My feed is a safe space.
I will not tolerate discrimination or hate.
Let’s promote love and acceptance.
I am here to learn and be more aware of my own words and actions.
#LoveIsLove #ProudToBeAnAlly #LGBT+ #SafeSpace #ally #LGBTQIAAlly #love #acceptance #pride
#loveislove #proudtobeanally #lgbt #safespace #ally #lgbtqiaally #love #acceptance #pride
Another g-d damned shooting. Another #ordinary Sun in the U.S. The long arm of history and change is too long. #LGBTQIAAlly #guncontrol
#ordinary #lgbtqiaally #guncontrol
Ok, here’s my #introduction (doubling up on my bio).
Pronouns: she/her.
Nicknames: Nay & Frenchy.
I’m a winemaker on Wiradjuri country. I love my job (most days) & learn more about #wine & #winemaking constantly. I just judged my first wine show- it was such a great learning experience. I am also hired to host a lot of wine events in my area, which is cool. I have 3 kids who are almost grown & a supportive husband (2nd marriage for both)
I have 3 #dogs - a #rottweiler : Buffy & 2 #frenchies : Cleopatra & Daphne (ridiculous, right?) I also have a b&w #cat : Winston
I’m #left #feminist #LGBTQIAally who wants to #changethedate
I sing and play piano and have two cover bands (a 3-piece and a 6-piece) and we play casual gigs around the place. I used to sell pianos full time and was also a touring #musician for a while, but that was a long time ago!
I studied #musical #theatre at uni & although I never made a career of that, I do occasional shows with our community theatre group, which is so fun.
I love #reading - my best friends own a #bookstore which is super convenient.
I used to own a #cake business side hustle & I still love #baking . I adore #pasta & although I make great food - I hate cooking, would prefer to just eat.
I love #beer particularly #Pilsner I’m part of the Resch’s Appreciation Society.
I used to play #poker & there’s heaps of #boardgame I love to play.
I love #dinosaurs shirts & novelty #earrings & mid-century style.
#introduction #wine #winemaking #dogs #rottweiler #frenchies #cat #left #feminist #lgbtqiaally #changethedate #musician #musical #theatre #reading #bookstore #cake #baking #pasta #beer #Pilsner #poker #boardgame #dinosaurs #earrings