An author sent me a new book to edit and it's already one of my favorite books of 2023.
Celebrate the small wins in writing.
Celebrate finding a good idea, writing that first draft, hitting your word count goals, or finishing that hard scene. Writing is a long, often painful, process. Celebrate all the little wins that come your way.
Switching away from travel plans... I have edits open for a client and I'm going go write their editing letter.
If you keep working and keep growing your skill and business, the success will show up. Keep your goals realistic and manageable. That doesn't mean undersell yourself, it means celebrate all the small things and all the small gains.
No, you do not pay submission fees or reading fees. In traditional publishing the money flows to the author.
If you're looking at a currently open novella submissions page, and you have to pay $20 just to submit your novella, and only get 20% of royalties if you do get accepted
I beg you.
Do not.
You will sell more, earn more, and matter more self-publishing than with help like that.
In real life you do things Just Because. In books you need to justify how you spend your reader's time. Scenes where nothing happens are scenes that make readers quit reading.
Looking to publish your book in 2023? Need an editor? I have openings throughout the year... let me know when you're ready. Get 10% off if you book by the 5th of January.
Looking to publish your book in 2023? Need an editor? I have openings throughout the year... let me know when you're ready. Get 10% off if you book by the 5th of January.
Looking to publish your book in 2023? Need an editor? I have openings throughout the year... let me know when you're ready. Get 10% off if you book by the 5th of January.
If you write contemporary fact check the easy stuff. Things like the flight time between Atlanta and Chicago are familiar to readers and take 30 seconds to get right.
Descriptions are essential to getting your story across.
Looking to publish your book in 2023? Need an editor? I have openings throughout the year... let me know when you're ready. Get 10% off if you book by the 5th of January.
The Midlist of Publishing (a thread)
This is me saying: I’ve had nearly 3 years to try really super hard, FULL TIME, and to hustle about as much as one can possibly hustle and… it didn’t change anything. Not really. I want you to know that. I want it to sink in and for you to feel it in your bones.
#lianaedits #amwriting #writingcommunity
This is also why, objectively, Agatha Christie is a better mystery author than Arthur Conan Doyle. Arthur liked to leave details out so Sherlock could look clever. Agatha gave you what you needed to solve the crime.
If you're writing a mystery or investigation you need to have enough information on the page that readers can solve the mystery themselves. That's the appeal of mystery genre.
#amwriting #writingcommunity #lianaedits
Will your novel be ready for developmental or line edits in the spring? I'm now booking January -April 2023!
#amwriting #writingcommunity #lianaedits
If you're ever wondering about what the equivalent pay of something us between years in the USA there is an Inflation Calculator.
A couple of books in, you'll know how you edit best. You'll have developed better writing habits and have cleaner, more usable first drafts.
Editing will get quicker with practice.
Keep going!
#writingcommunity #amwriting #lianaedits
Fiction writing is notoriously difficult because you can't actually write to a formula like you could an essay or scientific article. There's a general outline for each genre, but too much room to play within those expected forms for you to get it right in one go.