Gay Times: Trans women banned from top-level female chess over fears they have an unfair advantage
#LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #LGBWithTheT #transgender #trans #transphobia #chess #WTF
#wtf #chess #transphobia #trans #transgender #lgbwiththet #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia
We don't need the lgbt to split. We don't need LGB without the T. We need need LGBT without the W. Without straight liberal woke people deciding to be the representative of the community for some reason wanting to be allies but going just so far they make the community ridiculous. #lgbtWithoutTheW #LGBwithoutTheT #LGBWithTheT
#lgbtwithoutthew #lgbwithoutthet #lgbwiththet
I'm incredibly pleased to share the final piece of cover art for Love Has No Gender, starring Maddie, who you may have already read about in my stories, and a new red panda character from the story collection 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️ #furry #furrywriter #LGBWithTheT
#furry #furrywriter #lgbwiththet
Tha a' choimhearsnachd tar-ghnèitheach an-còmhnaidh air a bhith aig tòiseach na strìthe airson còraichean na coimhearsnachd LGDTC+ gu lèir agus ’s e sin an adhbhar a bhios An Gèidheal Ùr a’ cur taice riutha chan ann dìreach an-diugh air Là Faicsinneachd nam Pearsa Tar-ghnèitheach ach a h-uile latha.
#TDOV23 #TDOV #LGBWithTheT #TransRightsAreHumanRights #LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #LGDTCEN #LGDTC #LGDT #Gèidheal #Gàidhlig #Gaelic @gaidhlig
#gaelic #gaidhlig #geidheal #LGDT #LGDTC #LGDTCEN #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia #transrightsarehumanrights #lgbwiththet #tdov #tdov23
RT @NoahRiseman
Excellent piece by @less_glorious about gender crossing in 19th century Australia and the importance of #trans history 🏳️⚧️👇
#TransRightsAreHumanRights #transally #LGBWithTheT
Trans people aren’t new, and neither is their oppression: via @ConversationEDU
#trans #transrightsarehumanrights #TransAlly #lgbwiththet
1/ I started this thread earlier but realised it could have been read as being critical of our LGB allies which is not my intent. This is just a piece of history and it shows how far we have come #lgbWithTheT. In the late 90s I worked with a lesbian woman who shared with me stories of her activism for LGB rights. One such story was how she had worked with HRC to secure employment protections for LGB people. They had done this by using #trans demands for those same protections...
Vigil in Canterbury for #BriannaGhey, this Friday at 6pm in the Buttermarket. Please share
#briannaghey #canterburywiththet #lgbwiththet #transrights
A lil list of tags relevant to me:
#Literature #Poetry #SpeculativeFiction #Fantasy #Movies #Marvel #BookClub #StarTrek #StarWars #PhilipKDick #TerryPratchett #NeilGaiman
#Pop #RnBSoul #ConceptAlbums #ToriAmos #JanelleMonae #Lizzo #Beyonce #TheWeeknd #DaftPunk #DianaRoss
#Cooking #Technology #Education #Writing #ShortStories #DysguCymraeg #Podcasts #WBAFC
#LGBTQ #Gay #Cis #Intersectional #LGBwiththeT #MixedHeritage #Jamaica #UK #England #Ireland #Wales #Cardiff #Birmingham #CommaPen #Munster
#literature #poetry #speculativefiction #fantasy #movies #marvel #bookclub #startrek #starwars #philipkdick #terrypratchett #neilgaiman #pop #rnbsoul #conceptalbums #toriamos #janellemonae #lizzo #beyonce #theweeknd #daftpunk #dianaross #cooking #technology #education #writing #shortstories #dysgucymraeg #podcasts #wbafc #lgbtq #gay #cis #intersectional #lgbwiththet #mixedheritage #jamaica #uk #england #ireland #wales #cardiff #birmingham #commapen #munster
Ok, so moving to this new instance necessitates another #introduction post.
I am Matt, mid-30s cis gay man from the UK 🏳️🌈. I work for the wonderful but chronically undervalued & under resourced #NHS. We must protect it at all costs!
I am married to my wonderful husband and we are daddies to our #cockapoo #dog.
I believe it’s always been #LGBwiththeT 🏳️⚧️
Happy to be here, add me!
#introduction #nhs #cockapoo #dog #lgbwiththet
Stop politicizing issues that should be medical matters. Nothing good will come from it #LGBWithTheT
At one point one of the anti-trans protesters broke into our side. Our reaction? Giving him space, promoting love, singing louder and doing and speaking no harm.
I am so proud of my city today. I’ve been in #Glasgow almost a year and I am so lucky to call this city my home. To be surrounded by so much beautiful queer self-expression and joy, even for a couple of hours, was wonderful. #LGBWithTheT
Did some civic duty today at George Square at the #CabaretAgainstHateSpeech - so lovely to see the queer community band together and celebrate each other.
#TransPeopleMakeGlasgow #LGBWithTheT
#lgbwiththet #transpeoplemakeglasgow #cabaretagainsthatespeech
Tomorrow is LGBT History Month. The history we are writing today is of a community under the sort of sustained attack it hasn't experienced since the 1980s, thanks to a moral panic over trans people. May we take solace in the knowledge that we eventually overcame. #LGBWithTheT
Since I've moved over to my own instance I'll repost this here.
I’m from #Ayrshire, #Scotland.
I’m a #ModelBuilder, mainly building models of ships from #StarTrek @mkm_modelwerx
Married to @Martin. #LGBTQIA #LGBWithTheT
#Cat named Maya.
#Music: #DarrenHayes #TinaTurner #Chvrches
#Movies: #LordOfTheRings #DarkKnight #BackToTheFuture
#TV: #DoctorWho #Stargate #BSG #Supernatural
#introduction #ayrshire #scotland #modelbuilder #startrek #lgbtqia #lgbwiththet #cat #socialanxiety #trekkie #idic #music #darrenhayes #tinaturner #chvrches #movies #lordoftherings #darkknight #backtothefuture #tv #doctorwho #stargate #bsg #supernatural #politics #snp #green #scottishindependence #introductions
The LGBT community in Scotland is "divided" over gender recognition reform in much the same way as the medical community worldwide is "divided" over the efficacy of vaccines and the climate change community is "divided" over anthropogenic global warming. #LGBWithTheT
Ma tha sibh ann an Glaschu Disathairne, bidh luchd-iomairt a' cruinneachadh 11m aig Buchanan Steps G1 2NG gus fianais a thogail an-aghaidh Riaghaltas na RA airson bacadh a chur air Bile Ath-leasachadh Aithneachadh Gnè (Alba).
Cuideachd bidh cruinneachadh ann an Dùn Dè aig 2f taobh a-muigh Seòmraichean a' Chathair, 19 City Square DD1 3BY.
#LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #LGBWithTheT #RallyForTransEquality #GRRBill #TransRights #Alba #Scotland #DùnÈideann #Edinburgh #Gèidheil #Gàidhlig #Gaelic @gaidhlig
#gaelic #gaidhlig #geidheil #edinburgh #duneideann #scotland #alba #transrights #grrbill #rallyfortransequality #lgbwiththet #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia
No, ma tha sibh gu bhith faisg air Obair Dheathain, bidh cruinneachadh aig 1f aig Castlegate.
#LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #LGBWithTheT #RallyForTransEquality #GRRBill #TransRights #Alba #Scotland #DùnÈideann #Edinburgh #Gèidheil #Gàidhlig #Gaelic @gaidhlig
#gaelic #gaidhlig #geidheil #edinburgh #duneideann #scotland #alba #transrights #grrbill #rallyfortransequality #lgbwiththet #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia
Ma tha sibh gu bhith faisg air Dùn Èideann Diardaoin 19mh den Fhaoilleach, bidh luchd-iomairt a' cruinneachadh 1.30f taobh a-muigh Queen Elizabeth House gus fianais a thogail an-aghaidh Riaghaltas na Rìoghachd Aonaichte airson bacadh a chur air Bile Ath-leasachadh Aithneachadh Gnè (Alba).
#LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #LGBWithTheT #RallyForTransEquality #GRRBill #TransRights #Alba #Scotland #DùnÈideann #Edinburgh #Gèidheil #Gàidhlig #Gaelic @gaidhlig
#gaelic #gaidhlig #geidheil #edinburgh #duneideann #scotland #alba #transrights #grrbill #rallyfortransequality #lgbwiththet #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia
@maggiechapman writing on Twitter: "I am so angry about this outrageous @GOVUK move. It’s an attack on devolution, on our democracy and it weaponises hate against trans people. It’s devastating, but unsurprising that they do this to a minority. We will fight this. We stand, unequivocally with our trans siblings."
#LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #LGBWithTheT #Trans #Transgender #TransRights #GRRBill #GenderReform #Alba #Scotland #Section35 #Devolution
#devolution #section35 #scotland #alba #genderreform #grrbill #transrights #transgender #trans #lgbwiththet #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia
Official Statement from the Equality Network / Scottish Trans
#LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #LGBWithTheT #Trans #Transgender #TransRights #GRRBill #GenderReform #Alba #Scotland #Section35 #Devolution
#grrbill #devolution #section35 #scotland #alba #genderreform #transrights #transgender #trans #lgbwiththet #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia