Liebe Lehrer, liebe Jugendsportvereine, bitte 🙏 macht uns einen Gefallen:
Bitte teilt Gruppen nicht in Mädchen und Jungs auf! Nein, einfach nicht. 🙏 Danke.
I see #PocketCasts have joined the end-of-year stats party. My top 5 are all either about #sports, #LGBT issues, or LGBT issues in sport!
Not sure whether to be impressed, horrified, or both, that I spent over 3 days listening to my top #podcast...
#SecondCaptains #PriceOfFootball #LGBTsport #LikemindedFriends #TomAllen #SuziRuffel #HelpISextedMyBoss #podcasts
#Podcasts #helpisextedmyboss #suziruffel #tomallen #likemindedfriends #lgbtsport #priceoffootball #secondcaptains #Podcast #LGBT #sports #pocketcasts
Congratulations to all the winners at the Out For Sport awards on Friday night, hosted by
All the winners and pics at
📷 ©️ @ChrisJepson
#lgbtsport #lgbtpride #lgbtq #ofsawards22
Fantastic to meet the inspirational Michael Gunning at the Out for sport awards on Friday night, hosted by #nikelondon
All the winners and pics at
📷 ©️ Chris Jepson
Out For Sport London are a grassroots, all volunteer organisation that represent London’s LGBT+ sports clubs and teams to increase participation in LGBT+ sport in and around London.
#lgbtsport #lgbtpride #lgbtq #ofsawards22 #nikelondon