But Danny gave me chills in the final lip sync! Crown her! 🙃
#DragRaceUK #RupaulsDragRace #DannyBeard #TV #LGBTQTelevision
#dragraceuk #rupaulsdragrace #dannybeard #tv #lgbtqtelevision
Halfway into the episode, I'm rooting for Cheddar, even though I already know who won. Suspension of disbelief, hunties.
#DragRaceUK #RupaulsDragRace #CheddarGorgeous #TV #LGBTQTelevision
#dragraceuk #rupaulsdragrace #cheddargorgeous #tv #lgbtqtelevision
The emotional catharsis spectacular that is We're Here returns for a third season today! So excited to cry at this beautiful show.
#TV #LGBTQTelevision #BobTheDragQueen #EurekaOHara #Shangela #HBOMax
#tv #lgbtqtelevision #bobthedragqueen #eurekaohara #shangela #hbomax
Sending out some hashtags to find those with fellow interests. Come say hi if you want :) #gay #lgbtqtelevision #gayuk #doctorwho #marvel #scarletwitch #television #film #MCU #DCU #heartstopper #editing #writing
#gay #lgbtqtelevision #gayuk #doctorwho #marvel #scarletwitch #television #film #mcu #DCU #heartstopper #editing #writing
RT @themisscocoperu@twitter.com
Support LGBTQ shows by tuning in! It's important that young people see themselves. Deadend Paranormal Park is on Netflix and it is resonating with both young and old! And I play a villian! How could you not want to watch and support?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/themisscocoperu/status/1581324525039276033
#lgbtqtelevision #DeadEndParanormalPark
RT @themisscocoperu@twitter.com
Support LGBTQ shows by tuning in! It's important that young people see themselves. Deadend Paranormal Park is on Netflix and it is resonating with both young and old! And I play a villian! How could you not want to watch and support?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/themisscocoperu/status/1581324525039276033
#lgbtqtelevision #DeadEndParanormalPark