Book: "Juliet takes a breath", author: Gabby Rivera, publisher: PenguinTeen
I am a podcast lover but ones in a while I enjoy reading a book. This morning I finished "Juliet takes a breath" about Juliet's journey of self-discovery. But it also reads as a clear critique on white feminism. Very readable book - for young readers, too.
#books #GabbyRivera #Dykes #Queer #LGBTI #Feminism #Racism #whiteguilt
#books #gabbyrivera #dykes #queer #lgbti #feminism #racism #whiteguilt
Book: "Juliet takes a breath", author: Gabby Rivera, publisher: PenguinTeen
I am a podcast lover but ones in a while I enjoy reading a book. This morning I finished "Juliet takes a breath" about Juliet's journey of self-discovery. But it also reads as a clear critique on white feminism. Very readable book - for young readers, too.
#books #GabbyRivera #Dykes #Queer #LGBTI #Feminism #Racism #whiteguilt
#books #gabbyrivera #dykes #queer #lgbti #feminism #racism #whiteguilt
Book: "Juliet takes a breath", author: Gabby Rivera, publisher: PenguinTeen
I am a podcast lover but ones in a while I enjoy reading a book. This morning I finished "Juliet takes a breath" about Juliet's journey of self-discovery. But it also reads as a clear critique on white feminism. Very readable book - for young readers, too.
#books #gabbyrivera #dykes #queer #lgbti #feminism
Le syndicat des #bibliothécaires de Suède quitte la Fédération internationale des associations et institutions de bibliothèques car celle-ci a prévu de faire sa conf à Dubaï et a accepté de ne pas parler de questions #LGBTI+
Ser condenado/a a muerte por ser LGBTI. Parece una pesadilla, pero puede ocurrir en Uganda. Pedimos que se retiren los cargos, ¡ya! #LGBTI #Uganda
Por fín vexo reflectido o meu cambio de sexo rexistral no DNI!
Tras 6 meses (182 días) 🏳️⚧️✊
#LeiTrans #LeyTrans
#Trans #LGBT #LGTB #LGBTI #LGTBI #LGBTQ #LGBTIQ #LGBTIQA #Galiza #Galicia #Pontevedra
#leitrans #LeyTrans #trans #lgbt #lgtb #lgbti #lgtbi #lgbtq #lgbtiq #LGBTIQA #galiza #galicia #Pontevedra
Today in Australia it is Wear it Purple day. We wear it purple to show young queer youth that they are represented.
Encouraging everyone to put on something purple today. Or at least something rainbow.
Simple things can make a world of difference to others. You may make one person feel more accepted. Give hope to someone.
You may well pull someone off the edge and save them by something as simple as showing them you’re an ally or part of the community.
#lgbti #getrammed #wearitpurpleday
#Filmfest 916 #Bound #Gefesselt #Cinema #Film #Movies #MovingPicture #LGBTI #Classic #GinaGershon #JenniferTilly
Gefesselt (Bound, USA 1996) #Filmfest 916 #Top250
#filmfest #bound #gefesselt #cinema #film #movies #movingpicture #lgbti #classic #ginagershon #jennifertilly #top250
“This ban is one of the most concrete manifestations of the fury that the rightwing majority is unleashing against #LGBTI people,” Gabriele Piazzoni from Arcigay, Italy’s largest #LGBTQ+ rights group, told media earlier this year.
Quiero #un país en el que los #derechos #LGBTI se respeten #ElPaisDondeQuieroVivir a través de @amnistiaespana
#un #derechos #lgbti #elpaisdondequierovivir
Friction Magazine est né en 2017 de la volonté de deux gouines et un pédé de créer une plateforme pour visibiliser les initiatives culturelles et militantes qui les touchaient. Féministe, LGBTI et mixte : Friction est un média militant ✊
Pour en savoir plus sur nous, c'est par ici : #lgbti #feminisme #lgbt
#introduction #lgbti #feminisme #lgbt
Entitats LGBTI i contra el racisme demanen que Najat el Hamchi no sigui la pregonera de la Mercè #Observatoricontral'homofòbia #NajatElHachmi #LGBT-fòbia #transfòbia #Barcelona #LGBTI
#Observatoricontral #najatelhachmi #lgbt #transfobia #barcelona #lgbti
Liebe & Solidarität an die #LGBTI* community in #Italien!
Die Angriffe auf lesbische Mütter zeigen, wohin sich die Rechte Regierung bewegt.
Wir müssen gemeinsam gegen solch einen autoritären #Backlash kämpfen. Wir stehen zusammen!
#freedom #equality #HumanRights
#nelfa #Regenbogenfamilie
#lgbti #italien #backlash #freedom #equality #humanrights #nelfa #regenbogenfamilie
I’m trying to find an #autism-aware, #LGBTI+ friendly Mastodon instance with a high acceptance of nerdy geekiness which could serve as a social #safespace for a 16yo. Please help?
Original toot date: 22 March, 2023
#WhoAmIWednesday - Disabled, Neurodiverse & Queer.
I wasn’t sure I should post this story. In fact, I'm still not sure. As I get ready to press the Toot button, my heart rate is increasing, my head is spinning & I feel like I am going to have a panic attack.
But you can’t be what you can’t see. You can’t raise awareness if people don’t know you exist!
So here it is, one of the most personal stories I have shared to date.
Full story here 👇
#chloeshayden #JordonSteeleJohn
#glbt #lgbtqia #LGBTI #GLBTI #queerrights #disabled #disabilities #disability #invisabledisability #disabilityinclusion #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #neurodiverse #neurodiversityawareness #ADHD #adultadhd #autistic #autisticadults #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #AdultAutism #OCD #obsessivecompulsivedisorder #PCOS #pcoswarrior #pcosawareness #WeAreBrimbank
#whoamiwednesday #chloeshayden #jordonsteelejohn #ellydesmarchelier #diversityandinclusion #glbt #lgbtqia #lgbti #glbti #queerrights #disabled #disabilities #disability #invisabledisability #disabilityinclusion #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #neurodiverse #neurodiversityawareness #adhd #AdultADHD #autistic #autisticadults #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #adultautism #ocd #obsessivecompulsivedisorder #pcos #pcoswarrior #pcosawareness #wearebrimbank
Original toot date: 09 February, 2023
Our national Census should count every one of us, properly. But we still don’t know how many #LGBTIQA+ people there are in Australia.
Join the campaign, calling on the ABS & the Albanese Government to #CountUsIn2026?
#lgbtiqa #countusin2026 #equality #lgbtq #lgbt #queer #lgbtiq #lgbti
Spannend: Es gibt eine #Pride-Week in der #AWO-Seniorenwohnstätte in #Dortmund - #Eving. Das Thema der Auftaktveranstaltung lautet „#Queer im Alter - Öffnung der #Altenhilfe für #LSBTIQ*. #Soziales #Senioren #LGBT #LGBTI #LGBTIQ
#pride #awo #dortmund #Eving #queer #Altenhilfe #LSBTIQ #soziales #senioren #lgbt #lgbti #lgbtiq