Good morning everyone, wishing you a terrific Tuesday XXX #love #positivity #lgbtqia2
Good morning you wonderful people, wish you all a marvelous Monday XX.
#love #positivity #nonbinary #lgbtqia2
#love #positivity #nonbinary #lgbtqia2
Good morning you lovely people, wishing you all a super Sunday, whatever you have planned may it fill your day with joy.
#love #positivity #lgbtqia2
Have a terrific day today whatever you have planned xxx
#love #positivity #lgbtqia2
Good morning everyone, wishing you all a fantastic day today xx #love #nonbinary #lgbtqia2
Good morning everyone wishing you all a fabulous day today xx #love #positivity #lgbtqia2
I knew sooner or later someone was actually going to attack childfree people and those who have medical difficulty having children.
I guess this shouldn't be a surprise as an #actuallyautistic #lgbtqia2 person to see this kind of thing happening... especially when Elon's own daughter is trans and is disown her father.
Can we start talking about parental privilege yet?
#humanrights #childfree #Voting #gayrights #transrights
Watch "Elon Musk: BAN Childless People From Voting | The Kyle Kulinski Show" on YouTube
#actuallyautistic #lgbtqia2 #humanrights #childfree #Voting #gayrights #transrights
I just love the pins that Margeaux from Retrophiliac designed and could probably use more pins especially the communication pins.
They design awesome pins, patches, and other things for the neurodivergent and LGBTQIA communities.
I feel great supporting an #actuallyautistic #lgbtqia2 designer like Margeaux. Their etsy shop can be found here:
Hello, this is my first time posting here. I'm an autistic dyspraxic gay kinky bear cub in the Chicago metropolitan area. I used to study for embedded systems, but recently found a passion in leatherworking. I am happy to put up some of the issues I face and projects I am working on.
I also absolutely love the pins that Retrophiliac makes, so be sure to check them out.
#ActuallyAutistic #neurodivergent #lgbtqia2 #leatherworking #leatherboy #bear #introduction
#actuallyautistic #neurodivergent #lgbtqia2 #leatherworking #leatherboy #Bear #introduction
I think I finally figured out why I left social media and why I may never return...
the stigmatization, the use of words I identity with as insults...
As much as I may have cared about people, I have come to the conclusion that acceptance has been impossible for me to achieve... and worst of all it's during pride month that I actually experience this.
sorry @actuallyautistic, but I am thinking it's time for me to disappear from social media... I left twitter in 2010, I left Facebook in 2016, and I left LinkedIn in 2022.
I can't handle the trauma I already experienced in childhood that was normalized, I can't handle the use of my labels as gay, kinky, or autistic as insults... I'm reliving mental health struggles before I came out as #LGBTQIA2 #gay, #kinky, #leatherboy, #actuallyautistic, and #childfree. I do not have the capability to compartmentalize.
Seeing as people of the various identities that I may have I face issues of one from or another. It's just so hurtful during #pridemonth to be experiencing this. I feel like I want to seclude myself from society.
#lgbtqia2 #gay #kinky #leatherboy #actuallyautistic #childfree #pridemonth
Affaire Hansman contre Neufeld: la Cour Suprême donne raison au prof qui a défendu les élèves 2SLGBTQI+.
Résumé rapide: Barry Neufeld, un réac' de Colombie-Britannique, s'attaque publiquement à un cursus scolaire inclusif alors qu'il est administrateur d'un conseil d'école.
Un prof, Glen Hansman, dit que ses commentaires sont haineux, bigots et transphobes.
Neufeld le poursuit en diffamation parce que comme la plupart des gens de droite, il pense que c'est juste lui qui a le droit de donner son avis.
Hansman se défend en Cour en disant que c'est un SLAPP (poursuite‑bâillon). La Cour lui donne raison et rejette l'action.
Neufeld est pas content, il veut absolument censurer ses critiques. Alors il se rend en Cour d'Appel, qui lui donne raison.
Hasman se rend en Cour Suprême. La Cour Suprême lui donne raison. (La Juge Côté est dissidente.) Conclusion: c'est pas de la diffamation de dire que les tansphobes sont transphobes.
Plus de détails dans cet article:
Je suis en train de lire la décision (consultable ici: Étant pas légiste, j'en comprends juste le quart. Cela dit, il y a des passages intéressants, dont celui-ci. ⬇️
#transphobie #HansmanVNeufeld #BC #Transphobia #SchoolBoard #Écoles #Éducation #CourSuprême #2SLGBTQI #LGBTQIA2 #LGBTQ #LGBT
#transphobie #hansmanvneufeld #bc #transphobia #SchoolBoard #ecoles #education #CourSupreme #2SLGBTQI #lgbtqia2 #lgbtq #lgbt
Another kilt day just to annoy the haters (and believe me there were some glares on my way to work again) I just think they are jealous because in much more fabulous than them #kilts #lgbtqia2 #gay #nonbinary
#kilts #lgbtqia2 #gay #nonbinary
Good morning you lovely people wishing you all a great day today whatever you have planned. I'm off to Church see you all later xx #love #positivity #lgbtqia2
«La rhétorique des manifestants était bien huilée, on commence à reconnaître la chorégraphie ; celle de la panique anti-queer qui se présente dans des habits puritains, pour parler soi-disant au nom de la protection de l’enfance.»
#AurélieLanctôt #Drag #HeureDuConteDrag #Barbada #ExtrêmeDroite #Homophobie #LGBTQIA2 #transphobie
#aurelielanctot #drag #heureducontedrag #barbada #extremedroite #homophobie #lgbtqia2 #transphobie
Wishing all of you a wonderful Wednesday whatever you are doing #love #positivity #lgbtqia2
It's a beautiful day today.
Wishing you all a fabulous day whatever you have planned XX #love #positivity #lgbtqia2
L'article le plus complet à ce jour sur les stratégies de #PDFQuébec . Merci beaucoup à Christopher Curtis pour le soin qui a été mis dans cette enquête.
#pdfquebec #terf #transphobie #lgbtqia2
Good morning everyone, sending you all my love and wishes for a super day today. #love #positivity #lgbtqia2
What a beautiful sunny morning, wishing you all a day filled with all the good things today xxxx
#love #positivity #lgbtqia2