Queer theory opens a space for challenging how knowledge and expertise can be weaponised against LGBTQ people. In doing so they challenge what has come to be accepted as objective and neutral.


#LGBTHistoryMonth #queertheory #criticaltheory #lgbtafrica

Last updated 2 years ago

Queer people often have to create the cultures they wish to live in. This is especially true in cultures where cishet patriarchy and homophobia are the norm.

Open acess paper by
Rachel Spronk and S. N. Nyeck

Open access paper

Cite as

Spronk, R. and Nyeck, S.N., (2021). Frontiers and pioneers in (the study of) queer experiences in Africa Introduction. Africa, 91(3), pp. 388-397.


#LGBTHistoryMonth #queertheory #criticaltheory #lgbtafrica

Last updated 2 years ago