Best book I read this year.
Hi honey, I am Homo! By Matt Baume.
#Librarian #BookReview #LGBTQIssues #Television #Sitcoms #Libraries #Books #GayRights #gayissues
#librarian #bookreview #lgbtqissues #television #sitcoms #libraries #books #gayrights #gayissues
#introductions I consider San Francisco my home even though I don’t live there right now. I love #scifi and #fantasy books and shows, British #mystery novels and shows, #cooking, #baking, and #photography. Other interests include #neurodivergence #adhd #actuallyautistic #art #feminism #lgbtqIssues #SocialJustice #DisabilityRights #tea #humor and #MentalHealth issues, and probably other stuff I just can’t think of right now. Writing this feels very awkward fyi
#introductions #scifi #fantasy #mystery #cooking #baking #photography #neurodivergence #adhd #actuallyautistic #art #feminism #lgbtqissues #socialjustice #disabilityrights #tea #humor #mentalhealth