8 de septiembre de 2008 - Puesta en marcha del Gran Colisionador de Hadrones en el #CERN #lhc #ciencia https://activite-paranormale.net/event/read/188/puesta-en-marcha-del-gran-colisionador-de-hadrones-en-el-cern
September 10, 2008 - Launch of the Large Hadron Collider (#LHC) at #CERN #science https://activite-paranormale.net/event/read/187/launch-of-the-large-hadron-collider-lhc-at-cern
Thanks to multi-domain shared #spectrum, the Italian #research & #education network #GARR and the pan-European network @geant have successfully connected two data centres over 1000 km apart: the national computing centre CNAF of #INFN in Bologna, and #CERN in Geneva, with a capacity of 1.6 Tbps and a latency of just 9.5 ms: https://connect.geant.org/2023/09/05/from-geneva-to-bologna-in-9-5-milliseconds
#hllhc #spectrumsharing #DCI #geantnetwork #lhc #network #cern #infn #Garr #Education #Research #spectrum
Imprimimos alguns posteres em tamanho A4 da sede do LHC da arte feita pelo Oli Maia (https://olimaia.net/quem/). Interessados em uma cópia façam um Pix de qualquer valor para batman@lhc.net.br e envie o comprovante e o seu endereço de entrega no mesmo e-mail
Enviaremos o poster pelos Correios para qualquer lugar do Brasil (só faça um Pix que pague pelo menos o custo de envio), mas se preferir, entre em contato e retire pessoalmente na sede do LHC! #hackerspaces #poster #lhc #campinas
#campinas #lhc #poster #hackerspaces
Dit is volgens mij een ijzersterk betoog over waarom een nieuwe, krachtigere, miljardenkostende deeltjesversneller dus totaal onnodig is. #lhc #cern #Fermilab
Quinta forza fondamentale per l'unificazione del Tutto. L’intuizione di una quinta forze diventa sempre più reale. L’allettante teoria secondo cui potrebbe esistere una quinta forza della natura ha ricevuto una spinta grazie all’oscillazione inaspettata di una particella subatomica, hanno rivelato i fisici.
#CERN #elettromagnetismo #fermilab #Fermioni #forzedelalnatura #gravitazionale #interazionedebole #interazioneeforte #LHC #muoni #quintaforza
#cern #elettromagnetismo #fermilab #fermioni #forzedelalnatura #gravitazionale #interazionedebole #interazioneeforte #lhc #muoni #quintaforza
Some fascinating pictures and additional background on the recent #LHC leak.
Buone notizie dal #CERN: riparato l'acceleratore di particelle #LHC. Dovrebbe tornare pienamente in funzione a settembre
CMS has recently conducted the largest deletion campaign in its history, deleting roughly 85 Petabytes of data from the magnetic tapes, in order to free up space for the Run 3 collisions. No original raw data have been touched. #Cern #LHC
#Blog #Higgs #ATLAS #LHC ATLAS estima la masa del bosón de Higgs con un error menor del 0.09 % combinando LHC Run 1 y 2 https://francis.naukas.com/2023/08/01/atlas-estima-la-masa-del-boson-de-higgs-con-un-error-menor-del-0-09-combinando-lhc-run-1-y-2/
Today, I treated myself to some data! I purchased some proton-on-proton collision data from the #LHC 💥
Just a little tape cartridge, no biggie 💅
Update. For the same reasons, experiments on rare and expensive pieces of equipment carry intrinsic incentives to ensure #OpenData. Without, #replication is essentially impossible.
For a good case study, see this 2008 piece on the large hadron collider (#LHC).
Time to revitalise this account!
It's been a little on hold but I think Twitter is reasonably dead at this point, and we have a LOT of good stuff to share still!!
Starting with our progress at #cern <3
We're very busy setting up code and hardware for an automatic testbench, which will verify the new batch of quench detecting sensor cards - 1600 cards in total, protecting the #lhc #superconductor magnets, powered by #postgresql and #grafana no less!
#cern #lhc #superconductor #postgresql #grafana
Ever wondered how the @ATLASexperiment Control Room works?
Join us today for a virtual tour of the ATLAS Control Room, explore how a #physics experiment control room works, and watch live during high-energy (13.6 TeV) collision operations at the #LHC. #BeamTime #LHCRun3
#physics #lhc #beamtime #LHCRun3
Skeptoid #109: Will the Large Hadron Collider Destroy the Earth? by Brian Dunning #cern #largehadroncollider #lhc #blackhole #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot Some people believe that CERN's Large Hadron Collider will create black holes that will destroy the Earth.
#cern #largehadroncollider #lhc #blackhole #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
Wirklich guter Artikel über den FCC, den Nachfolger-Beschleuniger vom LHC am CERN, aber auf Französisch 😅
Really good article on the FCC, the successor of the LHC at CERN, it's in French though 😅
Très bon article sur le FCC, le successeur du LHC au CERN, en Français
#cern #HeidiNews #fcc #lhc #physics
Scientists are still puzzled by the origin and properties of the Higgs boson, a fundamental particle that gives mass to other particles. The Higgs boson was discovered at the Large Hadron Collider in 2012, but its mass and behavior do not match the Standard Model of particle physics predictions. Scientists are exploring alternative explanations for the Higgs boson, which could reveal new physics beyond the Standard Model.
Com 73% dos votos em nossas redes sociais, a próxima LHCerveja que vai ser feita no LHC será uma Irish Red Ale! Escolheram a English IPA 19% e a English Special Bitter foi a preferida de 8%!
A brassagem está provisoriamente marcada para a manhã do dia 22/04. Acompanhe nossa agenda em https://eventos.lhc.net.br para caso haja alguma mudança!
#homebrewing #lhc #campinas #cervejacaseira #hackerspaces