#Writing Mastodon, what's a good instance for an author profile? I had an account on creativewriting.socail, but I can't log in or reset my password, so either something's borked on their end or they banned protonmail emails. :(
Must be LGBTQIA+ friendly.
#writing #amwriting #lgbtauthors
Leaf is a forest faun. He doesn't like fighting, but spends a lot of time picking flowers and hoping for peace. He stargazes with his cat friend Starlight. They walk a path all their own, together.
🦌 🐈⬛ 🌌
#PunkFantasy #FantasyPunk #YAFantasy #YoungAdultFantasy #FantasyIllustration #TransAuthors #QueerArtists #QueerFantasy #MagicalFantasy #AnarchistFantasy #VeganFantasy #QueerAuthors #QueerWriters #LGBTFantasy #LGBTArtists #LGBTAuthors
#punkfantasy #fantasypunk #yafantasy #youngadultfantasy #fantasyillustration #transauthors #queerartists #queerfantasy #magicalfantasy #anarchistfantasy #veganfantasy #queerauthors #queerwriters #lgbtfantasy #lgbtartists #lgbtauthors
Leaf is a forest faun. He doesn't like fighting, but spends a lot of time picking flowers and hoping for peace. He and stargazes with his cat friend Starlight. They walk a path all their own, together.
🦌 🐈⬛ 🌌
#PunkFantasy #FantasyPunk #YAFantasy #YoungAdultFantasy #FantasyIllustration #TransAuthors #QueerArtists #QueerFantasy #MagicalFantasy #AnarchistFantasy #VeganFantasy #QueerAuthors #QueerWriters #LGBTFantasy #LGBTArtists #LGBTAuthors
#punkfantasy #fantasypunk #yafantasy #youngadultfantasy #fantasyillustration #transauthors #queerartists #queerfantasy #magicalfantasy #anarchistfantasy #veganfantasy #queerauthors #queerwriters #lgbtfantasy #lgbtartists #lgbtauthors
There's a new scheme on #soundcloud where they post a sound that says download the full ebook link in the description with a link to a sus blog that probably gives you a virus.
My book Moth Pit has been on there 3 times.
#Piracy is never ok. Especially not to #indieauthors! I'm lucky if I sell 2 copies of books a month. Please spread the word!
If you'd like to actually support me, buy Moth Pit: https://books2read.com/mothpit
#authors #writingcommunity #piracyisacrime #lgbtauthors
#soundcloud #piracy #indieauthors #authors #writingcommunity #piracyisacrime #lgbtauthors
#lectura #libros #otoño #fall #revistasliterarias #poesía #books #writers #authors #literaturamexicana #libros #poetry #illustration #visualartist #visualart #feriadellibro #bisexual #gay #literatura #narrativa #gdl #beard #redhead #ginger #escritoresmexicanos #ilustracion #suit #model #drawing #lgbtauthors #greenlight
#mars #lectura #libros #otono #fall #revistasliterarias #poesia #books #writers #authors #literaturamexicana #poetry #illustration #visualartist #visualart #FeriaDelLibro #bisexual #gay #literatura #narrativa #gdl #beard #redhead #ginger #escritoresmexicanos #ilustracion #suit #model #drawing #lgbtauthors #greenlight
Sis gave me a bigger mousepad for xmas and like, wow, didn't know just how nice it would be. I've got full range of motion without worrying about going over AND some wrist support which I didn't even know I could use. So remember, even little upgrades to your workspace can make the whole experience easer/nicer #writing #writingcommunity #lgbtauthors
#lgbtauthors #writingcommunity #writing
Getting into the story drafting today because words don't write themselves (and I wouldn't want them to) #writing #writingromance #lgbtauthors
#lgbtauthors #writingromance #writing
I'm giving myself the permission to work on a joy-project instead of responsibility-project today. Sometimes one just has to follow what motivates. #writing #writingromance #lgbtauthors
#lgbtauthors #writingromance #writing
Writing Support Puppy Hudson just got re-handsomed😀. He’s excited about our Current WIP, Into the Blue—a queer, near future thriller. More to come on that!
#WritingCommunity #DogsOfMastodon #AmWriting #lgbtBooks #lgbtAuthors #mmRomance
#mmromance #lgbtauthors #lgbtbooks #amwriting #dogsofmastodon #writingcommunity
I woke up early, but as it's the season for cookies and decorating, I'm going to stay up and get some writing done before daylight makes demands #writing #writingcommunity #lgbtauthors
#lgbtauthors #writingcommunity #writing
To be fair, I didn't see anyone in media that was explicitly bisexual until Jack Harkness in Doctor Who. Had I known then what I know now, high school might've made a LOT more sense. #lgbtauthors
Today is definitely a drag my butt to the keyboard kind of day. Yesterday was a flowing words day. The ups and downs of writing. #writing #writingcommunity #lgbtauthors
#lgbtauthors #writingcommunity #writing
Eh, okay. So the NaNo draft has hit back burner, like I expected after getting the edits back. I'm still in love with the project, but I've got some catch up work to do on the main novel first. #writerslife #nanowrimo #lgbtauthors #writing #writingcommunity
#writingcommunity #writing #lgbtauthors #nanowrimo #writerslife
All right. As I head into the manuscript rewrite of this book I suppose there should be some loose things I "plot." #amwriting #writingcommunity #writing #lgbtauthors
#lgbtauthors #writing #writingcommunity #amwriting
All right, so the dev edits have been stewing and my head keeps filling with possible fixes. It's getting to be a bit like that moment from No Way Home where the old draft is Wong, saying "don't do the thing" and both my id and editor are Peter with a bunch of "but these things" while I'm Strange holding together the spell. I can hold the universe together, Peter just won't get everything he wants #writing #lgbtauthors #paranormalromance #writingcommunity
#writingcommunity #paranormalromance #lgbtauthors #writing
Whew, I have edits back. It's nerve-wracking waiting for them, but I usually like the editing process. Until I get like four weeks into the editing and it feels like it's never going to end, anyway, 😂 #5AMwritersclub #lgbtauthors #writer #writingcommunity
#writingcommunity #writer #lgbtauthors #5amwritersclub
Have we restarted this hashtag here yet? #5AMwritersclub It's a little past that here, but it's still EARLY so I'm counting it. This story seems to have possessed me. We'll see if that holds true once the edits come in. I'm excited about the new project 'cause I'm experimenting with unreliable narrators and morally gray would be a kind estimation, heh. #writingromance #lgbtauthors #nanowrimo
#nanowrimo #lgbtauthors #writingromance #5amwritersclub
The People Were Different
Another short horror story you can read on my website! Find it here:
#horror #horrorfiction #shortstory #writingcommuity #writing #fiction #lgbtartist #LGBTAuthors #watercolor #painting
#painting #watercolor #lgbtauthors #lgbtartist #fiction #writing #writingcommuity #shortstory #horrorfiction #horror
I have almost caught up in NaNo, just in time to get behind again due to next week's family gathering! Drats! #nanowrimo #writing #lgbtauthors
#lgbtauthors #writing #nanowrimo
I'm at a point of waiting for edits and drafting something fun and new while I wait, but that still takes a lot of energy. Which I forget until I get super tired and cranky. Don't forget to feed and water your fellow writer buds #writing #writingcommunity #lgbtauthors
#lgbtauthors #writingcommunity #writing