CHILE THIS ISH IS HOTTER THAN FIRE AND I SEE #Africa is silent when you hang your #Homophobia on the wrong HEAD! #middleeast #islamic #muslimah #Muslims #Iran #Uganda #Kenya #News #Zimbabwe #Homosexuality #Ghana #GhanaNews #BOOM #GaySex #Iranian #LGTBQI #GayPride 👇🏽 👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈
#Africa #homophobia #middleeast #islamic #muslimah #muslims #iran #uganda #Kenya #news #zimbabwe #homosexuality #Ghana #ghananews #boom #gaysex #Iranian #lgtbqi #gaypride
#Religion #Immigration #LGTBQI #HateSpeech #bidenadministration #Biden #USSTATEDEPARTMEN #Racism #RacismInAmerica #BlackAmericans #Africa #Africans #WhiteSupremacyRhetoric #WhiteSupremacy #Complacency #civilrightsmovement #History #blackhistory365 #BlackHistory 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
#religion #immigration #lgtbqi #hatespeech #BidenAdministration #biden #usstatedepartmen #racism #racisminamerica #blackamericans #Africa #africans #whitesupremacyrhetoric #whitesupremacy #complacency #civilrightsmovement #history #blackhistory365 #BlackHistory
Joel Kim Booster Talks Fighting for Fire Island's Queer References
#AmReading #AmWriting #Regency @bookstodon @histodons #books #history #JaneAusten #LGTBQI #queer #Bookstodon
#bookstodon #queer #lgtbqi #janeausten #history #books #regency #amwriting #amreading
#PrideMoth It's a month to celebrate, give thanks and reflect.
Celebrate diversity, celebrate being who we are, celebrate all the road we have traveled.
To thank all the people who fought and fight day by day for the inclusion of all the #lgtbqi collective and who in their struggle have allowed us to be recognized.
To reflect on all the way we still have to go to have more inclusive and egalitarian societies.
If you really cared about morality you’d care about your women & children 👧🏽 👦🏽🧒🏼 #AfricanUnion #EuropeanUnion #LGTBQI #Homophobia #NorthAmerica #USA #ChildMarriages #Rape #RapeCulture #Girls #Voice #Children #Woman #GBV #FGM #DomesticViolence #genderbasedviolence #Africa #America #Indian #Asia #MiddleEast #Defilement #Culture #Education #educationalequity #LaceysHouse
#AfricanUnion #EuropeanUnion #lgtbqi #homophobia #northamerica #usa #childmarriages #rape #rapeculture #girls #voice #children #woman #GBV #FGM #DomesticViolence #genderbasedviolence #Africa #america #indian #asia #middleeast #defilement #culture #Education #educationalequity #laceyshouse
Bravo, Applaus, Applaus ! #comingout #jakubjankto #lgtbqi*
Fußballprofi: Tschechischer Nationalspieler macht Homosexualität öffentlich |
#comingout #jakubjankto #lgtbqi
Introducing my partner in crime @TonyJohnson in his element, running a fun improv-heavy #LGTBQI+ (and allies) #pathfinder game (Like #dnd for the non #gamer ppl)
It's a daft #homebrew 3-shot called "Jam Trek: The Wrath of Khaaan" where players are crew of the landship "Rampant Capitalism" whose mission is to go wherever Captain Girdle wants and to "diplomacy" where no-one has "diplomacied" before. There's been much laughter coming from his room all afternoon. :blobsmilehappyeyes:
#lgtbqi #pathfinder #dnd #gamer #homebrew #startrek
🔸️Die #Piratenpartei Niedersachsen setzt sich dafür ein, dass der Artikel 3 Absatz 3 der Niedersächsischen Verfassung um die Merkmale der sexuellen Orientierung und geschlechtlichen Identität erweitert wird.🔸️
#piratenpartei #piraten #lgtbqi #trans #ltwnds22