Am #dd0908 sind wir beim Stiwo im AZ Conni in #Dresden!
Dort spricht eine Aktivistin der feministischen Organisierung "Gemeinsam Kämpfen" überdie Situation in Nordkurdistan und insbesondere über die Situation von #LGBTIA+ Personen. Während des Vortrages wird es eine Live-Schalte zu einer Aktivistin vor Ort geben.
Mi. 9. August
19 Uhr Vortrag
20 Uhr Essen
"To all the #LGBTia+ #people who insisted #cops at #Pride are a great thing "for our #protection" and deserve to march and have floats in the #parade despite the people of color in our #community and older #queers in our community talking about police brutality then and now:
Who do you think is going to enforce all the #antitrans and queer #laws that are sweeping the #country?"
:acab: :acab2: :acabkitty: :clowncop: :nocops: :pig_cop: :txt_eff_the_cops:
#lgbtia #people #cops #pride #protection #parade #Community #queers #antitrans #laws #country
In other news, I have converted from nonbinary to trans girl.
#gender #transgender #trans #lgbtia
This may be unpopular but
Just by looking at someone you cannot tell
If they are gay or straight
If they are bisexual/Pansexual/Omnisexual
If they are Trans or Cis
If they are allosexual or asexual
The ONLY way to be sure of anyone's Sex, Gender, Pronouns or Orientation is for them to tell you, you can ask but they do not have to tell you.
If you make assumptions about any of the above, you have to expect that you might be wrong.
#lgbtia #assumptions #donotassume
Missouri Anti-trans "Whistleblower" Story Is A Manufactured Controversy - Point By Point, by @ErinInTheMorn
#TransRightsAreHumanRights #LGBTIA #HandsOffOurHealthcare
#transrightsarehumanrights #lgbtia #handsoffourhealthcare
L'appel à textes et à dessins du zine Nos Mondes Queer est lancé !
Vous écrivez (fiction ou non fiction) ou dessinez ? Vous êtes sous le parapluie queer ? Avec l'asso Iskis Rennes, on vous invite à partager vos mondes queer. (Boost bienvenue)
Infos ici :
#at #mastoart #mastolivre #auteur #licencelibre #queer #lgbtia #sfff #imaginaire #utopie
#at #mastoart #mastolivre #auteur #licencelibre #queer #lgbtia #sfff #imaginaire #utopie
L'appel à textes et à dessins du zine Nos Mondes Queer est lancé !
Vous écrivez (fiction ou non fiction) ou dessinez ? Vous êtes sous le parapluie queer ? Avec l'asso Iskis Rennes, on vous invite à partager vos mondes queer. (Boost bienvenue)
Infos ici :
#at #mastoart #mastolivre #auteur #licencelibre #queer #lgbtia #sfff #imaginaire #utopie
#at #mastoart #mastolivre #auteur #licencelibre #queer #lgbtia #sfff #imaginaire #utopie
@scandrof The #LNP have consistently shown deliberate malice to many as you noted - I’d add refugees, #LGBTIA community, unions as well. I’m beginning to think that Robert Hanlon’s Razor “ never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity” does not apply to those involved in #Robodebt
liebes fediverse,
eure #mithilfe ist gefragt. daher gerne boosten :)
eine gute freundin von mir, #neurodivergent, sucht im raum bonn-duisdorf einen aushilfs-/minijob, für 2 tage die woche, max 4,5 std pro tag, ohne kundenkontakt.
falls jemand was weiß oder jemanden kennt, bitte gerne weitergeben.
kontakt über mich :)
#help #lgbtia #queer #neurodivergent #Mithilfe
I wrote a book. Please read it. Thank you *transforms into an owl and flies away*
Corrupt angels. A sentient spaceship. Invaders from outer space. Dystopia. Friendship, greed, and death. The final judgement. A world made entirely of crabs.
“Delightful, ingenious, and marvellous.” — Adam Roberts
24 stories of philosophical exploration, from identity, corruption, personhood, and friendship, to duty, loyalty, the meaning of life and death … and guinea pigs.
“Rachel Handley is an author to watch”. — Gareth L. Powell
#writing #writer #scifi #sciencefiction #sff #speculativefiction #writingcommunity #readingcommunity #philosophy #philosopher #shortstory #shortstories #fiction #nonbinarywriter #queer #queerwriter #lgbtia #lgbtiawriter #sf #debut
#writing #writer #scifi #sciencefiction #sff #speculativefiction #writingcommunity #readingcommunity #philosophy #philosopher #shortstory #shortstories #fiction #nonbinarywriter #queer #queerwriter #lgbtia #lgbtiawriter #sf #debut
I wrote a book. Please read it. Thank you *transforms into an owl and flies away*
Corrupt angels. A sentient spaceship. Invaders from outer space. Dystopia. Friendship, greed, and death. The final judgement. A world made entirely of crabs.
“Delightful, ingenious, and marvellous.” — Adam Roberts
24 stories of philosophical exploration, from identity, corruption, personhood, and friendship, to duty, loyalty, the meaning of life and death … and guinea pigs.
“Rachel Handley is an author to watch”. — Gareth L. Powell
#writing #writer #scifi #sciencefiction #sff #speculativefiction #writingcommunity #readingcommunity #philosophy #philosopher #shortstory #shortstories #fiction #nonbinarywriter #queer #queerwriter #lgbtia #lgbtiawriter #sf #debut
#writing #writer #scifi #sciencefiction #sff #speculativefiction #writingcommunity #readingcommunity #philosophy #philosopher #shortstory #shortstories #fiction #nonbinarywriter #queer #queerwriter #lgbtia #lgbtiawriter #sf #debut
"If the enemy is too bust arguing over what went wrong, they won't notice us rearming & regrouping."
- Fascists after every False Flag massacre in history, probably.
#trans #lgbtia #fascism #blackpill #redpill
Similarly, it’s why Phase 4 of the #MCU has given me a lot of hope.
Regardless your opinions on #Disney or #Marvel, it’s a net positive that they have:
1. Had most of Phase 4 be directed by women
2. Had Egyptian director and actors for a show involving Egyptian mythology
3. Had Muslim/Pakistani/immigrant directors/writers/actors for show involving Muslim community in America
But the most astounding was the end of Falcon and Winter Soldier.
#mcu #disney #marvel #lgbtia #immigration
Quelques hashtag pertinents pour moi, apprendre, comprendre, soutenir, bla-bla-bla :
📌 sur les luttes :
#féminisme #féminismes #validisme #psychophobie #lgbtia #transidentité #decolonial #islamophobie #antiracisme #grossophobie #adultisme #enbyphobie #antitsiganisme
📌 autour de la libération de ces peuples:
#Palestine #FreePalestine #LiberezSalah #FreeGeorgesAbdallah #PalestineVaincra
#Kurdistan #Kurde
#Sahraoui #SaharaOccidental
📌 sur des domaines :
#shs #sociologie #santéMentale #santeMentale #gynécologie #ViolencesSexistesEtSexuelles
📌 sur des loisirs :
#vendrediLecture #écriture #lecture #autrice #ConseilLecture #nature
📌 sur ce que je vis (notamment) :
#autisme #tdah #psychotrauma #dissociationTraumatique #trauma #depression
📌 sur ce qui m’aide et me comble :
#muslim #islam 🤲🏻
#chat #démon 😂
Et vous ?
#feminisme #feminismes #validisme #psychophobie #lgbtia #transidentite #decolonial #islamophobie #antiracisme #grossophobie #adultisme #enbyphobie #antitsiganisme #palestine #freepalestine #liberezsalah #freegeorgesabdallah #palestinevaincra #kurdistan #kurde #sahraoui #saharaoccidental #ouighours #yemen #shs #sociologie #santementale #gynecologie #violencessexistesetsexuelles #vendredilecture #ecriture #lecture #autrice #conseillecture #nature #autisme #tdah #psychotrauma #dissociationtraumatique #trauma #depression #muslim #islam #chat #demon
Quelques hashtag pertinents pour moi :
📌 sur les luttes :
#féminisme #féminismes #validisme #psychophobie #lgbtia #transidentité #decolonial #islamophobie #antiracisme #grossophobie #adultisme #enbyphobie
📌 autour de la libération de ces peuples:
#Palestine #FreePalestine #LiberezSalah #FreeGeorgesAbdallah #PalestineVaincra
#Kurdistan #Kurde
#Sahraoui #SaharaOccidental
📌 sur des domaines :
#shs #sociologie #santéMentale #santeMentale #gynécologie #ViolencesSexistesEtSexuelles
📌 sur des loisirs :
#vendrediLecture #écriture #lecture #autrice #ConseilLecture #nature
📌 sur ce que je vis (notamment) :
#autisme #tdah #psychotrauma #dissociationTraumatique #trauma #depression
📌 sur ce qui m’aide et me comble :
#muslim #islam 🤲🏻
#chat #démon 😂
Et vous ?
#feminisme #feminismes #validisme #psychophobie #lgbtia #transidentite #decolonial #islamophobie #antiracisme #grossophobie #adultisme #enbyphobie #palestine #freepalestine #liberezsalah #freegeorgesabdallah #palestinevaincra #kurdistan #kurde #sahraoui #saharaoccidental #ouighours #yemen #shs #sociologie #santementale #gynecologie #violencessexistesetsexuelles #vendredilecture #ecriture #lecture #autrice #conseillecture #nature #autisme #tdah #psychotrauma #dissociationtraumatique #trauma #depression #muslim #islam #chat #demon
Quelques hashtag pertinents pour moi :
📌 sur les luttes :
#féminisme #féminismes #validisme #psychophobie #lgbtia #transidentité #decolonial #islamophobie #antiracisme #grossophobie #adultisme
📌 sur des domaines :
#shs #sociologie #santéMentale #santeMentale #gynécologie #violencesSexistesEtSexuelles
📌 sur des loisirs :
#vendrediLecture #écriture #lecture #autrice #ConseilLecture #nature
📌 sur ce que je vis (notamment) :
#autisme #tdah #psychotrauma #dissociationTraumatique #trauma #depression
📌 sur ce qui m’aide et me comble :
#muslim #islam 🤲🏻
#chat #démon 😂
Et vous ?
#feminisme #feminismes #validisme #psychophobie #lgbtia #transidentite #decolonial #islamophobie #antiracisme #grossophobie #adultisme #shs #sociologie #santementale #gynecologie #violencessexistesetsexuelles #vendredilecture #ecriture #lecture #autrice #conseillecture #nature #autisme #tdah #psychotrauma #dissociationtraumatique #trauma #depression #muslim #islam #chat #demon