Global News BC: North Vancouver district grows impatient as RCMP fails to remove ‘hateful’ overpass protesters #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #MinistryofTransportationandInfrastructure #MountainHighwayoverpassprotest #NorthVancouverbridgeprotesters #BCMinistryofTransportation #MountainHighwayOverpass #Anti-vaccineprotesters #anti-transprotesters #NorthVancouverRCMP #vaccineprotesters #Politics #LGTBQ2S+
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #ministryoftransportationandinfrastructure #mountainhighwayoverpassprotest #northvancouverbridgeprotesters #BCMinistryofTransportation #mountainhighwayoverpass #anti #NorthVancouverRCMP #vaccineprotesters #politics #lgtbq2s
@toonces I'm just giving ya a loud amen on that one.
We have to keep in mind that when we gather and state our values we're proud, vocal, carry signs and tell journalists who we are.
When they gather and state their values they hide behind masks and uniforms and run from even the most cursory scrutiny or identification.
If I thought as they did I guess I wouldn't want anyone else to know that either.
#letpeoplebethemselves #lgtbq2s
My #introduction
#AB #abpoli #politics #music #government #cdnpoli #resisters #progressive #LGTBQ2S+ #economics #LAW #YEG #YYC #PROCHOICE #ATHEISM #HEALTHCARE # #ANTIFA #WORKERSRIGHTS 🌐
#introduction #ab #abpoli #politics #music #government #cdnpoli #resisters #progressive #lgtbq2s #economics #law #yeg #yyc #prochoice #atheism #healthcare #antifa #workersrights