Todd Bohannon · @toddbohannon
238 followers · 2719 posts · Server

“Research shows 150 communities acknowledge multiple genders; colonialism introduced idea of binary” +

#indigenous #lgbtqia2s

Last updated 1 year ago

CozyCon Online · @CozyConOnline
115 followers · 145 posts · Server

Check out Dead Bomb Art, a two-person team that creates handmade screenprinted tshirts as well as bags, blankets, button pins and badge commissions.

#tanktops #tshirts #pridebuttons #lgbtqia2s #commissions #furry

Last updated 1 year ago

Travis🏴 · @ramblinghobbit
290 followers · 471 posts · Server
Lita Xú Líng Kelley · @litakelley
138 followers · 457 posts · Server

Boston May Day Coalition and Green Rainbow Party member David Keil at white supremacist anti trans rally in front of Boston Children's hospital, Saturday June 17, 2023.

Boston May Day Coalition enables, harbors, protects, defends and platforms this anti trans scumbag who relentlessly pushes his hateful TERF rhetoric via BMDC's email list with impunity and no consequences.

BMDC IS NO ALLY TO THE TRANS COMMUNITY AND MUST BE CONDEMNED for its relentless abuse and transphobia! Help me expose them and spread word!

John Harris , founder of Boston May Day Coalition is directly complicit in the transphobia and abusing trans members among other marginalized people.


#transphobia #transrights #noTerfs #transgender #nonbinary #lgbtqia2s #transrightsarehumanrights

Last updated 1 year ago

· @penguin
70 followers · 648 posts · Server
Licht · @licht
4 followers · 1 posts · Server

6. In case you're interested in using our 3-book discount for three queer Jewish poetry books, let's find you a third too -

The Shortest Skirt in Shul by Sass Orol!

Trans Bible, bodies close and intimate, and parchment as thirst.

#Poetry #Mazeldon #trans #transpoetry #lgbtqia2s #jewish #nonbinary #transfem #bookstodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Jess For A Laugh · @meeple
24 followers · 12 posts · Server
UCLA CalRBS · @calrbs
136 followers · 45 posts · Server
Mulva · @Mulva
56 followers · 234 posts · Server

I was walking down the street one evening and saw this. My favorite sign outside of a church EVERRR. Shoutout to St. Andrew’s Church in Halifax.

#lgbtqia2s #humanrights #halifax #novascotia #Canada #standrewschurch

Last updated 2 years ago

geobeck 🏳️‍🌈 · @geobeck
119 followers · 1180 posts · Server

Love is not a threat, and it should not be feared. 🏳️‍🌈



Last updated 2 years ago

Izzy · @izrd
14 followers · 24 posts · Server

I never actually did an for the so I'll say a bit about me and .

I'm Izzy, I like they/them pronouns best but any will do. I am and although I do like to just say I'm because it just feels right. I'm looking for more mutuals and good accounts to follow. Let's overshare a bit!

I'm a in and recovering from a bad and generally having a lot of health problems. I have (maybe ). I can't promise not to about . I'd my but I will be thankfully unconscious. I also deal with but mostly do okay because I am with as well as that I grow in my .

I will probably frequently post about and from my perspective. I support the rights of Queer and BIPOC Americans to arm themselves. A few more hashtags:

I feel like I forgot a bunch of stuff and I have a ton of interests and hobbies but that's a shitton of hashtags to start with.

#Introduction #twittermigration #hashtagmyheartout #nonbinary #bisexual #queer #millenial #coloradosprings #colorado #fracture #lowbonedensity #Arthritis #chronicpain #ibs #IBD #shitpost #diarrhea #LiveToot #colonoscopy #psychosis #depression #insomnia #anxietydisorder #panicattack #adhd #medicated #prescriptions #dank #cannabis #garden #copolitics #uspolitics #leftist #lgbtqia2s #queersbashback #MutualAid #housingisahumanright #proabortion #abortionrights #BodilyAutonomy #antifascist #blacklivesmatter #AntiRacist #transrights #humanrights #acab #decriminalizesexwork #sexworkisrealwork #workersrights #Unions #COpol #disability #chronicillness #accessibility #decriminalization #prisonabolition #criminaljusticereform #CovidIsntOver

Last updated 2 years ago

Chelle :coffefiedgreen: · @WestCoastChelle
215 followers · 1179 posts · Server

Shoutout to the awesome staff at the fabric store today that referred to Teen as my son and used he/him pronouns.

We both had such a nice experience there shopping for wool for a coat for him.

(Teen is using he/they pronouns).

#crafting #sewing #LGBTQ #lgbtqia2s

Last updated 2 years ago

Chelle :coffefiedgreen: · @WestCoastChelle
214 followers · 1147 posts · Server

Fuck me today was exhausting. Haven't had a customer service experience that bad in a LONG time.

BUT I am going to focus on how my Teen's doctor changed their name with no fuss on their chart and scripts, and gave them a referral to a gender specialist in the practice to continue their transition.

In a day and age when trans ppl have so many obstacles thrown at them, I'm excited that thus far we've had good experiences.

#Trans #LGBTQ #lgbtqia2s #parenting

Last updated 2 years ago

Chelle :coffefiedgreen: · @WestCoastChelle
214 followers · 1134 posts · Server

Tonight's queer holiday movie is one I watched last year and will serve as a palate cleanser for the terrible one from yesterday.


So cute, and all the best gay jokes in it because the cast is actually gay! YAY.

#christmas #christmasmovies #singlealltheway #LGBTQ #lgbtqia2s

Last updated 2 years ago

Renata · @renata
10 followers · 2 posts · Server

So, time!

Not from around here, but I have been in since August, and I am loving - and the - so far.

+ and, as it says on my bio when I am not studying testing at or working as a Web Developer (mainly with and ), I write fanfiction to some fandoms which shall not be named here.

I am 100% certain that the internet was made by (and for and ...).

#introduction #moncton #newbrunswick #maritimes #lgbtqia2s #qualityassurance #nbcc #javascript #nextjs #python #aws #cats #catvideos #catsgifs

Last updated 2 years ago

Hi, all! Good to be here.

The Elements of Mutual Aid is an independently-produced series.

Through four, hour-long chapters - fire, earth, water, and air - we'll explore the origins and misconceptions, infrastructures, healing ways, pitfalls and logistics of revolutionary mutual aid against the nation-state.

We hope that this project will offer critical insights into not only what kind of projects are happening today, but how they work on the ground.

This is 100% grassroots. All of our equipment has been paid for out of pocket, we're traveling on our own schedule, and we'll distribute the film independently when it's complete. We've been supported by our comrades and relations to raise money to pay our participants for their interviews - which is highly uncommon in documentary film production.

It's important to us to weave our politics into the way we make this film. We’re not “neutral” or “objective” observers. We’re active participants in revolutionary direct action. Like Gordon Parks once said, the camera is our choice of weapon - at least in this iteration of the struggle.

Enjoy this sample clip from our very first interview with our friend, Muqu!

Stay tuned for updates here, on our website, and on Instagram!


Payton & Leah


#documentary #film #anarchism #anarchy #MutualAid #blackanarchism #IndigenousAnarchism #transormativejustice #collective #Revolution #Art #storytelling #Community #decolonization #queer #lgbtqia2s #lgbtqia #lgbtq #antifascism #antifascist #Organizing #activism #socialjustice #Introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Sanacrow · @Sanacrow
1 followers · 5 posts · Server