Global News BC: RCMP seek 4 suspects in attack on Pride crosswalk at Richmond school #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #PrideCrosswalkVandalized #richmondpridecrosswalk #R.C.PalmerHighSchool #homophobicslurs #anti-lgbtq2s+ #RichmondRCMP #HateCrime #Vandalism #Richmond #LGBTQ2 #Crime #LGBTQ
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #pridecrosswalkvandalized #richmondpridecrosswalk #r #homophobicslurs #anti #RichmondRCMP #hatecrime #vandalism #richmond #lgbtq2 #crime #LGBTQ
Global News BC: ‘Anti-pride’ protester charged after drag storytime disruption in Kamloops #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #NorthKamloopsLibrarydragstorytime #NorthKamloopsLibrarydragprotest #Thompson-NicolaRegionalLibrary #NorthKamloopsLibrary #Dragstorytime #dragstorytime #2SLGBTQIA+ #LGBTQ2 #Crime #LGBTQ #Pride #News #drag
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #northkamloopslibrarydragstorytime #northkamloopslibrarydragprotest #thompson #northkamloopslibrary #DragStoryTime #2SLGBTQIA #lgbtq2 #crime #LGBTQ #pride #drag
Global News BC: B.C.’s top court cuts contempt sentence for father of trans youth #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #TransgenderRights #BCCourtofAppeal #ContemptofCourt #Transgender #Contempt #Justice #LGBTQ2 #Social #News
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #transgenderrights #bccourtofappeal #contemptofcourt #transgender #contempt #justice #lgbtq2 #social
Global News BC: Effort to vandalize rainbow crosswalk foiled in Central Saanich, B.C. #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Saanichrainbowcrosswalkvandalism #Saanichpridecrosswalkvandalism #Saanichrainbowcrosswalk #saanichpridecrosswalk #centralsaanichpolice #CentralSaanich #Saanichpolice #2SLGBTQIA+ #Saanich #LGBTQ2 #LGTBQ2 #Crime #LGBTQ #Pride
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #saanichrainbowcrosswalkvandalism #saanichpridecrosswalkvandalism #saanichrainbowcrosswalk #saanichpridecrosswalk #centralsaanichpolice #centralsaanich #Saanichpolice #2SLGBTQIA #Saanich #lgbtq2 #lgtbq2 #crime #LGBTQ #pride
Global News BC: Thousands partake in Vancouver’s Pride festival highlighted by popular parade #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #VancouverPrideParade2023 #VancouverPrideSociety #VancouverPrideParade #DowntownVancouver #vancouverparade #VancouverEvent #VancouverPride #Entertainment #Perspectives #Vancouver #WestEnd #Canada #LGBTQ2 #LGBTQ
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vancouverprideparade2023 #vancouverpridesociety #vancouverprideparade #DowntownVancouver #vancouverparade #VancouverEvent #vancouverpride #entertainment #perspectives #Vancouver #westend #Canada #lgbtq2 #LGBTQ
Global News BC: ‘Huge mistake’: Langley brewery apologizes for cancelling ‘polarizing’ drag bingo #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Langleybrewerycancelsdragbingo #dragbingocancelledLangley #TradingPostBrewing #PrideFestival #langleypride #LangleyNews #2SLGBTQIA+ #dragqueens #PrideWeek #Langley #Canada #LGBTQ2 #LGBTQ #drag
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #langleybrewerycancelsdragbingo #dragbingocancelledlangley #tradingpostbrewing #pridefestival #langleypride #langleynews #2SLGBTQIA #dragqueens #prideweek #Langley #Canada #lgbtq2 #LGBTQ #drag
Global News BC: ‘Show up’: Vancouver Pride Festival kicks off with call for celebration, allyship #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Vancouverprideschedule #VancouverPrideSociety #Vancouverprideevents #VancouverPrideParade #VancouverPrideWeek #VancouverPride #2SLGBTQIA+ #Canada #LGBTQ2
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vancouverprideschedule #vancouverpridesociety #vancouverprideevents #vancouverprideparade #vancouverprideweek #vancouverpride #2SLGBTQIA #Canada #lgbtq2
My first video on #PeerTube!
Timelapse video of my Edie Sedgewick piece!
Soundtrack: SECRET STAR (Sasha’s Radio Edit) by The House Of Zekkariyas aka Womack & Womack
🌈 💜🌈
#NornCutson #Creative #Queer #Autistic #Illustration #Design #Illustrator #Art #Artist #AYearForArt #DigitalArt #ArtMatters #MixedMedia #MastoArt #MastoCreative #ArtistsOnMastodon #ArtistsOfMastodon #DigitalArt #AVLArt #AVLArtists #LGBTQ #LGBTQ2 #ActuallyAutistic #AVLArts #BuyIntoArt #SpringIntoArt
🌈 💜🌈
#PeerTube #NornCutson #creative #queer #Autistic #illustration #design #illustrator #art #artist #ayearforart #DigitalArt #ArtMatters #mixedmedia #MastoArt #mastocreative #ArtistsOnMastodon #ArtistsOfMastodon #avlart #avlartists #LGBTQ #lgbtq2 #actuallyautistic #avlarts #BuyIntoArt #springintoart
It's ME!!!
....and only YOU can see me!"
#JenniferSleptHere #AnnJillian
Inspired by #GayestEpisodeEver #podcast #LGBTQ2 #GEE #LGBTQ
#jenniferslepthere #annjillian #gayestepisodeever #podcast #lgbtq2 #gee #LGBTQ
🌈 #Introduction 🌈
I'm #NornCutson, #Creative , #Queer , #Autistic and I wanted to share some of my art with you.
I've been drawing since before I could speak, and I'm 53 now! I have a vast amount of work to show, so I decided to just share my four latest pieces, along with my links.
Art is my main form of communication and is really my only way to get through to other people. Some people think because I use a cute vocabulary, my art is just funny -and that's ok, but I hope viewers can see that I'm trying to express something deeper than that.
One of my lifelong projects is #MyRecordCollection Series, which I started in 2009 and continue to this day, showing my takes on the records that made me who I am. Music is my main inspiration in life!
I've worked as a graphic designer my whole adult life, until the beginning of COVID, when I lost the job I thought I'd have til I "retired": layout designer for my local newspaper. Since then, I've been working in a grocery store, thinking it would be temporary til things "got back to normal"... but they never did, and I think, never will. So I am definitely interested in creative opportunities!
My Site:
My Shop:
And here are my four most recent pieces. I am ALWAYS working on something, I've got sketches going, WIP going, and dreaming up (sometimes literally!) new ideas all the time!
Follow me for more!
I'm always posting sketches, WIPs and digging through old files!
Thanks for reading!
#Illustration #Design #Illustrator #Art #Artist #AYearForArt #DigitalArt #ArtMatters #MixedMedia #MastoArt #MastoCreative #AVLArt #AVLArtists #LGBTQ #LGBTQ2 #ActuallyAutistic #AVLArts #RecordCollection #BuyIntoArt #SpringIntoArt
#introduction #NornCutson #creative #queer #Autistic #myrecordcollection #illustration #design #illustrator #art #artist #ayearforart #DigitalArt #ArtMatters #mixedmedia #MastoArt #mastocreative #avlart #avlartists #LGBTQ #lgbtq2 #actuallyautistic #avlarts #recordcollection #BuyIntoArt #springintoart
Global News BC: Newly-installed Saanich Pride crosswalk defaced with black paint #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #saanichpridecrosswalkdefaced #pridecrosswalkattacked #saanichpridecrosswalk #Saanichhatecrime #saanichvandalism #anti-lgtbq2 #saanichhate #Saanich #LGBTQ2 #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #saanichpridecrosswalkdefaced #pridecrosswalkattacked #saanichpridecrosswalk #saanichhatecrime #saanichvandalism #anti #saanichhate #Saanich #lgbtq2 #crime
Standing up for #humanrights is not #political. People are not #politics!
#pride #prideflag #LGBT #LGBTQ #lgbtq2 #2slgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #trans #queer #transphobia #homophobia #rainbowflag
#HumanRights #political #politics #pride #prideflag #LGBT #LGBTQ #lgbtq2 #2slgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #trans #queer #transphobia #homophobia #rainbowflag
Global News BC: Police investigating attack on Ladner church’s Pride flags as hate crime #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ladnerunitedchurch #prideflagsdefaced #Perspectives #prideflags #PrideFlag #Vandalism #Ladner #LGBTQ2 #Crime #LGBTQ #Pride
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #ladnerunitedchurch #prideflagsdefaced #perspectives #prideflags #prideflag #vandalism #ladner #lgbtq2 #crime #LGBTQ #pride
And off we go to work, feeling very he/him today.
Have a wonderful day whatever you have planned XXX 🥰 #love #positivity #lgbtq2
Hey! I'm streaming, come watch!
Floating around on a Friday... in the fourteen-hundreds? *shrug*
#vtuber #envtuber #vtuberen #twitchaffiliate #smallstreamer #indievtuber #indie #vtuberuprising #lgbtq2 #survivalfountainofyouth
#vtuber #envtuber #vtuberen #twitchaffiliate #smallstreamer #indievtuber #indie #vtuberuprising #lgbtq2 #survivalfountainofyouth
Global News BC: Vancouver Canucks winger Andrei Kuzmenko won’t wear Pride warm up jersey: coach #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #kuzmenkopridejersey #kuzmenkopridenight #CanucksPridenight #VancouverCanucks #AndreiKuzmenko #NHLPrideNight #pridejersey #PrideNight #Canucks #Sports #LGBTQ2 #LGBTQ #Pride #NHL
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #kuzmenkopridejersey #kuzmenkopridenight #canuckspridenight #VancouverCanucks #AndreiKuzmenko #nhlpridenight #pridejersey #pridenight #canucks #sports #lgbtq2 #LGBTQ #pride #nhl
Good morning everyone sending you all my love and hugs for those who need, have a lovely day today,
Scatter your love around, the more you give the greater it comes back to you x
#love #positivity #lgbtq2
#TempestTheatre & #FilmSociety in #Penticton #BritishColumbia is #SpeakingOut against #bullying & is emphasizing its support for a show presented by an #LGBTQ2 owned company.
According to the theatre’s managing director, Jennifer Vincent, the #theatre received a #threatening email that suggested a potential protest at the event Wednesday night.
#StopLGBTQ2Hate #EndBullying #Canada #HumanRights #SupportLGBTQ2
#tempesttheatre #filmsociety #Penticton #britishcolumbia #speakingout #bullying #lgbtq2 #theatre #threatening #stoplgbtq2hate #endbullying #canada #humanrights #supportlgbtq2
Global News BC: Anti-LGBTQ2 protests are on the rise in Canada: What’s going on? #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #TransgenderRights #GenderExpression #Dragperformance #LGBTQ2Rights #HumanRights #HateCrimes #HateSpeech #LGBTQ2Hate #FarRight #Protests #Canada #LGBTQ2
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #transgenderrights #genderexpression #dragperformance #lgbtq2rights #HumanRights #hatecrimes #hatespeech #lgbtq2hate #farright #protests #Canada #lgbtq2
Several hundred schoolkids came through the Yardbird Suite the past three days for Jazzworks music workshops, directed by Fred Mack and featuring instruction from Aretha Tillotson & Joel Gray
Seeing youth with a diversity of personal styles, backgrounds and identities come together over a shared love of making music was truly inspiring, particularly in a day in which we are seeing cowardly bullies 'n hypocrites encourage hostility towards "different" kids
It's the Different kids who make history and create change. I'm proud to be part of an organization that supports youth choosing their identities, and actively provides them with the support and safety they need while they are becoming tomorrow's professional musicians
BTW - Bowie attended the Yardbird Suite as a patron after his Glass Spider tour stop here. I'll tell you the story if you buy me a scotch
#lgbtq2 #transrightsarehumanrights #yeg #yegjazz #albertamusic #yardbirdsuiteyeg #oldstrathcona
#lgbtq2 #transrightsarehumanrights #yeg #yegjazz #albertamusic #yardbirdsuiteyeg #oldstrathcona