constituency of Northampton was separated into two. In the Feb election, Maureen Colquhoun became the 1st MP for Northampton North. Colquhoun was the first openly lesbian MP. http://ow.ly/40Qn50MrV9G
@histodon #LGBTHistory #ConstituencyTuesday #LGBTHM #20thCentury #Northampton
#northampton #20thcentury #lgbtHM #constituencytuesday #lgbthistory
For the UK History month why not check out our interview with Steph Dickers, curator of the London leather archives at the Bishopsgate Institute, who helps chronicle and preserve this important slice of queer history and culture.
#lgbtHM #lgbthistorymonth
#LGBTHM2 #lgbtHM #LGBTHistoryMonth