Lauren Boebert begs supporters for help after admitting her campaign is flailing
#LGBTQNation #LaurenBoebert #CampaignFlailing #SupportersNeeded #PoliticalHelp #ElectionStruggles #Politics #News
#lgbtqnation #laurenboebert #campaignflailing #supportersneeded #politicalhelp #electionstruggles #politics #news
(24 Aug) - New poll shows Lauren Boebert losing reelection as majority of her district doesn’t like her #LaurenBoebert #Reelection #DistrictOpinion #PollResults #PublicSentiment #LGBTQNation #Politics #News
#news #politics #lgbtqnation #publicsentiment #pollresults #districtopinion #reelection #laurenboebert
New poll shows Lauren Boebert losing reelection as majority of her district doesn’t like her
#LaurenBoebert #Reelection #DistrictOpinion #PollResults #PublicSentiment #LGBTQNation #Politics #News
#laurenboebert #reelection #districtopinion #pollresults #publicsentiment #lgbtqnation #politics #news
From 19 Jul: - Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign is in a death spiral after only two months #RonDeSantis #PresidentialCampaign #DeathSpiral #TwoMonths #2023 #LGBTQNation #Politics #News
#news #politics #lgbtqnation #twomonths #deathspiral #presidentialcampaign #rondesantis
Mayor said Pride events celebrate “sin & brokenness” as he allegedly harassed venues hosting them. "My Bible tells me a man is supposed to take a woman and start a family from that," he said to justify his actions.
#LGBTQNation #MayorHarassment #PrideEvents #SinAndBrokenness #VenueHosts #BiblicalJustification #Politics #News
#lgbtqnation #mayorharassment #prideevents #sinandbrokenness #venuehosts #biblicaljustification #politics #news
Ron DeSantis loses again as judge refuses to reinstate Florida’s drag ban
#LGBTQNation #RonDesantis #FloridaDragBan #JudgeRefuses #ReinstateBan #FloridaLaw #Politics #News
#lgbtqnation #rondesantis #floridadragban #judgerefuses #reinstateban #floridalaw #politics #news
Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign is in a death spiral after only two months
#RonDeSantis #PresidentialCampaign #DeathSpiral #TwoMonths #2023 #LGBTQNation #Politics #News
#rondesantis #presidentialcampaign #deathspiral #twomonths #lgbtqnation #politics #news
Teacher fired for speaking out against school banning the song “Rainbowland”. The school deemed the song about accepting others "controversial." She says she was fired for exercising her First Amendment rights.
#LGBTQNation #TeacherFired #SchoolBanning #Rainbowland #FirstAmendmentRights #AcceptingOthers #Politics #News
#lgbtqnation #teacherfired #schoolbanning #rainbowland #firstamendmentrights #acceptingothers #politics #news
Ron DeSantis slammed for busing supporters into Iowa in humiliating letter from state GOP
#LGBTQNation #RonDeSantis #IowaBusing #StateGOP #HumiliatingLetter #Supporters #Politics #News
#lgbtqnation #rondesantis #iowabusing #stategop #humiliatingletter #supporters #politics #news
Marjorie Taylor Greene rages at Pride chant after failing to realize it’s sarcastic
#LGBTQNation #MarjorieTaylorGreene #PrideChant #SarcasmFail #Misunderstanding #PrideMonth2023 #Politics #News
#lgbtqnation #marjorietaylorgreene #pridechant #sarcasmfail #misunderstanding #pridemonth2023 #politics #news
Hamburger Mary’s wins court victory against Ron DeSantis’ drag ban | The judge called the law "vague and overbroad," saying it could apply to burlesque shows or a skit at a family BBQ.
#LGBTQNation #HamburgerMarysWins #RonDeSantisDragBan #VagueAndOverbroad #BurlesqueShows #FamilyBBQSkits #Politics #News
#lgbtqnation #hamburgermaryswins #rondesantisdragban #vagueandoverbroad #burlesqueshows #familybbqskits #politics #news
Illinois becomes the first state to outlaw book bans in historic move. "Here in Illinois, we don't hide from the truth, we embrace it," said Gov. JB Pritzker.
#LGBTQNation #IllinoisBookBanOutlawed #FreeSpeechRights #GovPritzker #HistoricMove #EmbraceTheTruth #Politics #News
#lgbtqnation #illinoisbookbanoutlawed #freespeechrights #govpritzker #historicmove #embracethetruth #politics #news
Florida town defiantly flies Pride Flag after mayor warns against it. The town gave in to the mayor's request last year, but this year they chose a new path.
#LGBTQNation #FloridaPrideFlag #MayorWarning #TownDefiance #EqualityWins #PrideMonth #Politics #News
#lgbtqnation #floridaprideflag #mayorwarning #towndefiance #equalitywins #pridemonth #politics #news
Conventions flee Florida as Ron DeSantis wages culture war
#LGBTQNation #RonDeSantisCultureWar #FloridaConventionCancellations #CorporateResponsibility #EqualityMovement #ProgressiveActivism #Politics #News
#lgbtqnation #rondesantisculturewar #floridaconventioncancellations #corporateresponsibility #equalitymovement #progressiveactivism #politics #news
Kevin McCarthy unveiled a statue of lesbian author Willa Cather in U.S. Capitol during Pride Month. McCarthy gushed over Cather's literary contributions to America, but he neglected to mention that he'd have persecuted her if she was still alive.
#LGBTQNation #KevinMcCarthy #WillaCather #USCapitol #PrideMonth #PersecutionOfLGBTQIA+ #Politics #News
#lgbtqnation #kevinmccarthy #willacather #uscapitol #pridemonth #persecutionoflgbtqia #politics #news
School district bans Bible after “indecent” materials complaint. A parent submitted eight pages of passages in the Bible that showed it was inappropriate for kids.
#LGBTQNation #BibleBan #SchoolDistrict #IndecentMaterials #ParentComplaint #Censorship #Politics #News
#lgbtqnation #bibleban #schooldistrict #indecentmaterials #parentcomplaint #censorship #politics #news
Happy 🌈Pride2023🎉 from NovuModa 🐸. #pride #lgbtqiapride #lgbtqnation
#pride #lgbtqiapride #lgbtqnation
Florida teachers forced to explain they’re not teaching kids to be gay
#LGBTQNation #FloridaEducationSystem #AntiLGBTQ+Discrimination #TeacherMisconceptions #SexualOrientationEducation #SafeSchoolsForAll #Politics #News
#lgbtqnation #floridaeducationsystem #antilgbtq #teachermisconceptions #sexualorientationeducation #safeschoolsforall #politics #news
Uganda’s president signs horrific “Kill the Gays” law. The Biden administration is reevaluating aid.
#LGBTQNation #UgandaKillTheGaysLaw #BidenAdministration #HumanRightsViolation #InternationalAidReevaluation #AntiLGBTQ+ #Politics #News
#lgbtqnation #ugandakillthegayslaw #Bidenadministration #humanrightsviolation #internationalaidreevaluation #antilgbtq #politics #news
Trump campaign uses Pete Buttigieg’s picture to mock veterans over Memorial Day weekend
#LGBTQNation #TrumpCampaign #PeteButtigieg #MockingVeterans #MemorialDayWeekend #PoliticalPropaganda #Politics #News
#lgbtqnation #trumpcampaign #petebuttigieg #mockingveterans #memorialdayweekend #politicalpropaganda #politics #news