#LGBTQ rights under legal attack around the #world
While many countries have liberalized their marriage laws in recent years, others are now seeking to curb LGBTQ rights with harsh new measures.
#QSOTM #QueerSTEM #PrideMonth #lgbtqiap #LGBTQActivist #LGBTQReads #LGBTQMuslim @queerstatus @lgbtqia @LGBTQ_dot_cool@lgbtq.cool @lgbtq_plus @lgbtqcool@fediverse.network
#lgbtq #world #qsotm #queerstem #PrideMonth #lgbtqiap #lgbtqactivist #lgbtqreads #lgbtqmuslim
The #Pride in #Microbiology #Network: empowering 2SLGBTQIA+ microbiologists
#QSOTM #QueerSTEM #PrideMonth #lgbtqiap #LGBTQActivist #LGBTQReads #LGBTQMuslim @queerstatus @lgbtqia @LGBTQ_dot_cool@lgbtq.cool @lgbtq_plus @lgbtqcool@fediverse.network @academicchatter @openscience @academicsunite
#pride #microbiology #network #qsotm #queerstem #PrideMonth #lgbtqiap #lgbtqactivist #lgbtqreads #lgbtqmuslim
#FridayKiss: Theme: CREATE ⛏️
The sculptures and figurines that filled the stall took my breath away. Colourful discs sanded down to mere slivers created soft, vibrant curves that stood out against the harsh, uneven angles formed by deliberately cracked sleek marble and polished rocks. Sharp versus elegant like me and Julian.
#WIP #Callum #SFF #TransMC #queerreads #lgbtqreads #queerauthor #queerbooks #lgbtqbooks
#fridaykiss #wip #callum #sff #transmc #queerreads #lgbtqreads #queerauthor #queerbooks #lgbtqbooks
#FridayKiss: Theme: COZY 🔥
“I hadn’t expected your flat to be so… 𝗰𝗼𝘀𝘆.” The door slid closed behind Thomas. “The rooms the elders put me in are so sterile and minimalist. But this… the colours are so vibrant, and I love the pillows. Is this how elves really live?”
#WIP #Debris #TransMC #SFF #queerreads #lgbtqreads #queerauthor #queerbooks #lgbtqbooks
#fridaykiss #wip #debris #transmc #sff #queerreads #lgbtqreads #queerauthor #queerbooks #lgbtqbooks
#QSOTM #QueerSTEM #PrideMonth #lgbtqiap #LGBTQActivist #LGBTQReads #LGBTQMuslim @queerstatus @lgbtqia @LGBTQ_dot_cool@lgbtq.cool @lgbtq_plus @lgbtqcool@fediverse.network
#qsotm #queerstem #PrideMonth #lgbtqiap #lgbtqactivist #lgbtqreads #lgbtqmuslim
@tillshadeisgone @darrendilieto
#QSOTM #QueerSTEM #PrideMonth #lgbtqiap #LGBTQActivist #LGBTQReads #LGBTQMuslim @queerstatus @lgbtqia @LGBTQ_dot_cool@lgbtq.cool @lgbtq_plus @lgbtqcool@fediverse.network
#qsotm #queerstem #PrideMonth #lgbtqiap #lgbtqactivist #lgbtqreads #lgbtqmuslim
#FridayKiss: Theme: FRIENDSHIP 👬
Unlike touching finger pad to finger pad, holding hands was not a request to mate. It was a simple gesture of friendship, sometimes intimacy, amongst humans. "It doesn't have to lead to more," Six had said.
#WIP #HowSixSavedtheFrogs #TransMC #SFF #queerreads #lgbtqreads #queerauthor #queerbooks #lgbtqbooks
#fridaykiss #wip #howsixsavedthefrogs #transmc #sff #queerreads #lgbtqreads #queerauthor #queerbooks #lgbtqbooks
Revealed: Major US banks are funding anti-LGBTIQ groups
Goldman Sachs and Bank of America foundations gave over $600,000 to ultraconservative groups
#QSOTM #QueerSTEM #PrideMonth #lgbtqiap #LGBTQActivist #LGBTQReads #LGBTQMuslim @queerstatus @lgbtqia @LGBTQ_dot_cool@lgbtq.cool @lgbtq_plus @lgbtqcool@fediverse.network
#qsotm #queerstem #PrideMonth #lgbtqiap #lgbtqactivist #lgbtqreads #lgbtqmuslim
#FridayKiss: Theme: THINK 💭
Kim threw her another megawatt smile. “Did you always want to create cocks?”
“From the first time I saw one that wasn’t mine, I think,” Billie answered with a wink.
#WIP #CyborgsKonradandCopperfield #TransMC #SFF #queerreads #lgbtqreads #queerauthor #queerbooks #lgbtqbooks
#fridaykiss #wip #cyborgskonradandcopperfield #transmc #sff #queerreads #lgbtqreads #queerauthor #queerbooks #lgbtqbooks
Apply 👉 https://tinyurl.com/2mvcdau8 to the “#Hostmicrobe #interactions" MSc program-http://hosmic.uth.gr
@IMPACTT @MicrobioJC #SciComm @academicchatter @academicsunite @openscience @bykriscampbell #academicchatter @phdlife @PhD_Genie @phdstudents
#phdlife #highereducation #postdocjobs #postdocposition #postdoclife #research #studyabroad @PeerJ @peerjlife #QSOTM #QueerSTEM #PrideMonth #lgbtqiap #LGBTQActivist #LGBTQReads #LGBTQMuslim @queerstatus @lgbtqia @LGBTQ_dot_cool@lgbtq.cool @lgbtq_plus @lgbtqcool@fediverse.network
#hostmicrobe #interactions #scicomm #academicchatter #phdlife #highereducation #postdocjobs #postdocposition #PostdocLife #research #studyabroad #qsotm #queerstem #PrideMonth #lgbtqiap #lgbtqactivist #lgbtqreads #lgbtqmuslim
How scientific conferences are responding to abortion bans and anti-LGBTQ+ laws
#QSOTM #QueerSTEM #PrideMonth #lgbtqiap #LGBTQActivist #LGBTQReads #LGBTQMuslim @queerstatus @lgbtqia @LGBTQ_dot_cool@lgbtq.cool @lgbtq_plus @lgbtqcool@fediverse.network
#qsotm #queerstem #PrideMonth #lgbtqiap #lgbtqactivist #lgbtqreads #lgbtqmuslim
The LGBTQ+ job hunt
#QSOTM #QueerSTEM #PrideMonth #lgbtqiap #LGBTQActivist #LGBTQReads #LGBTQMuslim @queerstatus @lgbtqia @LGBTQ_dot_cool@lgbtq.cool @lgbtq_plus @lgbtqcool@fediverse.network
#qsotm #queerstem #PrideMonth #lgbtqiap #lgbtqactivist #lgbtqreads #lgbtqmuslim
#FridayKiss: Theme: IMAGE 📸
Tiana closed her eyes and buried herself underneath her duvet, slowly drifting off to the 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗲 of Ruth sprawled on the floor, licking her lips.
#WIP #RobotsJacksonandMacAllistair #SFF #queerreads #lgbtqreads #queerauthor #queerbooks #lgbtqbooks
#fridaykiss #wip #robotsjacksonandmacallistair #sff #queerreads #lgbtqreads #queerauthor #queerbooks #lgbtqbooks
#FridayKiss: Theme: ACTION 🎬
Running my hands across Julian's freckled cheeks got me a moan. He seemed very eager. "I thought you went clubbing with Nick tonight?"
"I did."
"Not enough action, lover?"
"Oh, plenty. Doesn't mean I don't want more, though."
#WIP #Callum #transMC #polyamory #SFF #queerreads #lgbtqreads #queerauthor #queerbooks #lgbtqbooks
#fridaykiss #wip #callum #transmc #polyamory #sff #queerreads #lgbtqreads #queerauthor #queerbooks #lgbtqbooks
#FridayKiss: Theme: RING 💍
Duncan Ellsworth's casual statement of the contract between the King and his tactician left my head ringing. A contract my alleged great grandmother signed when she became the first to take up the position of King’s tactician.
She signed away her bloodline to save the island she came from.
#WIP #TacticalError #YA #SFF #queerreads #lgbtqreads #queerauthor #queerbooks #lgbtqbooks
#fridaykiss #wip #tacticalerror #ya #sff #queerreads #lgbtqreads #queerauthor #queerbooks #lgbtqbooks
Do you like the fusion of fantasy and sci-fi? 41 days to release! Get your preorder goodies locked in! •Two character 🖼️art prints
•🗺️Map of Etherea
•✍️Signed bookplate by both of us! Http://EthereaCycle.com What’s TOTI?
🔥multi pov
🏳️🌈queer MCs
🚀🪄 Sci-fi AND fantasy
📡lost technology
🎶 musical magic
🦉 animal companions
🏔 Epic journey #sciencefantasy #lgbtqreads #epicfantasy #totibook #ace #mlm #bisexual #multiplepov #chosenone #reluctanthero #scifi #bookish
#sciencefantasy #lgbtqreads #epicfantasy #totibook #ace #mlm #bisexual #multiplepov #chosenone #reluctanthero #scifi #bookish
Do you like the fusion of fantasy and sci-fi? 41 days to release! Get your preorder goodies locked in! •Two character 🖼️art prints
•🗺️Map of Etherea
•✍️Signed bookplate by both of us! Http://EthereaCycle.com What’s TOTI?
🔥multi pov
🏳️🌈queer MCs
🚀🪄 Sci-fi AND fantasy
📡lost technology
🎶 musical magic
🦉 animal companions
🏔 Epic journey #sciencefantasy #lgbtqreads #epicfantasy #totibook #ace #mlm #bisexual #multiplepov #chosenone #reluctanthero #scifi #bookish
#sciencefantasy #lgbtqreads #epicfantasy #totibook #ace #mlm #bisexual #multiplepov #chosenone #reluctanthero #scifi #bookish
#FridayKiss: Theme: MYTH 🧚🏻
Brennial Stonebraid was an old dwarven judge. Ey might have been small of stature, ey certainly were of the highest status within the business, winning quite a few of these contests emself. Eir appearance always had something 𝗺𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 to me, prompted by some old Earth literature that had been salvaged from the old pads our ancestors used.
#WIP #PrimeModel #SciFi #queerreads #lgbtqreads #queerauthor #queerbooks #lgbtqbooks
#fridaykiss #wip #primemodel #scifi #queerreads #lgbtqreads #queerauthor #queerbooks #lgbtqbooks
#FridayKiss: Theme: ENDINGS 🔚
Some days, Roan regretted 𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 things with Kalf. They'd both known it wasn't going to work. Roan couldn't handle Kalf seeing other elves. And Kalf? Kalf wasn't made to love just one mate. But there was no denying to anyone that they loved each other.
#WIP #Brem #TalesoftheForest #Fantasy #queerreads #lgbtqreads #queerauthor #queerbooks #lgbtqbooks
#fridaykiss #wip #BREM #talesoftheforest #fantasy #queerreads #lgbtqreads #queerauthor #queerbooks #lgbtqbooks
#FridayKiss: Theme: MOOD 🗱
Bas irritated the hell out of Zhyem. Too gorgeous to ignore. Too hard-working to fault him. Too... helpful and happy for Zhyem's dark mood today.
#WIP #HidingBehindtheBottle #Fantasy #queerreads #lgbtqreads #queerauthor #queerbooks #lgbtqbooks
#fridaykiss #wip #hidingbehindthebottle #fantasy #queerreads #lgbtqreads #queerauthor #queerbooks #lgbtqbooks