A number of years ago, a mainstream journalist asked me, “Are you worried about providing male role models for your son?” Here’s the piece I wrote about my answer, which I’m pulling from the archives and freshening up a bit. #LGBTQfamilies https://mombian.com/2023/04/19/gender-and-role-models-one-queer-parents-perspective/
Catch up on some news for and about queer parents that I haven’t covered already! We’ve got family news, political moves, science, and some big events for #LGBTQfamilies! https://mombian.com/2023/04/10/lgbtq-parenting-roundup-59/ #LGBTQ
My spouse Helen and I recently celebrated our 30th anniversary. At a time when the #LGBTQ community is being attacked on all sides, this personal milestone also reminded me that despite the many challenges for LGBTQ folks right now, progress can happen and #queerjoy is real. https://mombian.com/2023/04/06/30-years-of-love-and-progress/ #LGBTQfamilies
#lgbtq #queerjoy #lgbtqfamilies
I’m over the moon about this stellar middle-grade graphic novel starring a girl with two moms! Click through for review and see if its gravity pulls you in, too! https://mombian.com/2023/04/04/a-two-mom-family-thats-out-of-this-world/ #QueerKidLit #LGBTQfamilies
#Passover begins this Wednesday! How might we #LGBTQ families use the traditional “Four Questions” of the holiday to guide our modern-day journeys? Here are my suggestions, slightly revised from a piece I wrote a few years ago. #LGBTQfamilies https://mombian.com/2023/04/03/passover-questions-for-lgbtq-families-2/
#passover #lgbtq #lgbtqfamilies
It takes love--and often money--to make a family. A new report looks at the financial experiences of LGBTQ people in the United States, including ones related to starting families and securing legal parental rights. Let’s dig into it! https://mombian.com/2023/03/29/the-financial-costs-of-lgbtq-family-formation-and-protection/ #LGBTQfamilies
Pete Buttigieg, secretary of transportation and gay dad, spoke to ABC Audio’s podcast Life Out Loud with LZ Granderson about starting his family, what parenthood is like for him, responding to criticism about his family, and more! Have a listen! https://mombian.com/2023/03/29/a-thriving-family-pete-buttigieg-talks-parenting/ #LGBTQfamilies #gaydads
This week’s new #LGBTQ-inclusive kids’ books are brought to you by the sound “oo.” https://mombian.com/2023/03/28/ooh-new-lgbtq-childrens-books/ #LGBTQfamilies #QueerKidLit
#lgbtq #lgbtqfamilies #queerkidlit
Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s far-right government has told the city of Milan not to recognize or allow birth certificates showing two mothers or two fathers. #LGBTQ #LGBTQfamilies https://mombian.com/2023/03/17/italian-government-tells-milan-not-to-allow-birth-certificates-with-same-sex-parents/
The Mombian Database of LGBTQ Family Books and More now has more than 1200 items in it—and counting! With LGBTQ-inclusive books under increased attack, I hope this database can play a part in connecting those who need such books with the many titles that now exist. #QueerKidLit #LGBTQ #LGBTQfamilies https://mombian.com/2023/03/16/mombian-database-hits-milestone-of-1200-lgbtq-family-books-and-more/
#queerkidlit #lgbtq #lgbtqfamilies
A new analysis has found that children with #queer parents have similar outcomes as those with heterosexual parents, and may even have better ones in some areas—surprising no one reading this post, I suspect. But let’s dig deeper, since that’s what we do here at Mombian: https://mombian.com/2023/03/13/outcomes-for-children-of-queer-parents-same-as-or-better-than-those-with-heterosexual-parents/ #LGBTQfamilies #LGBTQ
Rhode Island legislators yesterday heard testimony in support of a bill that would streamline the process of confirmatory adoptions, ensuring that more #LGBTQfamilies have access to this unfortunately necessary tool for protecting our legal ties to our children: https://mombian.com/2023/03/10/rhode-island-bill-seeks-to-simplify-confirmatory-adoptions/ #LGBTQ
I interviewed Jaimie Kelton of The Queer Family Podcast about her show's 11th season, rebranding, and why it's important to keep telling queer family stories. #LGBTQfamilies https://mombian.com/2023/03/09/the-queer-family-podcast-showcases-beautiful-unique-stories/
Happy #internationalwomensday! Celebrate with some recent picture-book biographies of these inspiring queer and queer-adjacent women! #LGBTQ #QueerKidLit #LGBTQfamilies https://mombian.com/2023/03/08/5-recent-picture-book-biographies-of-queer-and-queer-adjacent-women-for-international-womens-day/
#internationalwomensday #lgbtq #queerkidlit #lgbtqfamilies
So, um... Holy Shit. Spent all day working and didn't see that someone decided to buy the bundle for... a lot and now we're over 100%. Thank you so much to everyone who has supportd the sale and helped us dig out of this mess. It's beyond appreciated!
#ttrpg #ttrpgsale #TTRPGStuff #lgbtq #trans #lgbtqfamilies #pride #transpride
#ttrpg #ttrpgsale #ttrpgstuff #lgbtq #trans #lgbtqfamilies #pride #transpride
Two days left to help push us to 100%! We're really struggling and any help would be appreciated!
The sale is filled with labors of love that continue to be updated and at times rereleased for free once purchased. So, if you find anything that catches your eye, know that I spend my free time analyzing and reanalyzing it and every other game I make.
#ttrpg #TTRPGs #TTRPGStuff #TTRPGCommunity #ttrpgdesigner #lgbtq #trans #transhelp #lgbtqfamilies
#ttrpg #ttrpgs #ttrpgstuff #TTRPGCommunity #ttrpgdesigner #lgbtq #trans #transhelp #lgbtqfamilies
Connecticut lawmakers heard testimony this week on a bill that would require insurers to cover fertility care not only for people who are diagnosed as infertile, but also for #LGBTQ couples and single people who need medical assistance to build their families: https://mombian.com/2023/03/03/connecticut-bill-would-provide-equity-in-fertility-care-for-lgbtq-people-and-others/ #LGBTQFamilies #fertility #infertility
#lgbtq #lgbtqfamilies #fertility #infertility
Queer kids save the world (or the kingdom) in these great recent middle-grade books set in fantasy realms or fantastical versions of our own world. If you’re looking for books of action, adventure, and magic, starring queer kids with a variety of intersecting identities, check them out! https://mombian.com/2023/02/28/queer-kids-save-the-world/ #LGBTQ #LGBTQFamilies #QueerKidLit
#lgbtq #lgbtqfamilies #queerkidlit
A Pennsylvania court has denied a nonbiological mother parental rights to the child she and her former spouse, the biological mother, had planned and created together. It is the second recent case in the U.S. to do so, and points to the critical need for parentage law reform. https://mombian.com/2023/02/27/pennsylvania-court-denies-nonbio-mom-parentage/ #LGBTQ #LGBTQfamilies
In a case with horrible implications for #LGBTQfamilies, an Oklahoma judge has ruled that a married, nonbiological mom has no parental rights to the child she and her wife created and were raising together, but the couple’s sperm donor does. Here’s what happened, and what other same-sex couples need to do to protect their own families: https://mombian.com/2023/02/15/oklahoma-grants-parentage-to-sperm-donor-over-nonbiological-mom/ #LGBTQ